President Donald J. Trump (for Trumper supporters)
I was able to fix the thread title by creating a new thread. Howboudat
It depends what these missions you are lying about involve. But anticipating your lying nonsense, the Posse Comitatus Act is applicable.
jjj, u a Trumper now that you posted in this thread?
No, sorry, I thought this was another playbig conspiracy thread.
^ cliffs? Was that on Hunter's laptop?
Mike Johnson, speaker of the house, recently invited President Trump to address a joint session of congress on March 4th, which is similar to a State of the Union address.
March 4th is a very historic date in our history. It used to be our original inauguration day until it was changed in 1933 to January 20th.
What will Trump be announcing on March 4th?
Below is a brief history lesson regarding the date and how we got bought out by the DS:
In 1871 our Republic was going bankrupt. The Congress and Senate were approached by the Rothschilds to give the United States a loan with one condition, and they accepted. The United States was required to go from a Constitutional Republic to the United States of America, Inc. Yes – a corporation.
Around 1901 the loan was due, and the United States did not have the money to pay, so the legislators issued bonds to pay off the loan. The Rothschilds bought all the bonds and canceled the loan.
The bonds then came due around 1929. Yes . . . during the Great Depression (coincidence?). The Rothschilds agreed that, rather than again place the United States back under the control of Britain, they established a Panamanian corporation owned by them (the ‘elite’ i.e. the Deep State/Illuminati/Cabal/One World Order) called the Federal Reserve under the European Central Bank. The Federal Reserve is not and never was a federal agency. They placed the bonds and additional monies in the Federal Reserve and allowed the Corporation called the United States of America Inc. to borrow money and pay interest. We have been in debt to them ever since.
Further, President Franklin Roosevelt changed the inauguration date from March 4 to January 20 so the ‘elite’ could speed up and control the election process better, thereby reducing the amount of time to “challenge” any election “abnormalities.”
IMPORTANT: They, the ‘elite’ wealthy (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, Bushes, Clintons, and several other families) control all countries through our own CIA and FBI. They fund both sides of all wars and get rich from doing it.
In 1955, The United States almost went bankrupt on interest payments. When John F. Kennedy became President, he knew about the corruption and promised to destroy the CIA (at that time under George H. W. Bush as well as the Federal Reserve) and return the United States to a gold- and silver-backed currency instead of being controlled by the Federal Reserve and the rich ‘elite.’ George H. W. Bush coordinated President Kennedy’s assassination using the CIA.
At that time in 1963 there was a group of approximately 200 military generals who loved President Kennedy, who knew the truth, and who vowed to never allow the ‘elite’ to gain total control. Their goal was to return our country to a Constitutional Republic.
The problem has been getting a President who was not corrupt and bought by Communist China and the ‘elite’s’ money. MOST people in Congress, in the Senate, on the Supreme Court, and in the FBI and CIA were all corrupted and still are. The generals needed to get ONE president who was not bought/controlled.
In 2016 Donald J. Trump, after years of “behind-the-scenes” planning stepped forward. Donald J. Trump owed/owes no one. He loves America, and he could not/can not be bought.
The Generals took Donald J. Trump/President Trump under their wing, and they continued the plan to destroy our corrupt government and put all traitors in jail or have them executed for treason.
That is why President Trump signed the Executive Order in 2018 regarding foreign election interference fraud. He put $200 million into Gitmo to expand it to five times its size and in 2020 reinstated the federal death penalty in. He knew corruption and fraud were going to happen.
I've been thinking about a reply to this and davit william beat me to it.
Im far less concerned about the issues that need to be debated and sorted out than the solution the right has come up with. Tossing out democracy and installing a narcissistic idiot as king is not the answer.
The solution the right has come up with is winning a democratic election.
How is that tossing out democracy?
A lot of people understand all of this, and still voted for Trump, because they felt it was preferable to the extreme gaslighting we were getting from the other side.
Are you attempting to gaslight by asserting that Trump doesn't gaslight?
The solution the right has come up with is winning a democratic election.
How is that tossing out democracy?
Like the Dems won in 2020, or nah?
Bullshit. Trump lost fair and square in 2020 but lied and lied and lied because he’s a ****ing baby with such a fragile ego that he cannot ever take a loss at anything ever. (If you ask Trump if he lost 2020, he’ll say he didn’t.)
The damage that Trump has done to this country by lying about the election is significant and substantial.
“If the elections are rigged, why obey any rules at all?” It’s a legitimate question.
That is EXACTLY the attitude Trump wanted his droolers to take, and that is exactly why they felt violence was justified on Jan6. And that’s why they stormed the capital; because Trump lied to them.
Putting Trump back in power after his behavior on Jan6 and the days leading up to it is inexcusable. And it’s why America is likely about to enter a very dark period.
Bullshit. Trump lost fair and square in 2020 but lied and lied and lied because he’s a ****ing baby with such a fragile ego that he cannot ever take a loss at anything ever.
The damage that Trump has done to this country by lying about the election is significant and substantial.
“If the elections are rigged, why obey any rules at all?” It’s a legitimate question.
That is EXACTLY the attitude Trump wanted his droolers to take, and that is exactly why they felt violen
Man maybe you don't want to admit it, but Trump whining like a little girl about the elections, and all the "not so smart" attempts at using courts and whatnot, and his incessant focus on that, GAVE YOU GUYS THE SENATE.
If trump had stayed silent Georgia senate races at the end of 2020 wouldn't have gone the same way. Dem won by 1.2 and 2 points in ultra-close races only after Trump suicided the chances by galvanizing leftists and making a few (but very relevant) center-right people too wary of him.
Just one of the 2 seats was enough to keep democrats COMPLETLY out of power. COMPLETLY. A biden president without 50+Harris in the senate would have passed NOTHING of Biden agenda (including various judge nominees, secretaries and the rest) at least until 2022.
Trump denying the elections was the best thing that could have happened to democrats.
I know that God saved Trump from that bullet so that he could save America. Or at least so Trumptards have told me. They obviously asked God and God informed them. But what they have yet to ask God is; what awful things did that firefighter do that he was killed by the bullet meant for Trump?
If the only thing that mattered was the next round of elections in the Senate, this might be a compelling argument. Put another way, even if Person A concedes that Trump's election denialism was beneficial to the Democrats in controlling the Senate, and even if Person A wants Democrats to control the Senate, it is entirely rational for Person A to believe that Trump's election denialism was very bad overall for the country.
Thank you for posting this, for it exposes you for EXACTLY who you are; a win at all costs monster who does not get it at all.
First of all, I am not on a side other than the side that oppposes Trump having power. So don’t lump me in with ANY group unless that group views Trump as utter dogshit who shouldn’t have gotten a single vote. Got it?
I do not give a **** about who had the Senate or whatever. The health of this nation depends on people thinking that the vote matters and is l
The long term health of the nation gets better (ironically enough) with vaccination.
Trump is the vaccine. Trump is a corrupted center left NY democrat with a penchant for freestyle marketing, terrible taste in clothes and food, good charisma (for cheap idiots), the poor people idea of what a rich person is someone said correctly.
He is very old, wants to play golf a lot, wants to be praised by his inner circle and the media more than he cares about achieving anything in general (except for a few topics he is actually interested in).
That's as easy as an autocrat can be to defeat. If your society doesn't have the antibodies to go over Trump cleanly, it doesn't deserve to survive in the first place.
Actual threat are different and infinitely more mischievous than a person who can talk 2 hours about sharks and electric engines of boats and how that means that Obama isn't american ok?
He is the boss of the level one dungeon in the dumbed down demo of "threats to democracy" , if you can't cope with it, you don't deserve to exist as a player in the game of power.
The "system" you care to protect has to be able to survive Trump with one hand behind the back while playing Tetris with the other, laughing through it.
And that's kinda what happened in 2016, and what I think will happen again.
You don't think that, that's an indictment of the system. How ****ing weak can you think the system is if a grotesque b movie badly written villain is an actual threat?
And btw who has the Senate is MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE PRESIDENCY for the actual lives of actual Americans. You should study your system more. It's good
If the only thing that mattered was the next round of elections in the Senate, this might be a compelling argument. Put another way, even if Person A concedes that Trump's election denialism was beneficial to the Democrats in controlling the Senate, and even if Person A wants Democrats to control the Senate, it is entirely rational for Person A to believe that Trump's election denialism was very bad overall for the country.
It can be but you need to believe trump denying the 2020 presidential election results (bizzarelly he didn't deny the Senate resulta which were far closer lol) has some sort of long lasting terrible effects on the country.
But btw, I said the best thing that could happen to democrats. Democrats aren't "the country"
An authoritarian who is contesting elections to get more power will contest the Senate as well to have a stronger power base upon which to rebuild.
An egomaniac who doesn't care about power only recognition and praise would only contest his own personal election instead .
So it was a *bizzarelly* under the model which believes trump is a threat to democracy rather than just one of the best performing clowns in a long time
I’m confused what the point of separate Trump threads is if all the Trump haters are posting in here