Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33266 Replies


by Montrealcorp k

Do Israel kills every Palestinian in sight not distinguish between , kids, woman , elderly , unarmed and terrorist systematically?

Genocide is just the extermination of a specific group .

I was unaware that the pro IDF side had the incorrect definition of genocide in their heads

How can we fix this?

maybe they should familiarize themselves with the holocaust

by mongidig k

I've heard it's pretty much over. The Rafah brigade is no longer lethal. Israel is now turning their attention to the north. I'm sure Israel is making it clear to the Lebanese army that they need to help them remove Hezbollah. I would think Lebanon does not want to be wrecked like Gaza.

Islamists torture and murder people that cross them. Westerner's dont. So for obvious game theory reasons don't expect non Islamist Lebanese to openly cross Hezbollah.

No matter what happens today or tomorrow, eventually Israel/Westerners will leave Lebanon, and Islamists will enact retribution on anyone they felt crossed them.

seems legit

by Dunyain k

Islamists torture and murder people that cross them. Westerner's dont. So for obvious game theory reasons don't expect non Islamist Lebanese to openly cross Hezbollah.

No matter what happens today or tomorrow, eventually Israel/Westerners will leave Lebanon, and Islamists will enact retribution on anyone they felt crossed them.

Bro wut?

Axios, and especially Ravid, have been the best source for the war imo. I think it's intentionally vague from the sources. It is legit.

As this war escalates, especially if Israel and Hezbollah end up in an actual conflict beyond occasional strikes on each other, nukes becoming increasingly more likely. Iran will not want to be 6 months away from a nuke in the event that things really get out of control. This is a major part of the reason that escalation is so dangerous.

iraq has wmds too bro, lfg

this guy?

Victor: I'm not sure what I'm looking at. Since I don't all I can really say is that extremely accurate and best reporting on this conflict doesn't mean he's been correct 100% of the time.

BTW any reason you choose to cast doubt on him as a source now and not when I posted his tweet about "Netanyahu walks back from the Israeli hostage deal proposal"?

72o: I'll try to communicate in the way you seem to prefer. "Yeah totally the same bro, lfg qft lmao"

how would you yourself be in any position to deem him extremely accurate and best?

anyway, that screenshot is just him doing a racism.

the literal second israel wants to go blow up something else they "found" weapons at the beirut airport and nukes in iran, so ya, it's the exact same thing wtfbbq lmao qft qed

Victor: as "imo" suggests, this is my opinion. He has been very accurate and unbiased in his reporting imo. He clearly has good contacts who can give accurate information on things like this imo. Missed the last question btw.

27o: Iran being relatively close to having a functional nuke is not a new development, this wasn't "found" recently. I've personally arrived at the exact opposite conclusion as you: since Biden very much does not want a nuclear armed Iran during his term this is more likely to deter Israel from invading Lebanon, since it will almost certainly result in Biden pressuring Israel even more not to invade.

like most stenographers of power, his facts are probably fine most of the time but the premise is skewed. hes a propagandist. his job is to shape public opinion to support Israel and the West.

Interesting how I'm getting that argument from both extremes.

BGP, you drank the anti iran pro israel kool aid

iran has been months away from a nuke forever. The west will never let it happen tho

by PointlessWords k

BGP, you drank the anti iran pro israel kool aid

iran has been months away from a nuke forever. The west will never let it happen tho

The west didn't want North Korea to get nukes either.

How do you think the west will prevent it?

Can you explain what drinking the "anti iran pro israel kool aid" means?

by Bluegrassplayer k

Interesting how I'm getting that argument from both extremes.

I think a good heuristic is to ask yourself, "would this person's story change if they knew the truth went against their current story?"

For Al Jazeera, and all the rest of Victor's sources, the answer is clearly no. They are always going to say something negative about Israel and something positive (or at worst agnostic) about Hamas/Hezbollah, regardless of what they know to be true. So they should be discounted as propaganda. They may occasionally tell the truth when it coincides with the preferred story, but good luck trying finding that needle in the haystack of lies.

Give the "Hind" story for example. It is of course possible the narrative being preferred by the pro Hamas sources is true. But at the same time, if those "journalists" absolutely knew their story was false they would still print the same thing regardless; or at best would print nothing.

As another example, take the current power struggles going on in Gaza between various clans and Hamas, which resulted in Hamas executing a rival clan leader recently, that has been well documented in Israeli and Western media. Pro Hamas media like Al Jazeera have a complete media blackout on this, because there is no way to spin it towards their preferred narrative of a united Gaza under Hamas fighting the Israeli invaders, so as far as their concerned it isn't happening at all.

I dont know much about Barak Ravid to say one way or another. But if you do, you should let that guide whether you think he is an honest journalist who provides insight into what is really going on, or merely a propagandist.

by 72off k

iraq has wmds too bro, lfg

by 72off k

the literal second israel wants to go blow up something else they "found" weapons at the beirut airport and nukes in iran, so ya, it's the exact same thing wtfbbq lmao qft qed

by chillrob k

The west didn't want North Korea to get nukes either.

north korea has russia AND china helping it out, and they border one another. Do you think Iran is in a similar position?

by Bluegrassplayer k

How do you think the west will prevent it?

Can you explain what drinking the "anti iran pro israel kool aid" means?

another stuxnet prob. how will they? no idea, prob diplomacy

it means you fell for the american/ western propaganda that paints iran as an evil country which needs to be bombed

you are aware of what american propaganda is right?

Dunyain: Yep I agree. I think the fact that both of the extremes attack his reporting suggests that he is reporting in a petty fair and unbiased way.

by Bluegrassplayer k

Dunyain: Yep I agree. I think the fact that both of the extremes attack his reporting suggests that he is reporting in a petty fair and unbiased way.

quite an extrapolation

I would say it suggests that both sides have umbrage with the content

It does not surprise me that if you see two opposite sides attacking someone thing, that you think its means the reporting is being down in a fair and unbiased way.

forget examining the reporting lmao, lets look at the peoples opinions!

PW: I've examined the reporting, see above. Saying that this suggests something in no way means that this is the only thing I am basing my opinion on.

it suggests nothing and isnt a data point to be considered

Egypt, UAE prepared to participate in postwar Gaza security force — officials
