Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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So are you saying supporting Israel is the establishment, and being against Israel is anti-establishment? Because I've been to half a dozen pro-Israel rallies since October, and nobody was wearing masks. But everyone seems to be wearing masks at anti-Israel rallies.rallies
Time really is a flat circle. The left really has gone full Nazi.
I haven't checked into this thread in a few hours, but I see it has turned into straight on apologizia for beating and bear spraying Jews in front of synagogues and driving around Jewish neighborhoods looking for Jews to intimidate and beat. Scary ****.
I have always thought that Israel has a right to exist for the same reason every other modern current nation does. That is, because it is already there, and has been for 80 years. But I always thought creating it was probably a mistake and more trouble for everyone, especially Jews, than it was worth. And there was no exigent need.
But watching the Western left and global Ummah go full Nazi, it really does hammer home the idea there needs to be a Jewish homeland where Jews can walk the streets without worrying about being attacked by gangs of masked antisemites in keffiyehs over events happening thousands of miles away.
And it is especially ironic that the "rationale" for the synagogue attacks from anti-semites is it was a fundraiser to sell Muslim West Bank land (which almost certainly isn't even true and you need some 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon to get there); when it is known the main rationale for many Muslim nations intimidating and pogroming Mizrachi Jews into abandoning their native homes and businesses and go on Aliyah to Israel is so they could steal everything (which they did).
I have to say I dont think I have ever seen a movement in my life less self aware and hyptocritical than the pro-Palestinian movement. Pure hypocrisy and double standards all the way down.
So are you saying supporting Israel is the establishment, and being against Israel is anti-establishment? Because I've been to half a dozen pro-Israel rallies since October, and nobody was wearing masks. But everyone seems to be wearing masks at anti-Israel rallies.rallies
yes. pro-israel is obviously the establishment. just look at the president of the united states twitter feed. i'm very surprised your "i'm pro-establishment!" rally participants didnt fear reprisal from the establishment, very brave much courage.
what you can't even auction off illegal settlements and stolen houses anymore? i thought this was america
most people do not like to be proven wrong. this is where I differ from you. I like to learn things and develop.
You know, I was a little upset when I saw that after an entire month of not posting, you just came straight into this thread and the Ukraine thread and was back to business as usual. Not one post saying "I am back. I missed you guys!" Nothing!
I hope that you had a fun, or at least productive month when freed up from posting here. You mentioned that you like to learn and develop as a person, so I am sure that you did some of that in the month that you were gone. I hope to read about some of it.
Time really is a flat circle. The left really has gone full Nazi.
I haven't checked into this thread in a few hours, but I see it has turned into straight on apologizia for beating and bear spraying Jews in front of synagogues and driving around Jewish neighborhoods looking for Jews to intimidate and beat. Scary ****.
I have always thought that Israel has a right to exist for the same reason every other modern current nation does. That is, because it is already there, and has been for 80
when even the mainstream media that will do everything to paint pro-Palestinan people in the worst light says this, well maybe you should reassess your assumptions.

You know, I was a little upset when I saw that after an entire month of not posting, you just came straight into this thread and the Ukraine thread and was back to business as usual. Not one post saying "I am back. I missed you guys!" Nothing!
I hope that you had a fun, or at least productive month when freed up from posting here. You mentioned that you like to learn and develop as a person, so I am sure that you did some of that in the month that you were gone. I hope to read about some of
theres a lot of things I could say and want to say but since I do like you guys and since I dont want to get banned, I will keep my mouth shut.
I am only responding bc I dont want to leave you hanging and I appreciate your welcoming post.
You know, I was a little upset when I saw that after an entire month of not posting, you just came straight into this thread and the Ukraine thread and was back to business as usual. Not one post saying "I am back. I missed you guys!" Nothing!
I hope that you had a fun, or at least productive month when freed up from posting here. You mentioned that you like to learn and develop as a person, so I am sure that you did some of that in the month that you were gone. I hope to read about some of
Please leave the thread until 12:00 AM ET, thanks.
Video of the Chinese ATGM:
US to Hezbollah: Don’t count on us to stop an Israeli attack
Im pretty sure Hezbollah knows that the US isnt going to stop an attack. Nasrallah speaks all the time and he always blames the US for all of this. he knows who holds the real power.
Should really wrap up massacring Gaza before starting a war with Lebanon.
The point is that Nasrallah is mistaken in thinking he knows "who holds the real power" because Israel is not a vassal to USA. USA clearly thinks that Nasrallah is under the assumption that Hezbollah can escalate and USA will hold Israel back:
The U.S. intelligence community believes that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah doesn’t want a war, but assesses that the risk of one is heightened this month as is the risk of a miscalculation on either side, according to another senior U.S. official.
This is a clear message that USA does not have the power he seems to think USA has:
U.S. officials trying to prevent a bigger Middle East war are issuing an unusual warning to Hezbollah: Don’t assume that Washington can stop Israel from attacking you.
"Can" being the important word here.
If Hezbollah believes they can continue doing what they're doing and USA will hold Israel back, then the message here is that that is incorrect because USA cannot hold Israel back.
I think so, absolutely.
This is also largely a message to the world that USA is not responsible for Israel's invasion, which is already being claimed:
ofc the US can "hold Israel back." but Nasrallah and everyone knows that they wont.
how does the us think letting israel level beirut prevents a bigger middle east war? lol
by aid, do you guys mean the absolutely insane amount of bombs and ammunition?
the US hasnt pulled any of this type of "aid". they slowed one shipment for a like 5 minutes.
they arent trying to "stop Israel from doing what it wants to do in Gaza". they are fully on board with everything and have been facilitating as best they can.
yeah i know, but they're saying they don't want a big middle east war, yet all their actions say i am so horny for ww3
You do realize that Lebanon has been firing rockets at Israel nonstop for months, and 60000 residents in the north have fleed
So if Israel retaliate, does that mean that they are starting a war in your opinion? That doesn't add up to me
The United States desires the Saudi deal, but it is unlikely to materialize during a state of war. Therefore, it is my belief that they genuinely seek peace.
Additionally, the Saudi deal is unlikely to come to fruition while Hamas remains in power.