Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33271 Replies


Token jew, seen it a million times.

That Greta is an antisemite shouldn't surprise anyone. The "real left" is deeply antisemitic, for reasons we discussed many times already.

The Red-Green current modern form of "real leftism" is socialism + "degrowth" for "climatic" reasons (and environmental reasons more generally). That some (many?) jews can agree with some (many?) of those topics doesn't change the structure of the embedded antisemitism.

Jews are (correctly) seen as dominant forces in western capitalism because of the exceptional success they had in reaching top positions in many companies and professions in a disproportionate way relative to their tiny numbers. As for the nazists, this is seen by the "real left" as an unforgivable sin.

For the nazis, jews being in dominant position means they "control" us and that's unacceptable and so they want to kill them.

For the "real left" jews are a big reason capitalism exists in it's actual form, and jews are "exploiters" of workers, and "polluters" as "all big capital" is, and so on, and that's unacceptable for them so they want them to suffer for their sins.

Yes unlike the nazis the "real left" doesn't want all jews dead (at least not all of them do). They "just" want them without any power to influence society (because their influence is pro capitalism often enough) unless they become soldiers of the real left themselves to "atune".

And Israel ceasing to exist for the "real left" is very important, in order to decrease the power of jews in western societies.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

Token jew, seen it a million times.

Sometimes it's okay to just admit you were hilariously, demonstrably wrong about something.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

Token jew, seen it a million times.

Behold the brilliance of this rhetorical tactic.

Criticisms of Israel by gentiles are always dismissed as antisemitism.

And now, criticism of Israel by Jews is tokenism.

Voila, there is no legitimate criticism of Israel.

There is no legitimate criticism of the existence of Israel (IE all anti-zionism is antisemitic).

There were, are and will be very normal criticism of Israel government actions both by Jews (Israeli or not) and by everyone else, including possibly even harsh criticism about how they are conducting this particular war, that aren't antisemitic.

But all criticism of the war that don't come accompanied with other plans to effectively eradicate Hamas are antisemitic obviously.

Not wanting to eradicate Hamas (and all other Islamic terrorist groups that want to kill Jews) is antisemitic

by Luciom k

That Greta is an antisemite shouldn't surprise anyone. The "real left" is deeply antisemitic, for reasons we discussed many times already.

The Red-Green current modern form of "real leftism" is socialism + "degrowth" for "climatic" reasons (and environmental reasons more generally). That some (many?) jews can agree with some (many?) of those topics doesn't change the structure of the embedded antisemitism.

Jews are (correctly) seen as dominant forces in western capitalism because of the exceptiona

Remember kids, the true ally of the Jewish people is the fascist who spouts tropes about the Jews "dominating" Western capitalism.

by Luciom k

There is no legitimate criticism of the existence of Israel (IE all anti-zionism is antisemitic).

There were, are and will be very normal criticism of Israel government actions both by Jews (Israeli or not) and by everyone else, including possibly even harsh criticism about how they are conducting this particular war, that aren't antisemitic.

But all criticism of the war that don't come accompanied with other plans to effectively eradicate Hamas are antisemitic obviously.

Not wanting to eradicate H

Such ridiculous nonsensical talk it's actually hilarious. Even funnier when you bring it with such confidence as if this is an actual thing.

I can be critical of Israel and the way it's conducting this war without harboring any hatred or ill-will towards the Jews and their state.

by Bill Haywood k

Behold the brilliance of this rhetorical tactic.

Criticisms of Israel by gentiles are always dismissed as antisemitism.

And now, criticism of Israel by Jews is tokenism.

Voila, there is no legitimate criticism of Israel.

Yep. It's total insanity designed to make you shut up.

by Bill Haywood k

Criticisms of Israel by gentiles are always dismissed as antisemitism.

And now, criticism of Israel by Jews is tokenism.

That's the magic of ethonationalism: if you criticize the genocidal policies of an ethnostate that you've never set foot in you're somehow not authentically Jewish anymore. You're a token, disloyal, etc. It's tribal bullshit for people who want to escape modernity and live in the Dark Ages.

by Trolly McTrollson k

That's the magic of ethonationalism: if you criticize the genocidal policies of an ethnostate that you've never set foot in you're somehow not authentically Jewish anymore. You're a token, disloyal, etc. It's tribal bullshit for people who want to escape modernity and live in the Dark Ages.

Well, just be appreciate we dont live in a culture whose literal translation is "submission," with tremendously high legal and social costs (in many cases forfeiting your life) for any breaking with the tribe.

Your problem isn't that you are wrong when Western cultures exhibits such manifestations. Your problem is your complete indifference to everyone else embracing Dark Age ethos. Expecting Israel/Western civilization to stay pristine while the rest of the world descends into nihilistic zero sum tribal depravity is asking too much IMO.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Sometimes it's okay to just admit you were hilariously, demonstrably wrong about something.

Do you think that girl just naturally showed up in that picture posed next to Greta holding a sign that identifies her as a Jew? Lmao.

The fact that Jews can actual be individuals and disagree with the tribe, even suicidally so, is why it is so important to support them while they are being attacked by the fascist left and Islamism, 2 tribal ideologies that allow no dissent.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

Do you think that girl just naturally showed up in that picture posed next to Greta holding a sign that identifies her as a Jew? Lmao.

Yes, I think she's quite naturally opposed to the ongoing mass murder and identifying as a Jew preempts a lot of the lame arguments people on the right will make. Of course, one can always choose to not read the sign and step on the rake anyway.

by Dunyain k

Well, just be appreciate we dont live in a culture whose literal translation is "submission," with tremendously high legal and social costs (in many cases forfeiting your life) for any breaking with the tribe.

lol, that's precisely what the first commandment instructs Jews and Christians alike to do. As someone who knows basic history and geography, it's always funny how these ethnofascist guys are trying to frame Judaism as "Western" and Islam as something that's vaguely not Western.

by Trolly McTrollson k

lol, that's precisely what the first commandment instructs Jews and Christians alike to do. As someone who knows basic history and geography, it's always funny how these ethnofascist guys are trying to frame Judaism as "Western" and Islam as something that's vaguely not Western.

Fundamental Judaism isn't good. It is probably better than fundamental Islam, but has many of the same problems. Thank God western society today embraces liberalism as its ethos, and not religious fundamentalism.

I agree we should be supportive of liberal Jews. I just disagree with you that the best way to do this is to humor Holocaust denialism, as long as the person doing it is progressive.

who is denying the holocaust? I mean The Holocaust that is. I know a lot of people are denying this current holocaust.

by Betraisefold22 k

Such ridiculous nonsensical talk it's actually hilarious. Even funnier when you bring it with such confidence as if this is an actual thing.

I can be critical of Israel and the way it's conducting this war without harboring any hatred or ill-will towards the Jews and their state.

If you don't want to stop people who killed 1k Jews from ever being able to do that again, with any mean necessary, you are antisemitic imho, in a very clear and linear way.

Discussing which means are necessary and disagreeing with Israel assessments of that and execution of plans given their assessments instead isn't antisemitism

by Trolly McTrollson k

Remember kids, the true ally of the Jewish people is the fascist who spouts tropes about the Jews "dominating" Western capitalism.

I am describing why nazist are antisemitic, I am not endorsing their views jfc

by Luciom k

That Greta is an antisemite shouldn't surprise anyone. The "real left" is deeply antisemitic, for reasons we discussed many times already.

The Red-Green current modern form of "real leftism" is socialism + "degrowth" for "climatic" reasons (and environmental reasons more generally). That some (many?) jews can agree with some (many?) of those topics doesn't change the structure of the embedded antisemitism.

Jews are (correctly) seen as dominant forces in western capitalism because of the exceptiona


I don't know about the "real left", whatever TF that means. But as someone who comes from a multi-generational politically liberal family, and has spent a ton of operational time w/ people who consider themselves left, I don't know one single person that thinks or says that. I mean seriously... anyone else on the left in here that has met anyone who thinks or says that?

In terms of this specific issue of the war between Israel / Palestine.... The left right now, the kids on college campuses, and also some of the kids in here, are typically antiwar and are confused (or propagandized) about their history. Their hearts are in the correct place. They just tend to have a pretty surface level and simplistic view of what's going on, without understanding the larger geopolitical implications.

The people on the right are pretty easy to explain. I don't need to go into detail there.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Yes, I think she's quite naturally opposed to the ongoing mass murder and identifying as a Jew preempts a lot of the lame arguments people on the right will make. Of course, one can always choose to not read the sign and step on the rake anyway.

Didn’t really answer the question but it was rhetorical anyways

It means that the reds, the tankies, are antisemites. in USA like the "squad", against whose members the AIPAC spent a lot of money in Democratic primaries.

It might be a very Niche thing in the USA, but in Europe it is very common.

Center left parties in Europe are pro Israel (see Macron for ex) the "actual left" hates Israel (see Melenchon).

Francesca Albanese, the pro Hamas "Palestinian rapperteur" for the UN, is the stereotypical antisemitic European leftist

by Luciom k

It means that the reds, the tankies, are antisemites. in USA like the "squad", against whose members the AIPAC spent a lot of money in Democratic primaries.

It might be a very Niche thing in the USA, but in Europe it is very common.

Center left parties in Europe are pro Israel (see Macron for ex) the "actual left" hates Israel (see Melenchon).

Francesca Albanese, the pro Hamas "Palestinian rapperteur" for the UN, is the stereotypical antisemitic European leftist

You mean what they call used to call "red diaper babies".

Ya... those don't really exist in America. Maybe 70+ years ago from what I understand. But not anymore.

AOC is not communist either (she's a social democrat), for the record, and wouldn't fall into that category. She's exactly like I described. Anti-war, w/o necessarily caring about the long term geopolitical consequences.

The awesome things for Jews is they are multidimensionally hated, by all sides, for different reasons.

Only 15 million of them... but everyone is in on the hating.

by Bill Haywood k

Behold the brilliance of this rhetorical tactic.

Criticisms of Israel by gentiles are always dismissed as antisemitism.

And now, criticism of Israel by Jews is tokenism.

Voila, there is no legitimate criticism of Israel.

It’s a curated image posted on a career activist’s social media page. Apply some critical thinking.

The single most prominent leftish person in American politics is Jewish, but I guess he's just a token or an "unnatural" Jew or something because he's critical of the ongoing genocide.
