President Elon Musk

President Elon Musk

He probably deserves his own thread at this point, discuss accordingly

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21 December 2024 at 02:21 PM

2564 Replies


by Rococo k

How was that an "activist" decision?

oh her role as a completly bad faith activist only became clear ex post in her absurd decision to deny musk pay package at Tesla, as you know

by chillrob k

Yep, right after his ex-gf, the one who bore the child he paraded in the oval office, posted to X (lol) to get Musk's attention.

He hadn't been responding to her texts, calls, and emails regarding a "medical crisis" that one of their children is currently going through.

But, hey he's a busy guy! It's tough to keep up with 12 children while tearing down the biggest bureaucracy in the world.

yes i suppose we must believe everything embittered ex wives claim in public against famous controversial public figures, and after believing that I suppose we should also change our opinion on someone because?? not sure what the logic is of citing episodes regarding exes claiming whatever.

I don't give a **** about gossip in general and I am not going to start with musk complicated web of exes lol.

I care about strong symbology about destroying the government from within makes the round mainstream

by StoppedRainingMen k

Equivocating hating Leon to partisan lean is the laziest shitpost in a plethora of them which is why it's no surprise to me Lucy the absentee dad CUZ SOMEONE IS A LEFTIST ON THE INTERNET is the one who made it. This guy was notoriously a fraud and dogshit person when he was sucking at obama's tit

Also shoutout guy who has a breeding fetish and is a notoriously horrible scumbag being a terrible dad and a notoriously horrible scumbag (I'm for whatever reason unable to get pics up, so just google gr

you need to play your tiny violin a lot harder or I am not going to hear ya over the sound of so much winning going on

by Luciom k

yes i suppose we must believe everything embittered ex wives claim in public against famous controversial public figures, and after believing that I suppose we should also change our opinion on someone because?? not sure what the logic is of citing episodes regarding exes claiming whatever.

I don't give a **** about gossip in general and I am not going to start with musk complicated web of exes lol.

I care about strong symbology about destroying the government from within makes the round mainstrea

For someone who has 12 kids and is baby daddy to 6 or more women, I'm inclined to believe her.

And no, it doesn't have much to do with politics, it just adds to the prior evidence that he is a shitty person who can't be trusted when left alone with your girlfriend or your wallet.
My Bayesian inference regarding his integrity and humanity has just dropped even further.

Anyone want to bet on how many of his current 12 children he will be on good terms with in 2040? I'll set the over/under line at 2.5.

I'm not lmao, that's super ****ed up.

by chillrob k

For someone who has 12 kids and is baby daddy to 6 or more women, I'm inclined to believe her.

And no, it doesn't have much to do with politics, it just adds to the prior evidence that he is a shitty person who can't be trusted when left alone with your girlfriend or your wallet.
My Bayesian inference regarding his integrity and humanity has just dropped even further.

Anyone want to bet on how many of his current 12 children he will be on good terms with in 2040? I'll set the over/under line at 2.

Luciom And his friends doesn’t believe in climate science , never mind Bayesian stats ….

by Playbig2000 k

Those are the biggest establishment big pharma supporting schools out there lol that would certainly explain it. I would take a testimonial of the millions of real people on youtube way over a conglomerate. Doctors aren't trained to keep people healthy, they're trained to follow protocol (diagno$e, and pre$cribe).

Lol. That explains what? I haven't even had a chance to ask him yet.

I realize that in MAGA country, cutting edge medical treatments are whatever random tweet is trending on twitter, but it doesn't work that way so much in the real world.

As for the last part, it's super paranoid that you think medical schools don't turn out any doctors that are genuinely interested in the health and healing of patients.

It's also puzzling that you think doctors are just doing big pharma's bidding but still think medicine and healthcare should stay privatized.

by Inso0 k

Most definitely not.

There's an enormous difference between someone with giant plastic frames and 6 facial piercings screaming at you about being a nazi, and Musk calmly, albeit clumsily, trying to explain why the person he's talking about is ******ed.

If you can find a woke activist who is capable of delivering their message without alerting everyone within a 3 block radius, please post some clips.

The man is on Twitter 4+ hours every day, digitally yelling and whining to hundreds of millions of people.

And yes, he routinely re-tweets or spouts nazi-related nonsense. Now, when dear old grandma with 7 followers re-tweets a neo-nazi meme, its not good, but doesn't matter all that much to society in a vacuum. When a man with hundreds of millions of followers does it, it is actually a very bad thing. The accounts behind such things grow, when they grow, the ideology grows.

If he was standing on a street-corner, loudly screaming while holding up a sign, his ideological impact would be minimal.

Elon just wants to be Rasputin, but hasn't got the charisma.

I just saw part of some interview with Musk (don't know how recent), where he claimed he was "tricked" into signing documents allowing his 16yo (at the time) child to have some kind of medical treatment towards gender transition.

So...this "genius" is easily tricked into doing something he didn't want to do, by his ex-wife and, I suppose, a doctor or two. Personally, I've experienced someone trying to trick me into bad business deals, etc., but I always read everything fully before I sign. If I had a billion dollars, I would also make sure I had a trusted lawyer review any document before I signed it. I do know other people who have been tricked into things like that, but no one with an IQ of higher than 110 or so.

Bayesian estimate of Musk's intelligence takes another large step down. And this is the guy some of you trust to be able to understand what various government agencies do., and determine which are important enough to keep?

Plus as someone mentioned earlier, he or whichever "genius" coder he trusted to put information up on their website, doesn't know the difference between $8 million and $8 billion.

by chillrob k

I just saw part of some interview with Musk (don't know how recent), where he claimed he was "tricked" into signing documents allowing his 16yo (at the time) child to have some kind of medical treatment towards gender transition.

So...this "genius" is easily tricked into doing something he didn't want to do, by his ex-wife and, I suppose, a doctor or two. Personally, I've experienced someone trying to trick me into bad business deals, etc., but I always read everything fully before I sign. If I

the 8m / 8bln is made up by the usual toxic leftists who need to invent stuff

8 bln was a mistake INSIDE THE DATABASE, not by DOGE team


According to the transitioned child of musk, he lied when he said he was tricked (if that meant he didn't know what he had signed). As we understand it now, Musk was tricked in believing transitioning would have helped his child, that's the claim basically. Tricked by gender theory, by leftism. Then he woke up and decided to dedicate his life to destroy those who , according to him, destroyed his first born son.

It was late 2020 iirc. Musk awakenining happened not too long after that, then he started looking around for options

Even if you believe that tweet, the DOGE people couldn’t tell it was a mistake before putting it up on their trophy website? Sounds like the best and brightest.

If it was a mistake in the database it would have been an enormous anomaly. Like the amount of the contract is bigger than the agency budget level. You see this and and don’t think to look a little closer?

And if it was a mistake then you didn’t actually save 8B by killing it did you?

What’s their explanation for the other 50 things in there that are complete bullshit, like counting the full value of contracts that have already been 90% spent or the full value of an allocation that doesn’t even have any purchases made on it.

That explanation doesn’t even make sense - if it was an error on the existing database then how come you could just click on the item on the stupid website and it would say 8M? Wouldn’t the “error” in the original have transposed over? Like they didn’t need third party verification to show it wasn’t 8B. You just look at the doc itself for 1 second.

by Luciom k

you need to play your tiny violin a lot harder or I am not going to hear ya over the sound of so much winning going on

All I hear is Blowies moderation lament and the ode to Lucioms lack of empathy being played on that tiny violin.

by diebitter k

Elon just wants to be Rasputin, but hasn't got the charisma.

When you have his wealth you don't need much charisma to win people over.

He does have almost as much small dick energy as Trump, I'll give him that.

by Luciom k

oh her role as a completly bad faith activist only became clear ex post in her absurd decision to deny musk pay package at Tesla, as you know

In my experience, no judge on the Delaware Chancery Court is an "activist," especially an anti-corporate activist. Delaware created a cottage industry among the 50 states by being relatively corporation friendly. That caused a flood of companies to incorporate in Delaware, which resulted over time in a relatively stable, predictable body of law administered by a group of judges with a high level of expertise in corporate law. This stability and predictability further encouraged companies like Tesla to incorporate in Delaware.

A few other states have been moderately successful in the last 20 years in competing with Delaware as the state of choice for incorporation.

Needless to say, Judge McCormack didn't create the entire fairness doctrine. Nor was she the first judge to apply it to executive or director compensation. I am 99% certain that you would be unable to explain why you view her or that decision as "activist." It's just a label that you have been trained to slap on legal decisions that you don't like (and often don't understand).

by Luciom k

the 8m / 8bln is made up by the usual toxic leftists who need to invent stuff

8 bln was a mistake INSIDE THE DATABASE, not by DOGE team

Except the screenshot DOGE originally posted indicated $8M in the database, so that's bullshit and you got bamboozled again, simp.

lol what rot if they're pretending the 8Mill/8bill FUBAR isn't theirs.

by Rococo k

In my experience

Rococo - Your experience means nothing compared to The Colonels vast knowledge of the US he has accumulated by being a keyboard warrior. I mean, he's never gotten anything wrong about the US before, why would he start now?

by Rococo k

In my experience, no judge on the Delaware Chancery Court is an "activist," especially an anti-corporate activist. Delaware created a cottage industry among the 50 states by being relatively corporation friendly. That caused a flood of companies to incorporate in Delaware, which resulted over time in a relatively stable, predictable body of law administered by a group of judges with a high level of expertise in corporate law. This stability and predictability further encouraged companies like

Well, tell the delaware legislature that, they appear to be in "emergency mode", scrambling to fix the disasters caused by activist judges

The bill's prime sponsor, Senate Majority Leader Bryan Townsend (D-Newark) — a career attorney focused on Delaware corporate litigation — explains that recent court decisions have effectively muddied some key aspects of Delaware's legal franchise, and he hopes the proposed legislative changes will bring a sense of predictability back to the corporate law system.

But i mean i suppose delaware democrats are all in bed with Trump or something.

by Rococo k

I am 99% certain that you would be unable to explain why you view her or that decision as "activist." It's just a label that you have been trained to slap on legal decisions that you don't like (and often don't understand).

It’s a term straight out of the far right playbook designed to conjure up images of the “placardistion” of legal roles. It’s often used here in the UK by the far right against immigration lawyers to smear them in an attempt to propagate a culture of hatred, as your corespondent here is doing.

anyway this kind of stuff is the stuff of legend for us libertarians, and yes we didn't actually expect this at all but we are pleased

"At California’s Yosemite National Park, the Trump administration fired the only locksmith on staff on Friday. He was the sole employee with the keys and the institutional knowledge needed to rescue visitors from locked restrooms."

Government shouldn't manage parks. Yes i know the communist theory of externalities , the nillywilly nonsense about public goods and so on. We (=libertarians) don't care. Government shouldn't even legally be allowed to own land to have the park upon, imagine that. Government shouldn't own productive assets unless linked to the expletation of it's core constitutional functions (and parks aren't one).

I know this isn't being made on purpose unfortunately, but it looks like deliberate sabotage of government at all levels in order to elicit a disgust in government mismanagement in the population, something libertarians could only have dreamt about

I understand non-libertarians won't appreciate.

by Didace k

I'm still on the fence over which is better from my perspective - colonoscopy or poop-in-a-box-and-mail-it-to-somebody.

Mailing it in has a 50% false positive likelihood. I went that route, had a positive reading and needed a colonoscopy anyhow. Had the procedure and was given the all clear - not even a polyp. Just fyi.

by Luciom k

Well, tell the delaware legislature that, they appear to be in "emergency mode", scrambling to fix the disasters caused by activist judges

The bill's prime sponsor, Senate Majority Leader Bryan Townsend (D-Newark) — a career attorney focused on Delaware corporate litigation — explains

LOL emergency mode. They are just responding to the competitive pressures from other states that I mentioned.

Also, this proposed legislation is hardly an explanation for why "activist" is the appropriate term for this judge or this decision.

by cokeboy99 k

Mailing it in has a 50% false positive likelihood.

The false positive is only about 14%. That might sound like a lot, but as you said, you just go get a colonoscopy.
