Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33404 Replies


None, because there aren't any brave boys and girls of the IDF. There are however a bunch of scared conscripts and another bunch of sick rapists, murderers and child killers.

by BOIDS k

how many hamas terrorists have been killed by the brave boys and girls of the IDF since oct 7 iyo?

not enough to stop their resistance. in fact, they are as effective as ever.

by jalfrezi k

None, because there aren't any brave boys and girls of the IDF. There are however a bunch of scared conscripts and another bunch of sick rapists, murderers and child killers.

You need to have empathy for soldiers who might want to do the right thing but are too scared to do so. Everyone in war is scared. Not everyone is a sick rapist etc etc etc.

by Victor k

not enough to stop their resistance. in fact, they are as effective as ever.

ok how many though

doesnt matter. Russia famously loses more troops and wins all the wars.

russia has 150 million people in it

by BOIDS k

russia has 150 million people in it

this is the typical Western pov where all civilians are enemies and thus it is helpful to kill them. iirc in WW2, 20m Russian civilians were killed. that did not help the enemy win the war.

by Victor k

passage of time and chronology is hard to understand. btw, have you seen the American constitution from the 1800s?

The US constitution has been explicitly amended, this has not.

Also, 1988 is a lot more recent than the 1800s, and 2017 is even more recent . Much more "passage of time".

Anyone who was ok with the stated goals of Hamas in 2016 is not to be trusted to oppose them only 8 years later.

by Victor k

well Israel is losing at that bc Hamas is taking out invaders every day. they have become quite adept at killing civilians and children tho.

They have always been adept at that.
That's their main thing.

by chillrob k

The US constitution has been explicitly amended, this has not.

Also, 1988 is a lot more recent than the 1800s, and 2017 is even more recent . Much more "passage of time".

Anyone who was ok with the stated goals of Hamas in 2016 is not to be trusted to oppose them only 8 years later.

We had legal segregation and we still have legal slavery in the US. Past timelines aren’t important

by chillrob k

They have always been adept at that.
That's their main thing.

pronouns are hard. like the chronology of time.

by jalfrezi k

None, because there aren't any brave boys and girls of the IDF. There are however a bunch of scared conscripts and another bunch of sick rapists, murderers and child killers.

Israel is the only democracy in the neighborhood. I commend the job the IDF is doing defending the Jewish nation. This land has always been theirs. People have it backward regarding who stole whos land. The Jews have receipts for the land they live on. How about the other side? Lets see the receipts.

I really dont think that is a can you want to open.

by Victor k

not enough to stop their resistance. in fact, they are as effective as ever.

Hamas is a beggar govt that exists because of Western pity for the people it brutalizes and terrorizes. Their "effectiveness" is completely contingent on them holding the people of Gaza hostage, and being completely willing to sacrifice all of them for their own benefit; and Westerners giving in to their demands to keep the hostages (people of Gaza) alive.

In this respect they have shown themselves extremely effective in sacrificing as many Gazans as necessary to maintain their own power. But lets not kid ourselves. At the end of the day they are beggar terrorists holding their own people hostage, have no power or leverage beyond this, and the second the Western world decides they dont really care about Palestinians anymore, or even if the West starts putting real conditions on aid, Hamas and Gaza are done.

As much as Hamas is willing to sacrifice Palestinians indefinitely until their maximalist demands are met; it looks like Hezbollah/Iran is running out of leaders and REALLY needs a ceasefire, so they can de-escalate without losing face. They have been having meetings with Hamas, and suddenly Hamas for the first time since October 7th is showing a willingness to compromise on its maximalist positions.

Of course this could all be a ruse for Hamas and Hezbollah to buy some time. We shall see.

It also remains to be seen if Hezbollah just de-escalaing but staying on the border will be enough for Israel. Israel may decide it needs to push Hezbollah back to a safe distance (eg. Litani River) and push forward with whatever war plans they have ongoing regardless of Hezbollah de-escalating without agreeing to move back.

by Victor k

pronouns are hard. like the chronology of time.

Sorry if I was unclear.

Hamas has always been adept at killing civilians and children.

Murdering innocent people is Hamas' main activity.


Not sure it matters. Hamas is the one receiving all the Iranian guns and UN aid money. And brutally tortures and murders anyone who tries to do work outside their influence. And even if they aren't 100% supported, they are supported enough by the people nothing will ever change from the inside no matter how bad it gets. Under the current incentive structure, the Palestinian situation is utterly hopeless.

The outside world needs to change the incentive structure. And it could very easily. Tell Hamas and the Palestinian people, IRI weapons or US aid. One or the other. Make a choice and live with the results.

by mongidig k

Israel is the only democracy in the neighborhood. I commend the job the IDF is doing defending the Jewish nation. This land has always been theirs. People have it backward regarding who stole whos land. The Jews have receipts for the land they live on. How about the other side? Lets see the receipts.

israel stopped being a democracy when they suspended the judges and gave their party more power

by mongidig k

Israel is the only democracy in the neighborhood. I commend the job the IDF is doing defending the Jewish nation. This land has always been theirs. People have it backward regarding who stole whos land. The Jews have receipts for the land they live on. How about the other side? Lets see the receipts.

Israel is a "flawed democracy", according to the Economist Democracy Index, along with lots of other dubious countries.

There hasn’t been another Oct 7 style invasion so I’d argue that the IDF has been very successful in subduing Hamas. Obviously it’d be a lot quicker and easier if they weren’t taking so many precautions to minimize civilian casualties while Hamas does everything in its power to maximize them.

Minimising civilian casualties - the brave boys and girls of the IDF, fearless in the face of hostility

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

There hasn’t been another Oct 7 style invasion so I’d argue that the IDF has been very successful in subduing Hamas. Obviously it’d be a lot quicker and easier if they weren’t taking so many precautions to minimize civilian casualties while Hamas does everything in its power to maximize them.

you should check the $tat$.

Hmm wonder what happened to that guy...I'll give ya one guess...

And no, he wasn't an "Islamist" not that it matters. (He was a godless commie).
