omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166

omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166

Schlitz is your daddy and Dabz is your...step...daddy?

) 18 Views 18
18 September 2022 at 02:08 AM

3073 Replies


Pink Cadillac

sup lol

I need to do better, be best.

The devil is tryin to get me!

And mfc time

Turned my spare bedroom in to a little home "office" for all the "work" i do.

Feels good man.

I've missed sitting at a desk, as gay as it sounds.

I'm even playing a poker!

Gay poker is the new cool.

dabs finally comes out of the closet as a gay fascist obsessed with interior decoration

that's a nice crapper right there

by fidstar-poker k

Daz has finally turned into Grampa Simpson.

he has been known to yell at a few clouds

by ScreaminAsian k

Song of the Summer for the 40th year in a row goes to...


see this is why we are friends SA.

also don't be sleeping on pink Cadillac too. it's not bad.

by Da33le k

Luke’s got that boomer mindset.

But unlike the boomers, he can’t afford a home.

don't you have a cloud to yell at?

by Da33le k

Turned my spare bedroom in to a little home "office" for all the "work" i do.

Feels good man.

I've missed sitting at a desk, as gay as it sounds.

I'm even playing a poker!

since when has sitting at a desk been gay?!
