Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33342 Replies


by 5 south k

Israel had their post 1967 borders and while playing the victim card continued to usurp land. Their west bank actions have been out of line.

You seem unaware of all the large scale terrorism that operatives from the West Bank were committing in Israel proper for decades (blowing up buses, restaurants, schools, etc.); and how between the wall, settlements, and security zones Israel was more or less completely able to stop such acts.

by Dunyain k

You seem unaware of all the large scale terrorism that operatives from the West Bank were committing in Israel proper for decades (blowing up buses, restaurants, schools, etc.); and how between the wall, settlements, and security zones Israel was more or less completely able to stop such acts.

They built a big ass wall. That seemed to do the trick. Also Palestinians stopped doing suicide bombings as part of their strategy. Found out it wasn't great pr for them.
Good map showing population densities in the west bank

Several extremely disturbing things on this last page.

by Victor k

The objects up the bum I think are pretty well confirmed. The dog thing is from a single source. I'm filing under 40 beheaded babies for the moment.

by Bluegrassplayer k

Several extremely disturbing things on this last page.

Please don’t minimize war crimes by saying there’s lots of war crimes lmao

Not productive at all

IDF just released the Director of Al Shifa Hospital from "prison". this basically shows the whole Shifa thing was just a charade. it will go down as one of the great crimes of our lifetime.

and apparently a lot of Israeli govt and population is big time mad this guy was let out.

PW: stop trying to do whatever it is you think you're doing by commenting on every single one of my posts with pedantic English or poor interpretations of what I'm saying.

I am in no way minimizing war crimes in that quote. Reread what you quoted.

by Victor k

the whole article is deeply disturbing

by Bluegrassplayer k

Several extremely disturbing things on this last page.

by PointlessWords k

Please don’t minimize war crimes by saying there’s lots of war crimes lmao

Not productive at all

by Bluegrassplayer k

PW: stop trying to do whatever it is you think you're doing by commenting on every single one of my posts with pedantic English or poor interpretations of what I'm saying.

I am in no way minimizing war crimes in that quote. Reread what you quoted.

Do you know what minimizing means? Before I post the definition, you took an assertion about war crimes and responded with " several extremely disturbing things on this last page"

You did not confirm the Victors post, and you didn't disagree with it either. You said, and I quote

by Bluegrassplayer k

Several extremely disturbing things on this last page.

Now, why did you say that? Why not say something like, yes thats terrible. Why did you say there are lots of other disturbing things?

Are you trying to confirm and support his assertion? are you trying to break it down?

minimizing is when you make something seems smaller than it is. This helps make bad things seem less bad. When someone posts something bad, and you say well there are lots of bad things, you are MINIMIZING their assertion

gerund or present participle: minimizing
reduce (something, especially something unwanted or unpleasant) to the smallest possible amount or degree.

So I repeat, Please don’t minimize war crimes by saying there’s lots of war crimes lmao

Not productive at all

additionally youre saying there are several disturbing things but you leave it up in the air as to who is responsible for said disturbing things, which is minimizing via omission.

Your grasp of the English language is poor. I was not only agreeing with Victor, I was also saying that several other things mentioned on the previous page were also horrific. That is the OPPOSITE of minimizing.

So I repeat: quit stalking me and giving poor interpretations of what I'm saying and attempting to use pedantic English to find faults in what I've said. Your grasp of the English language is not good enough to do either, and this is a prime example. Furthermore even if you understood English enough to accomplish this, it is not productive in the least bit.

Not productive at all.

by Bluegrassplayer k

Your grasp of the English language is poor. I was not only agreeing with Victor, I was also saying that several other things mentioned on the previous page were also horrific. That is the OPPOSITE of minimizing.

So I repeat: quit stalking me and giving poor interpretations of what I'm saying and attempting to use pedantic English to find faults in what I've said. Your grasp of the English language is not good enough to do either, and this is a prime example. Furthermore even if you understood Eng

that is not the opposite of minimizing lol. the opposite of minimizing is to exaggerate,

Are you saying you're exaggerating the claims the Victor is making?

Did you stop to examine the minimizing accusation I had or no?

Im still laughing that you're correcting me, but incorrectly.

When someone says "this is really bad". and your response is "lots of bad things"

thats minimizing as I discussed earlier. You arent holding anyone accountable and youre leaving it to the reader to determine which things on the previous page are bad. There are 100 posts per page, you could at least say the posts regarding XYZ are also bad, which is still minimizing but different. Youre changing the subject when Victor says something is bad. No need to do that

why dont you talk about the bad things victor is discussing, instead of doing "the opposite of minimizing" which is what you claimed.

What is the opposite of minimize?
Opposite of to represent or estimate at less than the true value or importance

exalt praise acclaim applaud exaggerate extol extoll glorify



I am saying that not only is what Victor just posted horrendous, but there are many horrendous things posted on the page. I am expanding his claim to include the many other horrific things. I am extending his claim. I am strengthening his claim.

Stop what you're doing. You're incorrect. Even if you were correct, what you're doing is in no way productive.

by grizy k

Took decades of occupation in Japan and Germany so yes, that will work.

We will have to agree to disagree this will work. Japan and Germany were established, industrialized nations whose populations accepted a centralized govt that operated on their behalf. And most importantly accepted that govt controlled internal violence.

Palestine as a nation has only ever existed in the imaginations of Western leftists. In truth the Palestinian people are a collection of tribes/clans/militias that have their own agendas. And the worst one, Hamas, has an agenda to kill anyone else that tries to enforce order or use force.

If the German people had never lived under their own central govt in their entire history and had organized state within a state militias that had their own agendas that had nothing to do with building a functional nation, and were funded and supplied by outside actors that Allied occupation forces were unwilling to do what it took to remove for political reasons; then Germany would have never reconstructed either I am guessing.

Of course the German people were starving at the end of WWII, and if they didn't play ball they weren't going to get food and have their society rebuilt. So they played ball. The Palestinians leadership knows they dont have to play ball, and they will still get whatever they want, which isn't a state.

At this point it is very safe to say PLO, Fatah and Hamas have never been interested in constructing a Palestinian state that serves the entire population, and maybe never will be.

In short, the current incentive structure makes this situation unworkable. And the entire world has let down Israel and the Palestinian people by allowing this horrible, destructive incentive structure to last indefinitely. And the Israeli govt and people are taking huge political and existential risks to try to do on their own what the entire rest of the world has neglected.

by Bluegrassplayer k



I am saying that not only is what Victor just posted horrendous, but there are many horrendous things posted on the page. I am expanding his claim to include the many other horrific things. I am extending his claim. I am strengthening his claim.

Stop what you're doing. You're incorrect. Even if you were correct, what you're doing is in no way productive.

well now your adding in words, which is not representative of what happened

do you see the difference in saying not only is what victor said is horrendous, but there are many horrendous things posted on the page

versus what you said

"there are lots of bad things on the previous page"

next time you could say that instead of minimizing the genocidal actions the victor was referencing

Personally, I think calling out words that encourage racism/genocide is productive. I could see how you would not think that due to the bias that occurs from you being corrected

Edit: bringing up other tragedies is still minimizing. Its whataboutism at its finest

what about these other extremely disturbing things waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

No. What you'rr saying is wrong. What I'm saying is exactly representative of what I said.

What nonsense you believe you read isn't on the page, not in my posts at least. I in no way minimized Victor's claims.

Stop this nonsense. It's not productive.

Japan and Germany are poor for what needs to happen. Iraq and Afghanistan are far better. It's not going to be easy.

by Bluegrassplayer k

No. What you'rr saying is wrong. What I'm saying is exactly representative of what I said.

What nonsense you believe you read isn't on the page, not in my posts at least. I in no way minimized Victor's claims.

Stop this nonsense. It's not productive.


you did none of these things when discussing the victors position.

are you asserting that you did?

Are you sure you understand what minimizing is?

by 5 south k

They built a big ass wall. That seemed to do the trick. Also Palestinians stopped doing suicide bombings as part of their strategy. Found out it wasn't great pr for them.
Good map showing population densities in the west bank

Fragmenting the West Bank into security zones had a lot to do with this. Between that and the wall, suicide bombing was no longer a viable strategy.

It actually takes a lot of organization, planning and materials to get to the point where you have a suicide bomber from Ramallah willing and able to blow up a bus in Tel Aviv.

You're really trying your hardest to prove my point that your English is not at a level to try to pick apart my English like you are constantly trying to do.

My examples using the antonyms of minimize are representative of my original statement. They serve to explain what that sentence means and my intention behind that sentence.

Stop whatever it is you think you're doing. It's not productive. It is trolling.

by Bluegrassplayer k

You're really trying your hardest to prove my point that your English is not at a level to try to pick apart my English like you are constantly trying to do.

My examples using the antonyms of minimize are representative of my original statement. They serve to explain what that sentence means and my intention behind that sentence.

Stop whatever it is you think you're doing. It's not productive. It is trolling.

my english can be very poor but it doesnt mean that I cannot find errors in your english

so do you want to explain how you were boosting up or encouraging the victors post with your post?

that is the opposite of minimizing, which is what you are arguing that you did

by Victor k

the whole article is deeply disturbing

by Bluegrassplayer k

Several extremely disturbing things on this last page.

by Bluegrassplayer k

You're really trying your hardest to prove my point that your English is not at a level to try to pick apart my English like you are constantly trying to do.

My examples using the antonyms of minimize are representative of my original statement. They serve to explain what that sentence means and my intention behind that sentence.

Stop whatever it is you think you're doing. It's not productive. It is trolling.

interesting. what word or words in

by Bluegrassplayer k

Several extremely disturbing things on this last page.

do you find increased, expanded or extended victors post ?

I did explain it. Do you mean explain it again? No, I do not want to explain it again; it is in perfectly clear English already, using multiple examples. Drink your morning coffee and reread them.

You're wrong Even if you were wrong it proves nothing productive. I have told you my meaning behind my words now; accept it. Stop trolling me.

by Bluegrassplayer k

Japan and Germany are poor for what needs to happen. Iraq and Afghanistan are far better. It's not going to be easy.

Seems to be 2 good examples of why there should be no expectation occupation efforts to construct a state should work under current incentive structures.
