omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166

omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166

Schlitz is your daddy and Dabz is your...step...daddy?

) 19 Views 19
18 September 2022 at 02:08 AM

3129 Replies


by LuckyLuke01 k

sounds like you are a few post short of being on a watch list there dabs.

Oh please, I'd bet good money I've been on the watchlist for a while.

by jmitchell42 k

thanks luke. in your own strange way, you helped a lot. now, lets get back to women and watches i suppose.

I am weird and I need to learn to embrace it.

by Tuma k

I'm voting for Luke!

just call me MR. Primeinster!

MR. Primeinster! ....MR. Primeinster!.... LUUUUKKKKKEEEE!

alright mate whats the good word!

by uppression k

I also remember OMG before there was a sub forum. It was like a race to keep the thread on top of 4L.

Jmitch was one of the ones who went to vegas with the BBV4L posters in 2009 or 2010. There were maybe 10 of us. It was a fun time.

I miss Mayo. He was funny, He unfriended me when he went in the navy.

It's still absolutely bonkers to me that a bunch of strangers met up in Vegas through an internet thread.

You guys are wild. Stranger danger be damned.

Sounds like a great time, though, I miss Vegas.

I miss the past in general. It was better.

by Da33le k

It's still absolutely bonkers to me that a bunch of strangers met up in Vegas through an internet thread.

You guys are wild. Stranger danger be damned.

Sounds like a great time, though, I miss Vegas.

We pissed on the Bellagio. It was so much fun.

Love the Bellagio. I’ve got many good memories from there.

I’m planning Poland and Germany again this year, but maybe 2025 is the year I go back to Vegas. Ten years after the last trip, works perfect.


by Tuma k

To admins:

I think we should aim to keep the forum violence free.

There is a PG&C thread that has a guy threatening to kill anyone who talks down to him while calling them "phaggots." I reported a post and no action was taken.

It doesn't appear the forum is very aligned with premise #1.

To admins:
Could someone please check out Tuma's access to behind the scenes stuff since apparently he can read my PM's and see what actions I have/have not taken. Scary.

I really only came to find a new friend. I heard there is someone here who has a special watch he only wears on his yacht. Can we be friends?

by rickroll k

jmitch you should demodded for these absolutely horrendous takes of yours

by rickroll k

i mean that will all my heart, go fack yourself and reevaluate your entire life if this is how you interpret things

better yet, go pay lirva a visit since he's clearly not a threat and totally stable

by rickroll k

you're an absolute idiot

by rickroll k

i do admire how obtuse you are ... you look like an absolute clown right now

by rickroll k

you're a genuine dipshit

by rickroll k

ok well just so you are aware, everyone in this thread is ok with raping your mother and murdering you since you're apparently ok with it happening to us and our girlfriends

by rickroll k

you're a total clown

by rickroll k

just to be clear, we're all hoping lirva does it in his act of self defense

so go fack off and don't come back

by rickroll k

until then jmitch can go hang out with lirva and get murdered after watching his mom get raped while lirva defends himself

by rickroll k

you are a hypocrite and coward

Yeah? Well, to the first point, she had the pics taken and without much resistance allowed them to be passed around. It wasn't some malicious computer nerd hacking her account and distributing them to everyone as you seem to be inferring with this statement. You also can *** with this whole internet nerd virgin played out bs, you don't know who the **** any of us are or how much we get laid or don't get laid. If a girl with a nice rack gives tert pics to someone on a forum and then makes no effort in denying the fact I think it would make us gos to not want to see them. To the second point your post comes off as ridiculously pathetic and overcompensating. I get the feeling that you are one of those guys who is constantly life tilted that the girls you fall in love with always go for *******s and never want anything more from you than to be "just friends." I can imagine its really aggravating to put so much effort into bending over backwards for these girls only to time and time again have them go off and hook up with another guy who you deem to be an *******. Let me let you in on a little clue, girls like to be ****ed by *****, when you act like a little nurturing ***** its not gonna turn them on because they most likely see you as a pathetic figure who would likely cry after sex and profess your love to her the next day. So next time before projecting your insecurities out over internet how bout you unclench your ******* so your balls can finally drop into your sac and then maybe, just maaayyybbbee, you'll finally get the girl.

SA, buy yourself Tom Wambsgams watch from succession

by allinontheturn k

insane levels of projection

Sure a mod downplays and tries to protect someone who tosses out racial slurs and threats of rape and death towards the 3 biggest contributors here and I’m the problem for asking him to stop posting here

Notice the only people speaking up for him are those other randos like you who mostly lurk, not the actual people who were attacked

by marknfw k


To admins:
Could someone please check out Tuma's access to behind the scenes stuff since apparently he can read my PM's and see what actions I have/have not taken. Scary.

I really only came to find a new friend. I heard there is someone here who has a special watch he only wears on his yacht. Can we be friends?

I actually care about the health of the forums? Gee, what an astonishing position one could have, Mark.

And I already admitted I was wrong. What more do you want, sir?

One hundred and eighty!

by rickroll k

SA, buy yourself Tom Wambsgams watch from succession

i don't remember him wearing a panerai lol but i do like that watch EXCEPT that it has a power reserve indicator and it's an automatic. panerai luminors have that overbuilt crown protector and it looks really fun to unlock it to wind it, and it would be even more fun to wind it and see the power reserve change.

as is, i wouldn't get it because it's a replica and not recognizable as a wabsgans watch.

also: how does succession get kendal a real richard mille but they have to make a replica panerai for tom? especially since mcfayden is a certified watch freak irl

by ScreaminAsian k

especially since mcfayden is a certified watch freak irl

perhaps he had a real one and kept it so they used the replica for the auction

idk that sounds like fraud

well wouldn't that be fitting for a wambsgans?

legit considering buying that watch and selling it to you for 3k once you get fomo

by rickroll k

Sure a mod downplays and tries to protect someone who tosses out racial slurs and threats of rape and death towards the 3 biggest contributors here and I’m the problem for asking him to stop posting here

Notice the only people speaking up for him are those other randos like you who mostly lurk, not the actual people who were attacked

What does "downplays" mean here? You absolute block. Everyone thinks LirvA has lost his GD mind and he's been banned. As far as I can tell you're mad because he'e not being reported to the authorities? Nothing is stopping you from reporting the post. It's been a long time since I've seen such a bad case of Mad on the Internet.


also, mark, you shouldn't have deleted that first post. that was ****ing hilarious.

jmitch tried to carefully edit out all the horrendous stuff he said so it wouldn't look so bad and just told him to calm down buddy

jmitch was not the person who banned him and even advocated against it

you act like i can just call up the fbi and say "hey there's this person posting bad things on the internet" somewhere in oklahoma - i've requested the name of the town he posts in so i can contact the local police there about it - that has been ignored

as a mod if you're willing to dm me the name of the town he was posting from then please do so and I will report him myself, othewise i can't just be contacting every police bureau in the state of oklahoma

also calling og and long time OMGers 'randos' that's pretty funny.

you're a weird kid who can't be younger than 40 and yet still somehow thinks you have an interesting and edgy avatar and not one that demonstrates you're just a pathetic loser with no taste

you try to cover up and white knight for an admitted serial rapist for making death threats and rape threats against others and do nothing but post the occasional "hey look at my spider" post once every few months

you are beyond rando - absolutely a weird creep

i would not trust you left alone in my house out of fear you'd look for loose change between the cushions while i was out of the room

oh, how will i ever recover from some rando from my forum insulting my avatar and calling me weird. man, that is too harsh. wow. it'll take some time.

by rickroll k

you act like i can just call up the fbi and say "hey there's this person posting bad things on the internet" somewhere in oklahoma - i've requested the name of the town he posts in so i can contact the local police there about it - that has been ignored

You'd have way more luck with the FBI than with some local county sheriff in Anywhere, OK.

Sure, there's like a 0.1% chance anyone at the FBI thinks about it twice but you'd only have like 0.00000001% for the local police.
