Moderation Questions

Moderation Questions

The last iteration of the moderation discussion thread was a complete disaster. Numerous attempts to keep it on topic failed, and it became a general discussion thread with almost no moderation related posts at all. And those that were posted were so buried in non-mod posts that it became a huge time drain on the mods to sort through them. Then, when off topic posts were deleted posters complained about that.

This led to the closing of the mod discussion thread, replaced by the post report/pm approach. This has filtered out lots of noise, but has resulted at times in the General Discussion Thread turning into a quasi-mod thread. This is not desirable, but going back to the old mod thread is also not a workable option.

Therefore, I have created this new moderation thread, but with a different purpose and ground rules than previous mod threads. The purpose of this thread is to provide a place for posters to pose questions to the mods about how policies are applied; to bring to the mods attention posts they think are inappropriate and reach the level of requiring mod action; and for mods to communicate to posters things like changes or clarifications to policies, bannings, etc.

Now let me tell you what this thread is NOT a place for. It is not for nonmoderation related posts, even if the discussion originates from a comment in in a mod related post. It is not for posters to post their opinions about other posters or whether a poster should be banned. It is not to rehash past grievances about mod decisions from months or years ago. The focus of this thread will be recent posts that require action now. Or questions about current policies and enforcement.

So basically, this is a thread to ask mods questions. Which means, pretty much that only mods should be answering those questions. If a poster asks why a particular post was deleted or allowed, only a mod can answer that. Everyone else who wants to jump in with their opinion or their mod war story needs to stay out of it. It just increases the noise to signal ratio and does nothing to answer the question.

Everyone needs to understand that this thread has very different rules than the old mod thread and any other thread. Any non-moderation post will be deleted on sight. Not moved to the appropriate thread, just deleted. So don't waste your time crafting a masterpiece post about wars or transgender issues or the presidential election and then post it in this thread. It will be gone. Also, this isnt a thread for general commentary about our mods performance. Posting "browser sucks as a mod" or any such posts that don't actually ask about a policy or request a mod action will be deleted. Everyone is entitled to their opinion about the moderation of this forum. But this thread isnt for complaining about mods. You are free to go to the ATF forum and make your concerns about modding in this forum there.

So with that intro, this thread is open for those who need to bring questions about mod policies or bring inappropriate posts to the mods attention. Again, it is NOT a thread for group discussions about other posters or for other posters to answer questions directed to mods.

We'll see how this goes. If you have what you feel is an open issue raised in the General Discussion Thread, please copy that post or otherwise reintroduce the issue here.


) 15 Views 15
30 January 2024 at 05:27 AM

10128 Replies


by Crossnerd k

And the every person is a unique and valued member of the community thing is just, like, my opinion, not a rule obviously. You can blame John Donne for polluting my mind. The most well adjusted participants in any communal space are the people who feel seen and feel heard, that their feelings matter and that they matter. If everyone felt that way, there would be far less conflict imho.

"Far less conflict" = "far more boring".

by Crossnerd k

The respect I am referring to is the respect for one's fellow man's basic humanity, which is never required to be earned by the recipient but rather is an ethical cornerstone for any moral participant in a society with others.

More good stuff.

by d2_e4 k

"Far less conflict" = "far more boring".

The confusion of politics with entertainment is one of the big political problems of our age.

by chezlaw k

The confusion of politics with entertainment is one of the big political problems of our age.

Thankfully he was referring to these forums, where the only purposes are entertainment and (formerly) to sell books.

It's a part fo the same spectrum

some of us are here primarily to discuss politics - which is good part of doing politics.

by DonkJr k

I honestly think you are meaning well, but there is very obviously going to be disagreement in a politics forum. When disagreement is considered harassment or "stigmatizing mental health", then you are going way too far in your quest to be the niceness enforcer of the forum. I personally doubt that anybody posting in these forums (besides the now banned Lirva) would appreciate being branded by mods as having mental issues, so I really don't think you are doing anybody any favors in your quest

So I hear you on all this actually. I may have different feelings on it, but I can at least see your perspective. I'm open to hearing more of your argument to this end if you wanted to have a convo over PM? No worries if not, I just like to try to view things from varying points of view, and I invite the dialogue if you're interested.

I have mentioned several times, very clearly, that I do not mod this subforum and I am a poster here. I have not censored jbouton's posts once. I have requested to have several of them moved to a conspiracy thread, but so far I have been denied each time.

This grand 2p2 conspiracy is pure cope. Last time I said what I'm about to say it was interpreted as "ad homineming" but that's just a similar coping mechanism. I am going to say it again, I understand it sucks to hear but it is the truth and should be heard: jbouton you are not a good communicator. The first post of yours I can recall was you posting a youtube debate you had where you complained that "the audience didn't understand the point I was making so they sided with the other guy" or something along those lines. You don't control what the audience understands. You control what you say, and hope that the audience understands it. If what you're saying isn't understood by the audience THEN CHANGE WHAT YOU SAY; DONT BLAME THE AUDIENCE.

This problem has occurred multiple times, in multiple different subforums. jbouton attempts to communicate in an ineffective way, people don't know wtf he's saying and they request the noise gets brought down. The noise gets brought down, and jbouton complains about being singled out. He continues posting in the same way, pissing off more posters, who report jbouton quicker now and he's put on an even shorter leash. This is viewed as further evidence of the 2p2 grand conspiracy, and not as evidence that he's a poor communicator. Learn to post in a productive manner instead of blaming the mods and other posters for being upset at your low quality posts.

People could just use ignore button. Why is it Js fault people can’t understand him?

by PointlessWords k

People could just use ignore button. Why is it Js fault people can’t understand him?

Is this a serious ****ing question? If anyone else posted this I'd assume it's sarcasm, but since it's you, I'm 50/50.

If you have a problem with a poster there is a simple solution. Ignore button.

by PointlessWords k

If you have a problem with a poster there is a simple solution. Ignore button.

You made one statement and asked one question. I asked "is that a serious question?"

You know what a question is, right? Hint: it's the stuff in the sentence that precedes the question mark.

That’s not what a question is lmao


That’s not what a question is lmao?

I did what you said, yet what I wrote isn’t a question

Right, it relies on the person doing the writing not being an illiterate knucklehead. Same for other rules of grammar - you can follow them to the letter and still come out with complete horseshit, as you strive to consistently demonstrate.

Yet the question you posed was perfectly formed. So there should have been no confusion about what I was referring to when I asked "is that a serious question?"

My question was perfectly formed. So there should have been no confusion about what I was referring to when I asked my question.

What in the actual **** are you blabbering on about? Have you been taking posting tips from Trump's speeches?

by PointlessWords k

Why is it Js fault people can’t understand him?

This is simply amazing.

do you think it is the posters responsibility to ensure other posters can understand them?

by PointlessWords k

do you think it is the posters responsibility to ensure other posters can understand them?

make that 'sole responsibilioty' and it's most definitely not

by PointlessWords k

do you think it is the posters responsibility to ensure other posters can understand them?

Is this some sort of trick question? Yes, absolutely, much in the same way that in the real world it is your responsibility to ensure that you are able to communicate with those around you. If you went about your day speaking some language you invented and only you knew, whose responsibility is it when nobody can understand you?

I can't believe I have to explain this to someone who appears to be a functioning adult.

by chezlaw k

make that 'sole responsibilioty' and it's most definitely not

Chez, we all have something valuable to contribute to this discussion, and the thing you should contribute is silence.

by d2_e4 k

I can't believe I have to explain this to someone who appears to be a functioning adult.

You are being VERY generous with your assessment of PW.

by d2_e4 k

Is this some sort of trick question? Yes, absolutely, much in the same way that in the real world it is your responsibility to ensure that you are able to communicate with those around you. If you went about your day speaking some language you invented and only you knew, whose responsibility is it when nobody can understand you?

I can't believe I have to explain this to someone who appears to be a functioning adult.

nobody. there is no law that says I am responsible for people being able to understand me. of course that would be better if people could, but what is better and what is legally required are two different things.

youre saying people that dont speak one language have a responsibility to learn another so they can communicate, and everyone knows that isnt the case

lets go back to people complaining about somebody they can ignore but choose not to.

"I dont like how J posts, lets ban him"

by PointlessWords k

nobody. there is no law that says I am responsible for people being able to understand me. of course that would be better if people could, but what is better and what is legally required are two different things.

youre saying people that dont speak one language have a responsibility to learn another so they can communicate, and everyone knows that isnt the case

lets go back to people complaining about somebody they can ignore but choose not to.

"I dont like how J posts, lets ban him"

I'm done explaining the blindingly obvious to someone who either is or pretends to be 8 years old. I will say that as far as I know, nobody has asked for JB to be banned, you made that up.

by d2_e4 k

Chez, we all have something valuable to contribute to this discussion, and the thing you should contribute is silence.

If you have soemthign valuable to contribute then maybe you should concentrate on that.

Communications is too way. Neither side have sole responsibility. That's not original but it is valuable.

by chezlaw k

If you have soemthign valuable to contribute then maybe you should concentrate on that.

Communications is too way. Neither side have sole responsibility. That's not original but it is valuable.

If everybody else can understand one another and none of them can understand you, that's a "you" problem.
