Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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So no actual evidence, just hearsay and "logic" gives Israel the right to destroy every single public building in Gaza.
this is an article of the operation i was a part of.
the amount of facts and evidence we provide to the world is endless. the amount you choose to consume - 0
when we blew AL-Zahar "University", the secondary explosions from the ammunition there, were bigger than our explosives. it is videotaped, with pictures and videos from all we discoverd there. but we are jews, so we probably planted that there.
Nice try. An article in Hebrew.
We've been getting quite the hasbara parade in this thread. A new commentator every couple of days.
Nice try. An article in Hebrew.
We've been getting quite the hasbara parade in this thread. A new commentator every couple of days.
you believe you just buzzed word me... hasbara. that's just the Hebrew word for information and explaining.
I'm not trying to do Hasbara to you, as you are a worthless unknown to me. i try to bring facts to this thread, threw engaging your lies.
Bill, i helpfully translated the article for you using some combination of my knowledge of hebrew (shalom) and the google translate button
The IDF announced that yesterday, fighters destroyed buildings, including terrorist infrastructure, that were used for Hamas military activity at the "Al-Azhar" University in the Rimal neighborhood of the Gaza Strip. Among other things, an underground route was found in the compound that leads from a yard and continues to a school about a kilometer from it. Explosive devices were also found. , rocket parts, launchers, explosives activation systems and technological means. Meanwhile, fighters raided Hamas observation posts in the area of Shatti Hospital. A combat shaft, cartridges, grenades, a sniper position and military equipment were located in the HML area.
and as someone who has such a "deep" understating of the conflict and knowledge of the facts, you should start reading also the Israeli information (I'm sure you know how to google translate).
and as someone who has such a "deep" understating of the conflict and knowledge of the facts, you should start reading also the Israeli information (I'm sure you know how to google translate).
I read a lot of it actually. thats how I know that the Hannibal directive was ordered and attack helicopters burned alive many Israeli's and Palestinians alike.
Your "article" is a quote from the IDF itself saying it did nothing wrong, and you are some newb rando who only now has decided to create an account and post itt.
So far your posting has been indistinguishable from a shill (and not a very convincing one at that).
few more tidbits from the peaceful civilian population of Gaza.
we found two baby trollers that were booby-trapped.
we entered hundreds of houses, where civilians lived, that were rigged with explosives in the walls. in one high story house, there was more than 100kg of explosives in the walls. kids and babies were living in those apartments.
Your "article" is a quote from the IDF itself saying it did nothing wrong, and you are some newb rando who only now has decided to create an account and post itt.
So far your posting has been indistinguishable from a shill.
I was a 2+2 member from 2005 to black Friday, when i gave up poker. don't have my old account or email. i played 2-4 and 3-6 on stars and FT.
this is an article of the operation i was a part of.
the amount of facts and evidence we provide to the world is endless. the amount you choose to consume - 0
For the benefit of anyone who can't be arsed to click it, this is the "article" providing "facts and evidence to the world" - a world which is to blame for not consuming the "article" without reservation:

biden is saying his call with netanyahu went well!
another bitter disappointment to those people who were openly fantasising about the USA abandoning israel
'the IDF are not intentionally targeting civilians' is a mainstream position, not sure why you are expressing shock that someone might hold it
Because it flies in the face of what we know about basically every war ever. I just can’t believe that someone can actually think in a highly emotional war such as this that such a thing wouldn’t happen. I’m not claiming that it’s policy (though I doubt there is much concern about it) just that it’s incredibly likely that it’s happening given the circumstances and that it’s a thing that happens in war.
This isn’t Israel being worse than others, this is Israel being like all other armies in similar situations.
Because it flies in the face of what we know about basically every war ever. I just can’t believe that someone can actually think in a highly emotional war such as this that such a thing wouldn’t happen. I’m not claiming that it’s policy (though I doubt there is much concern about it) just that it’s incredibly likely that it’s happening given the circumstances and that it’s a thing that happens in war.
This isn’t Israel being worse than others, this is Israel being like all other armies in simil
cmon man, we have never seen a war like this where civilians are targeted like this. we have never seen a war where more doctors, paramedics, rescue workers, reporters (obv), children, professors, lawyers, athletes, UN workers, aid workers are targeted.
we have never seen a war since the Japanese in WW2 where hospitals are destroyed like this and patients executed. all universities and schools are destroyed.
the flour massacres, the tent massacres, torture rape camps.
seriously, this is pretty ugly apologia. even the USA wasnt this bad.
they have just now started targeting civilians to some extent. I even made a post saying. for the whole year before, they were not.
and no, I dont believe your anecdotes. unless you provide some sort of link or documentation then I dont really care what you say.
I mean, ofc I am going to be super skeptical of the gov and army who have told some of the most brazen lies of modern history over the course of the last year. beheaded babies, burned alive babies, rape hoax, fake calendar, Mein Ka
Up until a few days ago it seemed like Hez was legit doing their best to only target military targets but Blue brought up specifically atgm's the other day. A quick Google
The kids sniped in the head evidence continues to mount. Not a great look for you guys.
Up until a few days ago it seemed like Hez was legit doing their best to only target military targets but Blue brought up specifically atgm's the other day. A quick Google
The kids sniped in the head evidence continues to mount. Not a great look for you guys.
I explained before why sadly it happens.
moreover, there are many combatants who are under age, that are counted as children.
but i agree that every person who dies in this sad war (yes - even hamas operatives), is a tragedy.
the only push back I have really, is that you are a generation who grew up believing that the world owes you peace. sadly, it is not the reality of 90%+ of the worlds population.
I'm at heart a liberal. i see myself as John Rawls and Richard Allen Posner student (among others).
if i can wave my magic wand and give all people human rights and equity, i would have done it. but i have to fight my 3 war (and im not a child anymore), leave my business behind, in order to preserve my right to live.
cmon man, we have never seen a war like this where civilians are targeted like this. we have never seen a war where more doctors, paramedics, rescue workers, reporters (obv), children, professors, lawyers, athletes, UN workers, aid workers are targeted.
we have never seen a war since the Japanese in WW2 where hospitals are destroyed like this and patients executed. all universities and schools are destroyed.
the flour massacres, the tent massacres, torture rape camps.
seriously, this is prett
I think terrible things can happen routinely in war because of a culture of apathy and indifference without it being explicit policy. This isn’t me defending it or saying that I think these were all somehow mistakes.
I doubt for legal reasons that there is policy that can be pointed to that calls for the things youÂ’ve outlined. I think it’s much more likely that it’s the result of the rules of engagement and the concept of proportionality being so lax and the repercussions being zero (mixed in with the emotional circumstances and the signals from Israeli politicians about the value of Palestinian lives) that these things happen. More of a degradation of standards to the point of de facto policy.
I think terrible things can happen routinely in war because of a culture of apathy and indifference without it being explicit policy. This isn’t me defending it or saying that I think these were all somehow mistakes.
I doubt for legal reasons that there is policy that can be pointed to that calls for the things youÂ’ve outlined. I think it’s much more likely that it’s the result of the rules of engagement and the concept of proportionality being so lax and the repercussio
or... this is the hardest circumstance to engage in battle, as if we had it Victor's and others way, we would always have to wait till we are attacked, before we can engage. its not like hammas are wearing uniforms, have bases, separate them self's from civilians.
im happy none of you ever fought in war, but you clearly do not really understand the situation
or... this is the hardest circumstance to engage in battle, as if we had it Victor's and others way, we would always have to wait till we are attacked, before we can engage. its not like hammas are wearing uniforms, have bases, separate them self's from civilians.
im happy none of you ever fought in war, but you clearly do not really understand the situation
You don’t need to have fought in a war to have read of the countless incidents of war crimes that occur in wars on all sides and the routine denial and attempts at cover ups.
Of course civilians also get killed in the way you describe by people that did not want to kill them. But to frame things as if that explains all the death is not at all believable.
I’m curious what you think about the protests in Israel calling for a ceasefire deal to get the hostages back.
I explained before why sadly it happens.
moreover, there are many combatants who are under age, that are counted as children.
but i agree that every person who dies in this sad war (yes - even hamas operatives), is a tragedy.
the only push back I have really, is that you are a generation who grew up believing that the world owes you peace. sadly, it is not the reality of 90%+ of the worlds population.
I'm at heart a liberal. i see myself as John Rawls and Richard Allen Posner student (among othe
A lot of reports of kids under 10 one shot in the head. The 1st report was an op-ed in a newspaper. The NYT article looking more damning.
or... this is the hardest circumstance to engage in battle, as if we had it Victor's and others way, we would always have to wait till we are attacked, before we can engage. its not like hammas are wearing uniforms, have bases, separate them self's from civilians.
im happy none of you ever fought in war, but you clearly do not really understand the situation
theres also the whole International Law thing that says you shouldnt even be in Gaza