SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread

SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread

In this thread, we will play a new word game called Sides. It's somewhat similar to codenames, but cooperative and different.

Sign up with /in below if you want to play.

In this game, a target word will be randed as will a row of 7 cards that have letters on them (most 1 letter, some 2/3/4 letters).

2 people will be the guessers and everyone else will be able to give a clue.

The clue given must start with the letter on either the first or last card (the 'sides' of the row).

We discuss as a team who will give the clue with open discussion in the thread such as "I have a 7 letter word starting with a C"

Once there is some agreement on who gives the clue, that person will bold the clue they want to give in the thread.

The two guessers will then discuss in the thread and bold their guess. If it's correct, we move on to the next guessers and the next word. If wrong, then the clue givers post some info like "you are warm" or "you are about 30% there" etc to give directional info on how on track/off track their guess is.

Then they discuss and give another clue. But the person who bolded a clue cannot give another clue for the same word until everyone on the cluing side has clued a word (if we take that long to get the word), so one person can't hog the cluing.

Clues have to be one word, or an acronym, etc like in codenames; they can be hyphenated words

We can also give some info on how the clues relate to each other, or even say a clue is a 0 clue, so the opposite of what cluing for (e.g., clue 'colorful' as an opposite clue because the word is zebra)

I'll provide more details and examples in the thread in the morning, but this should be enough info for you to /in and join so we can play.

link to official rules:

) 3 Views 3
21 November 2023 at 05:10 AM

5424 Replies


Feels like the occams razor answer


roller skates

Yes, great job!

Actually, it's "rollerskate" which is super weird.

Lol yh a singular roller skate isnt something you really think of

But nice, clues were good tbh

Moving shoes was indeed what I was thinking btw.

How on earth did none of us think to clue Cannibals!?!?

Woohoo great job!!!

Nich showing off more knowledge as usual, now with his expertise in roller skates :p

Clues were great

Wheel shoe and moving shoe great way to describe it

lol now we only get one letter “c” for next round (gulp)

Round 17:

Cards used: 25
Guessers: nich/ibd

The Board:

The target word:

someone pick a random number 1-440, go to the spreadsheet and find the word in that row in column A and pm it to doctor zeus, d1iabol1cal, amazingervin, bolt2112. Double check that it's not already in column H as a word used before.

link to sheet:


by Nicholasp27 k

C6 is circle, related to c8 circular
S7 is sliding

C6 was cement
S7 was Salchow

Ah, I was wondering about figure skating angle but was thinking of famous skaters not trick names

And just how do you think the Salchow got its name? :p

Good point; never thought of it like that

by Nicholasp27 k

Round 17:

Cards used: 25
Guessers: nich/ibd

The Board:

The target word:

someone pick a random number 1-440, go to the spreadsheet and find the word in that row in column A and pm it to doctor zeus, d1iabol1cal, amazingervin, bolt2112. Double check that it's not already in column H as a word used before.

link to sheet:



I feel we can do this

Idk how yet and haven't thought at all but seems doable

I think it's pretty difficult actually.

Best I can think of is a c4 (or c6 for euros), which is not even close to a lock. Lots of words hit, but they can go in tons of different directions.

Yea C4 will probably have to be the clue, maybe someone will come up with something spectacular otherwise suggest some inferior but hard to guess C numbers?

C6 could work, but my C6 isn't interchangeable with any C4s.

Yeah, there's a few ways we could go here that could work or could whiff completely. If we had 2 letters then this would be easy.

There's a c7 that is probably the most direct imo.

I think I know the C7 and think its the best shout

I might put my foot down on my c7

Totally fine with the c7...I think it's our best shot too.

I guess C7 different from c8 as well?

I think so

I could see c7 being the same as c8...maybe.
