Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 20 Views 20
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33267 Replies


by jalfrezi k

It also depends who you count as a regular poster eg gs hasn't posted itt for a few days, and you forgot BGP.

yes, I forgot BGP who would be on team israel but only spent about 15 sexcs on this.

...also forgot Haywood so you've got him.

Yes, also Trolly. It might be roughly even in numbers or a slight majority for teamIDF.

by Victor k

infuriating that anyone would think this is possible

It sure isn't possible by Hamas.

by Victor k

we did it folks!

I'm pretty sure there are many better uses for the money than counting dead bodies.

by formula72 k

I think its slightly pro Israel but fairly mixed. Based on the last page of regs you got...

Leaning towards or heavily ... Team Israel: Mets, Rafiki, Dunyun, Mong, Chillrob, Luciom

Leaning towards or heavily on ... Team Hamas/Anti Israel: Vic, 72, Slighted, Jal, Trolly, PW

Just to clarify, I am not pro-Israel, but I am anti-Hamas, and I wouldn't even object to anti-Gaza or anti-Palestine.

by chillrob k

I wouldn't even object to anti-Gaza or anti-Palestine.

weird flex but ok

by 72off k

weird flex but ok

I'm anti-Israel as well but not as much as the other. Sometimes I have to choose the lesser of two evils. I'm glad that I don't suffer under the rule of anyone in the middle east.

by formula72 k

I think its slightly pro Israel but fairly mixed. Based on the last page of regs you got...

Leaning towards or heavily ... Team Israel: Mets, Rafiki, Dunyun, Mong, Chillrob, Luciom

Leaning towards or heavily on ... Team Hamas/Anti Israel: Vic, 72, Slighted, Jal, Trolly, PW

most of these are pro Israel

team Israel

team Gaza
washoe (he converted)
Bill Haywood
Karl tha OG

mixed or I cant really tell
5 south

seems most of the high volume posters support Israel.

by chillrob k

Just to clarify, I am not pro-Israel, but I am anti-Hamas, and I wouldn't even object to anti-Gaza or anti-Palestine.

That's fair, I fully regret participating in the quick labeling on who's on which end because it's obv idiotic. To generalize my stance, I think that there is some serious corruption out of the Israli govt in it's certainly surfacing. Hamas, is well already kind of understood to be ****ed up.

hi guys I am back.

I want to say I agree with all of you except when I don't; but I still respect your right to say wrong things except when I think they should be illegal and you should be prosecuted if the legal system of the jurisdiction you live in prescribes it.

by formula72 k

That's fair, I fully regret participating in the quick labeling on who's on which end because it's obv idiotic. To generalize my stance, I think that there is some serious corruption out of the Israli govt in it's certainly surfacing. Hamas, is well already kind of understood to be ****ed up.

There is? What is it? I mean Bibi personally has been under investigation for years, but other than that this is news to me? What corruption is there in the Israeli govt that concerns you so much?

Also, blaming Hamas for everything is politically expedient, but I think doesn't do justice to the real problem. From inception the Palestinian anti-Zionist project has had horrible leaders who make horrible decisions that are fully endorsed by the people. Hamas/Sinwar are just the most recent iteration.

For whatever reason, the cocktail of Arab nationalism, Islamism and anti-Zionism that is the Palestinian project has just created this toxic mess of homicidal, suicidal nihilism. And because they are entranced with this romantic vision of the persecuted noble savage, that has no grounding in reality, Westerners cant help but to enable it.

With a halfway decent leadership class, and a populace willing to follow them; this mess would be so easy to fix. But it just isn't there; and I see no reason to expect there ever will be without the rest of the world dramatically changing the incentive structures.

US imposes fresh sanctions on Iran over apparent nuclear escalations

Blinken says Tehran has expanded uranium enrichment project ‘in ways that have no credible peaceful purpose’


“We remain committed to never letting Iran obtain a nuclear weapon, and we are prepared to use all elements of national power to ensure that outcome,” Blinken said.

IAEA officials have estimated that Iran now has enough uranium enriched to 60% purity – which could be converted to bomb-grade material in days or weeks – to build up at least three nuclear weapons.

rat-a-tat-tat, rat-a-tat-tat

by Trolly McTrollson k

lol, Israel doesn't give a flying **** about UN resolutions, especially the ones telling them to stop massacring civilians. You couldn't invent a more obviously false pretext for war.


Israel's North is evacuated because of daily attacks from a very well armed well trained well funded Hezbollah army, that has crossed beyond the no-go line. It is impossible to not have a war in this context, ANY country would be justified.

You can mash on your keyboard all you want and make statements you feel sound smart. But that does not change reality. Reality is a hostile Hezbollah started this, and is continuing it. Israel IS allowed to finish it. And by international law too.

If Israel was betting on Trump and the right, after that debate, they'll get their wish.

Israel will have Trump and Polievre backing the North American block. It's gonna be pretty different from Biden-Trudeau...

by Dunyain k

For whatever reason, the cocktail of Arab nationalism, Islamism and anti-Zionism that is the Palestinian project has just created this toxic mess of homicidal, suicidal nihilism. And because they are entranced with this romantic vision of the persecuted noble savage, that has no grounding in reality, Westerners cant help but to enable it.

Dunyain will return to us in 24 hours for posting derogatory generalizations about Palestinians.

I have repeatedly warned this thread that statements that negatively generalize ISRAELIS or PALESTINIANS as entire populations will be moderated as a violation of the no bigotry rule. This will be more strictly moderated going forward. You may comment on governments, organizations, factions, etc, but statements such as the above, as well as generalizations that conflate Israelis with all Jews are not allowed AT ALL. This will be the only warning going forward. Thank you.

I would not put myself as "team Israel" and pretty sure most of that team would disown a high % of my posts from belonging to their team.

I do, and I support Israel. Definitely do not agree with how Israel has gone about things, in particular how many Palestinians they are willing to kill to harm Hamas.

by Bluegrassplayer k

I do, and I support Israel. Definitely do not agree with how Israel has gone about things, in particular how many Palestinians they are willing to kill to harm Hamas.

That's how I'd characterize myself as well.

"During the meetings in Washington, we were told that the 500-lb. bombs will be released after the Rafah operation is over in two weeks," an Israeli official said.

Half the Jews in the world live in Israel. Very basic math means that well over 80% of the world's Jews are Zionists. It's likely well over 90%.

So guys we don't mind Jews, we just mind over 80% of Jews.

Guys I don't mind gays, I just mind the over 80% of them who talk a certain way.

If you can make this make sense, you're part of the problem.

Rafiki, can you please stop?

I'm gone for a week Crossnerds, you have nothing to worry about. But ask yourself how you did tonight. I think that's a fair ask.

I don't deserve the bad faith attitude from you. I'll consider yours while you consider mine.
