Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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this is nonsense in the modern world and you know this. wearing a mask to a protest is so random people on the internet don't ruin your life on a whim. the right has a huge fetish with doxxing people for rage bait clicks.
also most of the cops at these events doing the "protecting" are wearing masks, are we saying they know they are doing something wrong as well?
I think the cops are just doing their jobs and not expressing an opinion one way or another to be proud of.
They may very well support the plight of the Palestinians but know it is right to stop Jews in the US from being beaten.
Violence is totally unacceptable. The target of the protest seems legitimate.
I'm against blocking as well but if we dont want places of worship treated like other venues then don't hold such politcally sensitive real estate events in them.
why are we just totally accepting the narrative and premise of wholly unreliable news outlets?
I saw tons of violence from pro-Israeli people while the cops just looked on or blocked the escape of those being attacked. as usual, I would put the violence about 90% on the Israel supporters.
I don't agree with that, but if you think you're being brave by protesting, that certainly proves you wrong.
wearing a mask just means you aren't stupid. protesting the establishment is always risky and appropriate steps should be taken. if the argument is that isreal isn't the establishment than i would suggest you simply look at the official POTUS twitter feed where he doesn't make mention of the fact they were protesting the land theft real estate event..
I don't care about it being a place of worship, I think it's wrong to block access to anywhere.
I'm guessing the people who did that don't think it's right when pro-life people block access to abortion clinics.
I agree. i'm against blocking access as well but it's not uncommon at protests
Much is being made of it being a synagogue as if jewish people were the target rather than this real estate event
I think the cops are just doing their jobs and not expressing an opinion one way or another to be proud of.
They may very well support the plight of the Palestinians but know it is right to stop Jews in the US from being beaten.
then they certainly shouldn't need to obscure their identities right?
why are we just totally accepting the narrative and premise of wholly unreliable news outlets?
I saw tons of violence from pro-Israeli people while the cops just looked on or blocked the escape of those being attacked. as usual, I would put the violence about 90% on the Israel supporters.
You seriously think that was another
Jew who was wearing the arab style mask and attacking a Jewish woman?
wearing a mask just means you aren't stupid. protesting the establishment is always risky and appropriate steps should be taken. if the argument is that isreal isn't the establishment than i would suggest you simply look at the official POTUS twitter feed where he doesn't make mention of the fact they were protesting the land theft real estate event..
I think it means you are stupid and cowardly. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
and yes they shouldn't be allowed to "block" entrance to somewhere. give them the 8ft or whatever is allowed for abortion seekers.
why are we just totally accepting the narrative and premise of wholly unreliable news outlets?
I saw tons of violence from pro-Israeli people while the cops just looked on or blocked the escape of those being attacked. as usual, I would put the violence about 90% on the Israel supporters.
Violenne against the protesters is also in that report.
Dan Braum, the volunteer security director for the temple, said the protesters blocked the entrance to the synagogue until police arrived and pushed them away.
It’s unclear how the chaos escalated, but videos shared on social media shows both groups taunting, shoving and grabbing each other outside the synagogue. The groups of demonstrators eventually began flowing down nearby streets, where more scuffles broke out, the videos show.
In one video, two men appear to be wrestling on the ground as others kick at them. Later, one of the men – holding an Israeli flag – appears to have a bloodied face and mouth.
Additional video showed an egg thrown at a pro-Palestinian activist and a man wearing a keffiyeh, a traditional Palestinian scarf, chased and punched on the ground by a man wearing a Jewish yarmulke or kippah.
During many of the altercations, bystanders worked to pull and hold people apart.
Los Angeles police began monitoring the situation around 10:30 a.m., Officer Tony Im told CNN. The crowd was ordered to disperse at some point, Im said, though no exact time was provided. He added that the situation appeared “pretty calm” hours later, but that police were closely monitoring the area.
I'm not 'totally' accepting anything but it's a legitmimate source imo
Sure seemed like you were saying it was 90% that the attack was done by a Jew. If you weren't, please clarify what you meant by that statement.
this is what I said
I would put the violence about 90% on the Israel supporters.
in other words, 90% of all violent attacks were by my estimation by pro-Israel supporters.
and I said nothing about if it was a Jew or not who did the violence. plenty of pro-Israel supporters are not Jews. that change of meaning that you tried to attribute to me is pretty nasty and should be modded.
This doesn't appear to be a new thing
A pro-Palestinian legal advocacy group has filed complaints with attorneys general and real estate licensing authorities in New York and New Jersey challenging local events promoting the sale of homes in settlements in the occupied West Bank.
The legal complaints followed fierce protests that prompted one Brooklyn synagogue to cancel its Israel real estate exposition on Wednesday.
The PAL (Palestinian Assembly for Liberation) Law Commission, which filed the complaints Monday, also sent cease and desist letters to the real estate company that hosted “My Home In Israel” events and to the synagogues that rented the company space. The tour visited Teaneck, Lawrence, New York; Brooklyn, Toronto and Montreal.
"Imagine seeing your family’s lands being sold online while you helplessly watch, this stirs a rage and a pain that is indescribable,” Lamis Deek, an attorney with the PAL Law Commission, wrote in a statement. “It’s an injustice that should shock the conscience and mobilize authorities and attorneys to action.”
this is what I said
in other words, 90% of all violent attacks were by my estimation by pro-Israel supporters.
and I said nothing about if it was a Jew or not who did the violence. plenty of pro-Israel supporters are not Jews. that change of meaning that you tried to attribute to me is pretty nasty and should be modded.
I guess I misunderstood then, sorry.
But I disagree that what I said would be "nasty".