Botfarm won $10 Million on WPN
Monitoring the development and profitability of poker bots has become an increasingly challenging task.
Below are my findings related to the bots identified on the Winning Poker Network (WPN).
Botfarm Total Multi-Table Tournament (MTT) Graph:
Botfarm 2023 Year MTT Results:
Botfarm Cash Games NL400+ Since April 1, 2023:
The issue of bot proliferation has been recognized for at least 3.5 years, as discussed in this Botfarm forum thread.
Despite submitting comprehensive reports to the WPN, which unfortunately went unanswered from their security team, I harbor no illusions that they will address the problem. The security service has let down the player community. Therefore, I am reaching out to poker schools, funds, and independent players.
I urge you to examine the hands played by these bots in cash games and MTTs this year, analyze their strategies in training sessions, and actively combat them at the tables. In many games, they constitute a significant portion of the player field, ranging from 5% to 15%. - MTT Hands - Cash Hands
Here are the aliases for Hand2Note 3 that I have compiled. However, I encourage you to verify and draw your own conclusions. - Aliases
Currently, Botfarm evolve approximately every 3 months but still employ exploitative tactics, allowing to push back. Given their ability to create over 100+ new accounts per month, eradicating them requires multiple waves of blocking, not just a single sweep. This issue is not exclusive to WPN; evidence suggests that Ignition and GG Poker are already affected. While I lack data from all platforms, it is certain that they will infiltrate wherever there is a lucrative game.
In the end I would like to say that poker is a game of people with each other, not the machines. Interference by machines disrupts the essence of poker. If any room management believes that regular players can be replaced by machines - you are mistaken. In such a scenario, the game would inevitably dwindle or even cease to exist, reaching an untenable scale.
List of MTT Nicknames Part 1:
List of MTT Nicknames Part 2:
List of Cash NL400+ Nicknames:
“the bots are from this country”
That's what I'm seeing. Those A characters all over people's posts. I did ignore it at first but now it's everywhere on this forum.
I see them when you quote or copy/paste it, just like you just did. The theman's post looks fine from here. But when you quote it, I see those characters. Maybe a browser setting on your end?
It appears you're seeing it whenever someone uses the "curly" quotation mark character rather than the "straight" one. It probably doesn't translate to your screen, and you see a code. So “this” might look different to you from "this," even though they look pretty similar for me as I type it.
If theman works a lot in typography AND he uses a Mac, perhaps he types quote marks with the Opt-[ and Opt-Shift-[ keystrokes. (I was like that for years until Macs added the feature to automatically convert quote marks and dashes. Which was good because I didn't have that feature on my Windows comps, and I'm too lazy to do the whole Alt+0147 thing.)
I'm not claiming that ACR is involved, but their security team needs to BE/DO better.
there are multiple posts concerning whether these are house bots. there are two scenarios:
1) wpn deploys botnets to bleed players dry
2) wpn deliberately looks the other way on fair play security measures, ignores all emails from individual players/sleuths demonstrating vast networks of bots with identical stats (often similar screenname conventions) and hhs showing they play the same tables and collude with artificial squeezes, allowing ever growing bot populations to thrive
are those two scenarios very different as far as wpn's bottom line is concerned?
under (1), they get to keep the proceeds of their bot networks, but also have to pay programmers and ops people to implement/manage the scheme, and would be open to massive reputational risk if the program were ever exposed by an insider or extra clever sleuth
under (2), they get to outsource programming/ops to the pros, maintain plausible deniability when bulletproof evidence of widespread botnetting inevitably goes mainstream ("we are doubling our security team and will ensure this never happens again! promise!") ensuring business continuity, and give up the maybe few bb/100 in botting profits but collecting a more significant chunk on the backend with rake generated by the 3rd party bots (isn't this estimated at 5-7 bb/100 per player? to say nothing of the benefit they'd provide shoring up mtt overlays)
so i think it's fair to refer to these as "house bots" either way... even if wpn didn't commission them directly, they're tacitly outsourcing the bots by blatantly failing to enforce their security policy and openly mocking their own "manifesto"
I see them when you quote or copy/paste it, just like you just did. The theman's post looks fine from here. But when you quote it, I see those characters. Maybe a browser setting on your end?
It appears you're seeing it whenever someone uses the "curly" quotation mark character rather than the "straight" one. It probably doesn't translate to your screen, and you see a code. So “this” might look different to you from "this," even though they look pretty similar for me as I type it.
If theman works
Thank you for this explanation. I appreciate it. Just started seeing them all over the place today.
It was all a mirage. Any group or groups of individuals that is/are smart enough to make millions cheating in online poker, are smart enough to use a VPN.
+1... can't find the thread but i think a year or two ago there was a whistleblower from a botting operation who said their operation bought ID documentation (for pretty cheap) from residents in other countries
Why do so many acr players say there’s no other option for online poker?
Do they not have Ignition BOL or poker bros?
Why do so many acr players say there’s no other option for online poker?
Do they not have Ignition BOL or poker bros?
Global, BOL, Ignition (doesn't take players from every State), WPN, and now CoinPoker are all viable options. You could even play on the Horizon network. I hardly ever see anyone even mention poker bros. To answer your question, though: I don't really know. That's something else that's always seemed strange to me, too.
Why do so many acr players say there’s no other option for online poker?
Do they not have Ignition BOL or poker bros?
There's alotta shady accounts/stuff happening on ignition over the last year + thats well documented in the thread relevant to that site, to top it off unless you signed up for rakeback through someone their rewards system is absolute trash, probaly why some people chose acr instead atleast they give rakeback. Best thing for the US now more than ever would be federal regulation but that obviously isn't happening any time soon and the PPA was absolutely worthless on that front how many years ago
I am playing on ACR right now in a $22 pko I see 3 names on the list on my table, why are they not banning these players?
it has to do with the Character Encoding settings of your browser (ie how your browser interprets characters). UTF-8 is the default.
I've noticed that the accounts topping The Beast rake race leaderboard have changed substantially since the bot farm allegations came out - anyone else spot the same and find that kind of suspicious?
“the bots are from this country”
That's what I'm seeing. Those A characters all over people's posts. I did ignore it at first but now it's everywhere on this forum.
Have had this happen a lot on my phone. Typically happens when I write a long post and my login times out before the I submit the post. It's just an error with the website ... nothing suspicious about it.
Don't agree w the guy you quoted though, all for banning the botting countries. WPN verifies addresses (in my experience)
yeah i can see there 8bb, but in reldine 😃
and JW played like 20k hands thats very big sample
ROFL. This shill cant even read a poker graph
Clowns. Here is the video where he discusses his adventure on 200NL. Not sure if it is still ongoing. The graph you posted was his first 50k hands, in which he admits to getting a feel for the pool in the first 30k hands or so, and playing suboptimally by limping SB, cold calling SB, etc.
@47:50 he discusses his monthly results of 5bb/100 pre rakeback @200NL Blitz on ACR
@49:00 they discuss the rakeback of 27% + points etc
@49:20 he does mental math and post rakeback he won 12.5bb/100
@50:00 they discuss how rakeback alone is $40/hr, combined with a decent winrate maybe as high as $100/hr
If you play 40hrs/week that's 200k a year. At 200NL. On the worst US-facing site you can play on.
Tl;dr Get good and game select, shitregs
The graph you posted was his first 50k hands
but he never played more, those are his the most recent results., nobody cares what happened few years ago
Clowns. Here is the video where he discusses his adventure on 200NL. Not sure if it is still ongoing. The graph you posted was his first 50k hands, in which he admits to getting a feel for the pool in the first 30k hands or so, and playing suboptimally by limping SB, cold calling SB, etc.
@47:50 he discusses his monthly results of 5bb/100 pre rakeback @200NL Blitz on ACR
@49:00 they discuss the rakeback of 27% + points etc
@49:20 he does mental math and post rakeback he won 12.5bb/100
@50:00 they d
So... not 8bb/100?
Or over 6 months
Or even over a significant sample
Right. I was speaking from memory, so got the winrate wrong. The point stands. Winrates are WAY higher on other platforms.
Or over 6 months
Or even over a significant sample
A guy who thinks like you do would pass on a $100 bill in the gutter and claim it must be fake because if it was real someone else would have picked it up already.
so the real question is
has black friday caused all this cos of usa tards that cant run a billion dollar gold mine? i mean was all this happening pre-black friday ?there was no need to,
so since the market dried up, players win rate can i make the same money as before....cheat...and this is for all the recent threads regarding scandal./cheating etc
poker is a scummbags game now i was once a proud professional winner....
personally i think once HUDS were allowed this allowed cheating.,i really studied poker, 12 tabling multiple cash games, keeping it all in my head, then HUDS were accepted cos it satisfied the higher winners....then this then thing we have a basic program saying call raise fold. fu all. fu luck....
Clowns. Here is the video where he discusses his adventure on 200NL. Not sure if it is still ongoing. The graph you posted was his first 50k hands, in which he admits to getting a feel for the pool in the first 30k hands or so, and playing suboptimally by limping SB, cold calling SB, etc.
@47:50 he discusses his monthly results of 5bb/100 pre rakeback @200NL Blitz on ACR
@49:00 they discuss the rakeback of 27% + points etc
@49:20 he does mental math and post rakeback he won 12.5bb/100
@50:00 they d
Yet he never posted the graph and ghosted the challenge.
Also lol at rakeback being $40/hr at 200nl
Clowns. Here is the video where he discusses his adventure on 200NL. Not sure if it is still ongoing. The graph you posted was his first 50k hands, in which he admits to getting a feel for the pool in the first 30k hands or so, and playing suboptimally by limping SB, cold calling SB, etc.
@47:50 he discusses his monthly results of 5bb/100 pre rakeback @200NL Blitz on ACR
@49:00 they discuss the rakeback of 27% + points etc
@49:20 he does mental math and post rakeback he won 12.5bb/100
@50:00 they d
Sounds beyond extremely hypothetical bro. lol
You are extrapolating an awful lot from an awful lot of nothing.
P.S. why did “getting a feel for the pool” involve playing poorly?