20 Questions

20 Questions

I'm thinking of a movie.


) 3 Views 3
18 August 2011 at 09:11 PM

711 Replies


Is it a unique place with only one of its kind to be found?

If yes, is it in either North America or Europe?

by bolt2112 k

Is it a unique place with only one of its kind to be found?

If yes, is it in either North America or Europe?

Not even going to count the first question. Notwithstanding a parallel universe, every place is a unique place.

0) Place
1) It is in North America or Europe

by ArcticKnight k

Not even going to count the first question. Notwithstanding a parallel universe, every place is a unique place.

Thanks for the freebie. I wanted to rule out the possibility that it was something generic like "post office".

Is it in Europe?

by bolt2112 k

Thanks for the freebie. I wanted to rule out the possibility that it was something generic like "post office".

No problem. I see what you are thinking now. It might be a Post Office, but it would be a specific one.lol

0) Place
1) It is in North America or Europe
2) It is in North America

by D1iabol1cal k

You could've just said you posted the wrong year to begin with instead of playing dumb this whole time.

And pog was not to know that you wouldn't have asked that question if you had seen my previous one. He did nothing wrong.

I had forgotten!

Usually people don't answer the second question if two come in very close in time and it's obvious they're very similar or the second one may now be unnecessary.

Is it in the United States?

0) Place
1) It is in North America or Europe
2) It is in North America
3) It is in the United States

Is it man made?

0) Place
1) It is in North America or Europe
2) It is in North America
3) It is in the United States
4) Not man made

Well there goes my guess. I was thinking post office.

Is it West of the Mississippi River?

0) Place
1) It is in North America or Europe
2) It is in North America
3) It is in the United States
4) Not man made
5) It is west of the Mississippi river

Is it in a state that begins with the letter M, N or W?

0) Place
1) It is in North America or Europe
2) It is in North America
3) It is in the United States
4) Not man made
5) It is west of the Mississippi river
6) It is in a state that begins with the letter M, N or W?

Is it in a state that begins with the letter N?

0) Place
1) It is in North America or Europe
2) It is in North America
3) It is in the United States
4) Not man made
5) It is west of the Mississippi river
6) It is in a state that begins with the letter M, N or W
7) Not in a state that begins with the letter N

Is it in a state that borders Idaho?

0) Place
1) It is in North America or Europe
2) It is in North America
3) It is in the United States
4) Not man made
5) It is west of the Mississippi river
6) It is in a state that begins with the letter M, N or W
7) Not in a state that begins with the letter N
8) It is in a state that borders Idaho

Is it in a state that borders Canada?

0) Place
1) It is in North America or Europe
2) It is in North America
3) It is in the United States
4) Not man made
5) It is west of the Mississippi river
6) It is in a state that begins with the letter M, N or W
7) Not in a state that begins with the letter N
8) It is in a state that borders Idaho
9) It is not in a state that borders Canada

Is it a national park? If no, is it located in a national park?

0) Place
1) It is in North America or Europe
2) It is in North America
3) It is in the United States
4) Not man made
5) It is west of the Mississippi river
6) It is in a state that begins with the letter M, N or W
7) Not in a state that begins with the letter N
8) It is in a state that borders Idaho
9) It is not in a state that borders Canada
10) It is not a National Park
11) It is not in a National Park

So it's Wyoming by default.

Is it longer than 100 meters from end to end in any direction?
