RFK - Make America Healthy? again?
I believe this guy is going to need his own thread.
A department spokesperson confirmed Louisiana Surgeon General Ralph Abraham had ordered his staff to stop engaging in media campaigns and community health fairs to encourage vaccinations, even as the state has experienced a surge in influenza.
well, duh
“Public health is really united on this issue: For more than a century, vaccines of all kinds have been a cornerstone of improving public health in America,” Avegno told the city council on Thursday. “There’s not scientific debate on this, this is as close as you can get to established fact that vaccinations, particularly mass vaccinations, and community immunity, saves millions and millions of lives.”
It’s close to doubling unvaccinated population with millions of more people at risk…. you don’t seem to have even a basic grasp of the relevant math here.
More of a grasp than you by the looks of things. It's actually an increase of 600,000 from 900,000 given the population of Texas is approximately 30 mill. That's not close to doubling the unvaccinated population. And last time I checked 600,000 wasn't millions.
So yeah, basic math which you just failed at.
More of a grasp than you by the looks of things. It's actually an increase of 600,000 from 900,000 given the population of Texas is approximately 30 mill. That's not close to doubling the unvaccinated population. And last time I checked 600,000 wasn't millions.
So yeah, basic math which you just failed at.
The population of Texas has gone from 20 to 30 million since 2000. The growth in unvaccinated people is right at a million for the whole state. Some of these crap hole Trump rural counties will have less than 50% vaccination rates for kindergarten age kids. These parents are as dumb and sheep like as you so vax rates have fallen way way more than the state average, they were likely over 90% before covid and extreme anti vax brain rot spread among rurals. None of these people are equipped to do that simple coding exercise to prove it to themselves either.
Learn to math bro.
There is nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, about a medical topic that you will ever educate me on, df. The fact that you think a virus becoming less virulent over time is noteworthy is...we'll just say indicative of that.
Well, it's noteworthy because it wasn't the introduction of the vaccine that caused deaths from measles to decrease to any great extent. It was due to other factors that preceded the vaccine.
Meanwhile a child is dead because of the stupid misinformation brigade. Congratulations on that.
LUBBOCK, Texas (AP) — A child who wasn’t vaccinated died in a measles outbreak in rural West Texas, state officials said Wednesday, the first U.S. death from the highly contagious — but preventable — respiratory disease since 2015.
The school-aged child had been hospitalized and died
A grim reminder that politics has consequences.
Not necessarily the politics of this family, we do not know why this child was not vaccinated. We can however blame the politics of the anti-vax movement, its leaders, its influencers and its supporters. Without this, we would not have seen reemergence of measles outbreaks.
I prefer self-determination in health care, but in my eyes it comes with a moral obligation to stay informed and respect professional opinion. Professional opinion is not always correct, but it has a far better hit rate than the screeching litany of conspiracy theorists and frauds.
We see that in lieu of the outbreak and this death, there is an increase in people seeking vaccinations for themselves and their children. On one hand it is good that they seek professional and educated health care, on the other hand it is a travesty that it took an outbreak for them to listen. I also strongly suspect that even with this uptick, there will not be a return to the old normal. Not with fools in charge and social media dictating what a lot of people believe in.
we can and should blame the politics behind the COVID mismanagement as well.
the unprecedented violence and lies used to justify mandates during COVID left an open wound in trust in science and in healthcare specifically, and that caused a resurgence of antivaccinism.
we pro-vaccine, anti -mandates people told you pro-mandate people it was going to backfire .
you didn't care and went allin with pseudo religious zeal, and people snapped
Well, it's noteworthy because it wasn't the introduction of the vaccine that caused deaths from measles to decrease to any great extent. It was due to other factors that preceded the vaccine.
The vaccine effectively eradicated the disease entirely. That is measured by number of infections. It's virulence having decreased earlier because of improvements in care, general hygiene improvements in hospitals, and the natural evolution of viruses (natural selection prefers less virulence because more virulent strains can kill the host before a new host or hosts are infected).
Again, there is nothing ground breaking about any of this. The fact that you think there is is just a clear demonstration of your lack of understanding of the subject.
Also, since you are so keen on not understanding the difference a few percentage points can make, the herd immunity threshold for measles is 95%
Ludlow M, McQuaid S, Milner D, de Swart RL, Duprex WP (January 2015). "Pathological consequences of systemic measles virus infection". The Journal of Pathology. 235 (2): 253–65. doi:10.1002/path.4457. PMID 25294240.
This makes a drop to 94.3% extremely significant.
90% of people were getting measles before age 15 pre-vaccine. Measles can cause lifelong complications, not just death, including swelling of the brain, leading to permanent brain damage. I personally know a person (professionally, not a good friend or anything) whose sister is deaf because of a measles infection.
Additionally, measles can attack your immune system, making you susceptible again to diseases you had protection from prior. This is suspected to have caused more deaths than the original infection among children in the US, UK, and Denmark.
Mina MJ, Metcalf CJ, de Swart RL, Osterhaus AD, Grenfell BT (May 2015). "Long-term measles-induced immunomodulation increases overall childhood infectious disease mortality". Science. 348 (6235): 694–9. Bibcode:2015Sci...348..694M. doi:10.1126/science.aaa3662. PMC 4823017. PMID 25954009.
Measles was eliminated from the US in 2000, but continued to be occasionally brought back by travelers. However, due to vaccination rates, herd immunity has kept it from spreading from there when it is brought back.
Now that many places are dropping below that threshold, the entirely predictable is happening.
But yes, please continue to "educate" me.
we can and should blame the politics behind the COVID mismanagement as well.
the unprecedented violence and lies used to justify mandates during COVID left an open wound in trust in science and in healthcare specifically, and that caused a resurgence of antivaccinism.
we pro-vaccine, anti -mandates people told you pro-mandate people it was going to backfire .
you didn't care and went allin with pseudo religious zeal, and people snapped
Vaccine mandates date back to George Washington. What changed was the right wing propoganda industry. While it’s tragic antivax people will die, the mandates saved lives. If people have to die it’s better for it to be welfare rural uneducated Trumpers exercising their freedom rather than productive immunocompromised educated people.
I have personally never advocated for mandates. I'm simply pro-education. I believe the correct course is to provide the knowledge to every citizen so that they come to the correct conclusions themselves. I also understand that that isn't always possible and sometimes other steps may be necessary.
Vaccine mandates date back to George Washington. What changed was the right wing propoganda industry. While it’s tragic antivax people will die, the mandates saved lives. If people have to die it’s better for it to be welfare rural uneducated Trumpers exercising their freedom rather than productive immunocompromised educated people.
Vaccine mandates for adults are very rare and never for vaccines that don't permanently solve the problem. It was insane to mandate the covid vaccine , and it was justified by lies and exaggerations about the efficacy.
Now some people don't trust the system that lied obscenely to justify unjustifiable mandates anymore.
The only reason there aren't more antivaxxers is that some countries didn't mandate the covid vaccine so we can trust their health experts still.
Because no one who ever asked for the covid vaccine mandate (or even more insane mask mandates) will ever again be trusted about anything by people who don't hate freedom.
[QUOTE=Gorgonian;58906533]I have personally never advocated for mandates. I'm simply pro-education. I believe the correct course is to provide the knowledge to every citizen so that they come to the correct conclusions themselves. I also understand that that isn't always possible and sometimes other steps may be necessary.[/QUOTE]
ok, people who did are responsible for the current pushback though.
Lol yeah. Of course we never apply that type of thinking in the other direction. Like if you buy into the trans panic culture wars you just blame liberals. You never say well really this is the far rights fault for fighting so hard against gay marriageand polyamory.
This is ****ing infuriating. I came as close to dying as I ever have from the flu. I rely on this. But the lunatic morons are in charge now. ****ing infuritating.
Federal health officials notified members of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee of the cancellation in an email Wednesday afternoon, said committee member Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
The email, Offit said, offered no explanation for the scrapped meeting.
The cancellation comes as the United States is in the midst of a particularly severe flu season. So far, 86 children and 19,000 adults have died this season, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Damn 19,000 people have died and they're not even going to restrict our freedom?
What a joke
I redact nice things I have said about RFK.
Topic is the next flu season tbh, although i don't understand why the FDA was involved in this , but at this point bureaucracy is supposed to be part of everything in our lives so why not also deciding which strains to vaccinate against next season?
Topic is the next flu season tbh, although i don't understand why the FDA was involved in this , but at this point bureaucracy is supposed to be part of everything in our lives so why not also deciding which strains to vaccinate against next season?
Yea man how come private industry doesn’t have a great flu vaccine that requires worldwide collaboration and data sharing to sell at way below market rates to ensure enough people take it every year?
Must be because the boot of the government on their necks. No other explanation.