President Elon Musk
He probably deserves his own thread at this point, discuss accordingly
haha treating Elon as a source of truth
everyone screaming against attempts to reduce government spending is signaling he is part of the beneficiaries of waste
If conservatives didn't have straw men to battle, what would they do with all of their free time?
He would only lie about his gaming prowess; important stuff he would never lie about. Trust me, bro.
everyone screaming against attempts to reduce government spending is signaling he is part of the beneficiaries of waste
No one is screaming about that; we are suggesting that the people in charge of overseeing and determining what is and isn't wasteful spending are ******s. That's because they have proven themselves to be ******s.
Yep. So many lines he said work right now.
"The problem isn't a lack of money food water or land. The problem is that you've given control of these things to a group of greedy psychopaths who care more about maintaining their own power than helping mankind"
It's so, so easy to create a game to help you understand people.
Take Trump: everything he does ask yourself:
"Is this the action of a self-obsessed narcissist who cares nothing about the people that he is elected to represent?"
"Is this the action of a benign, kind person who really cares about the people that he is elected to represent?"
ALWAYS give someone the benefit of the doubt if it is ambiguous.
Now try and think of everything Trump has done so far as either one of the other, and ask yourself which one is the most likely in each case.
Yep. So many lines he said work right now.
"The problem isn't a lack of money food water or land. The problem is that you've given control of these things to a group of greedy psychopaths who care more about maintaining their own power than helping mankind"
Another quote that seems relevant today was by James Madison: "If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary."
INB4 playbig says the Founding Fathers were scammers.
It's so, so easy to create a game to help you understand people.
Take Trump: everything he does ask yourself:
"Is this the action of a self-obsessed narcissist who cares nothing about the people that he is elected to represent?"
"Is this the action of a benign, kind person who really cares about the people that he is elected to represent?"
ALWAYS give someone the benefit of the doubt if it is ambiguous.
Now try and think of everything Trump has done so far as either one of the other, and ask yours
The 2nd one.
In the USA, yes.
No i am not talking about thought crime because nothing other than monitoring/flagging/investigating (when resources allow for it) is asked for them, and as i said unless material support of terror is found, there is no crime (in the USA).
Gorgo has claimed that if you are in favor of monitoring people who talk pro Hamas , to investigate the leaders of those protests and so on, that's a violation of free speech. It simply isn't.
But remember where this started: Vance said
So seem Nazism is right wing ain’t it .
the point is that if you never fail in general it means you didn't try enough things, and if you never fire people who shouldn't be fired, you aren't firing enough people (given that firing a lot of them is still a very valid goal).
When mistakes can be easily fixed it's far far better to err on the "excess of people being fired" side, it's a no brainer. It's not like they incurred into huge costs by temporarily being without them for a week.
Untill it kill’s people …which often occurred .
I dunno, the opposite is what we've had in the past. Government is generally a cess pool of extremely low productive workers. Not entirely the workers fault, their job is just not demanding. They can do their daily tasks in 30 minutes. And then it creates rot. If you go in there and try to improve things, you get in trouble. But no one ever gets fired. Systems are never improved. It's sad.
Such a bs generalized view point …
If those jobs was so great , well paid , etc . Why are they missing so many of them ?
I still haven't seen the end goal, for how all of this is supposed to help the American people. All the right wingers are reveling in the chaos but have yet to express where they think this is all going.
As far as I can tell its all a big theater. Move fast and go nowhere. Remember when we got a day and a half of Ice raids all over the news then the numbers came out and they had deported less people than Bidens 4 year monthly average? Now we are on the 13 days of Doge... and on the 7th day of Doge, Elon gave to me, a fake audit of the FTC. Look at all this fraud! Well, its not fraud, its just general humanitarian aid we've been sending for 34 years, but uh, thats kind of like fraud, right?
EO against trans people largely affects a miniscule slice of the population. The fort rename. Mass layoffs. Mass layoffs is the most "please the shareholders" thing in the universe and ultimately costs companies money in lost expertise and efficiencies probably 95% of the time. I'm sure there are many other examples of theater of action going on as well.
When and how do things get great again?
I still haven't seen the end goal, for how all of this is supposed to help the American people. All the right wingers are reveling in the chaos but have yet to express where they think this is all going.
As far as I can tell its all a big theater. Move fast and go nowhere. Remember when we got a day and a half of Ice raids all over the news then the numbers came out and they had deported less people than Bidens 4 year monthly average? Now we are on the 13 days of Doge... and on the 7th day
Cordie the idea is that most problems in society are created by leftists when they have actual power to affect society (according to rightwing people these days, that is).
So anything that reduces the capacity of lefists to achieve their goals is definitionally good for the USA and viceversa. That's it, that's the whole point of it.
According to the rightwing narrative there is almost nothing that people would like to see fixed/improved that isn't at least in part the way it is because of explicit choices made by the left (and it's enablers) through time.
DOGE goal is to break eggs to see which leftist power center shakes so that they know who to target with the full power of the state down the line. The goal is to do everything in republicans power to dismantle leftist power structures.
Academia, media, public employment (outside defense/law enforcement), vast portions of the NGO world and so on.
If you want to understand why they do what they do try to enter that frameset: try to actually believe that leftists are (one of ) the causes of every single bad thing in society, and the source of nothing good, and they have been for decades, and they have entrenched in previously apparently unassailable ways in most aspects of society, and the utmost moral imperative of people who win elections and realize this is to do anything in their power not only to reduce that, but to change the rule of the game so that when the left gets political power back there isn't much they can do to restore their power to the previous peaks.
THAT, + ofc the transparent will to profit as much as possible from power themselves, which unlike democrats *people on the right don't see as a bad thing* if they don't think they lose out on the arrangement. So Musk making as many billions asa possilbe then using them in part to increase the chances of republicans winning more elections is actually one of the most moral outcomes possible because the most moral outcome possible in politics for those people is to REMOVE POWER FOR THE LEFT PERMANENTLY.
it's not a debate lol
also 'google' 'catastrophe' vs 'potential for catastrophe'
this actually furthers my earlier point that many government jobs require little work. people are there in case of catastrophe, but provided nothing happens, they just sit there idle.
Probably because the cost of not being there if needed is higher then the alternative if nothing happening ?
But yes prevention is an undervalued concept at this moment in time in the world .
Looking at the stock markets and everything else , it’s yolo and the Squeeze of the last drop of juice at any cost is worth it .
I just posted about this this morning.
Looks like Elon and myself are on the same page, great minds think alike.
Its hilarious that Zero Hedge reply guy'd a random tweet thread and suddenly this is a conspiracy making the rounds. The misinformation machine is so in synch and effective. Truly wonderous to watch.
Cordie the idea is that most problems in society are created by leftists when they have actual power to affect society (according to rightwing people these days, that is).
So anything that reduces the capacity of lefists to achieve their goals is definitionally good for the USA and viceversa. That's it, that's the whole point of it.
According to the rightwing narrative there is almost nothing that people would like to see fixed/improved that isn't at least in part the way it is because of explicit
I read the first line and its pretty much impossible to take you serious. I see you ended with the remove power for the left permanently bit. We are so fundamentally opposed ideologically I can't force myself to begin to engage with this post
I read the first line and its pretty much impossible to take you serious. I see you ended with the remove power for the left permanently bit. We are so fundamentally opposed ideologically I can't force myself to begin to engage with this post
U know ending the segregation by the evil left was such a bad mistake …
Segregation and slavery were such a marvellous and moral thing to do .
Their source is Elon Musk, whose source is his idiot children.
I don't know the whole story about the data, but the 150 (almost) year olds in particular happened because of people didn't know their birthdate and they automatically went in the system with a birthdate of May 20th, 1875 which was the date of the international standards-setting conference that established ISO 8601, which concerns date and time formatting.
This appears to not be the case. More discussion here:
This has been audited recently. Elon didn’t discover anything unknown and it appears that almost none of those SSNs are receiving payment. Hopefully alarming to people giving Elon the benefit of the doubt that he either didn’t do the most basic research before making his fraud claims or he’s just lying. :