Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..
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To reiterate some of the points:
1. No personal attacks. This is a broad instruction, but, in general, we want to focus on attacking an argument rather than the poster making it. It is fine to say a post is antisemitic; it is not okay to call someone an antisemite over and over. If you believe someone is making antisemitic posts, report them or PM me. The same goes for calling people "baby killers" and "genocide lovers". You are allowed to argue that an action supports genocide or that the consequences of certain policies results in the death of children, but we are no longer going to be speaking to one another's intentions. It is not productive to the conversation and doesn't further any debate.
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Please be aware this thread is strictly moderated[/quote]
Israel has killed something like 40x more militants than IDF soldiers have been killed. They are both fighting each other equally.
Israel would be incredibly dumb to invade Lebanon if hezbollah stops.
in Lebanon? sorry that was what I was talking about. they have killed a lot of villagers, farmers, and motorists. it seems that they just target them in the South of Lebanon.
but regardless as for Gaza, we have no idea of IDF casualties or Hamas militant casualties. 40x does not sound correct.
Guys, please specify IDF or Israeli government when discussing bombing actions etc. so we avoid any confusion regarding generalizations. Thank you
I’m sorry!! I didn’t do it on purpose I’ll change it rn
Sorry it’s been too long to edit.
As the IDF is the Israeli government army I don't get why it matters to distinguish between them.
Not being argumentative, but trying to understand the rules better.
"killing children" when added to posts is inflamatory
jal..... IDF is an arm of the military current govt....yes,
israelis (citizens) linking is not
the precise ratio is unknown, but 'no idea' is wrong
we know israeli casualties are super low b/c israel reports them, and israeli society is such that attempts to under-report would fail
we also know that the hamas are now openly trying to recruit palestinian children into their ranks, which is a clue as to how it's going on the terrorist side
International law says the occupation of the West Bank was illegal, so being a consistently moral person you must support Palestinian rights to launch attacks to guarantee their land can't ever be occupied again.
Welcome to the Palestinian cause. I hoped you'd come over eventually. 👍
As i told you repeatedly, I give 0 value to any law system which is participated by non first world countries.
But you do, or you claim you do. So you have to be coherent, not me. I want a system where the west decides everything and everyone else either bend the knee to our wishes or dies.
In my model of the world , in geopolitics, what benefits the west and it's allies is what is moral and viceversa definitionally. There is no other principle.
The only gray areas are those in which a portion of the west suffers from x, another gain, so we have to decide.
the precise ratio is unknown, but 'no idea' is wrong
we know israeli casualties are super low b/c israel reports them, and israeli society is such that attempts to under-report would fail
we also know that the hamas are now openly trying to recruit palestinian children into their ranks, which is a clue as to how it's going on the terrorist side
no we dont know any of those things. esp when you dont even provide a citation.
also "Israeli casualties" is not the preferred nomenclature dude.
As the IDF is the Israeli government army I don't get why it matters to distinguish between them.
Not being argumentative, but trying to understand the rules better.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to specify between those two, I mean to specify using either IDF of Israeli government in place of terms like just Israelis or Israel. I know it’s a pain, but this is where we’re at now.
As i told you repeatedly, I give 0 value to any law system which is participated by non first world countries..
You're the one citing international law:
I want a system where the west decides everything and everyone else either bend the knee to our wishes or dies.
Luciom, you have been warned *repeatedly* that this sort of violent rhetoric that very much borders white supremacy is NOT ALLOWED, not just in this thread but in this forum at large.
Please leave this thread while I discuss this issue with other mods.
so you can't say "israel launched missiles at lebanon" but you can say "the 'jews won't replace us' idea isn't dangerous for society"?
what are we doing here?
Well yeah, and it's an established convention in every walk of life that when people say "Germany wants" or "Paraguay stated" that those are clearly references to their governments, not people, otherwise we'd specify "people" or "population".
But I guess this belongs in the mod thread so feel free to move it, mods.
so you can't say "israel launched missiles at lebanon" but you can say "the 'jews won't replace us' idea isn't dangerous for society"[/b]?
what are we doing here?[/QUOTE]
No, you actually definitely cannot.
Luciom will return to us in a month for posting violent and white supremacist rhetoric in this thread and antisemitic rhetoric in another. He has been warned and banned repeatedly for similar posting and it is enough.
ok sorry, i was confused because it seemed like you were just giving him a verbal warning to watch it or whatever
iran's UN person has promised an 'obliterating war' if israel responds to the rockets being launched by the hezbollah jerkoffs
man italy get humiliated by the swiss and then 10 mins later he gets benched for a month. luciom having one of those evenings
iran's UN person has promised an 'obliterating war' if israel responds to the rockets being launched by the hezbollah jerkoffs
Should've listened to the oracle of Delphi.
Maybe Luciom should have consulted her too.
Whatever you thought of jbouton or Lucium, the forum will definitely be a much less interesting, thoughtful place with them gone.
Unless you found them uninteresting and thoughtless. 😃
Back on topic now please

so (one of) the plans is to have concentration camps. and thats proly the most realistic plan in the article.