Official Numbers Thread for Settling Sports Discussions Part 2

Official Numbers Thread for Settling Sports Discussions Part 2

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28 October 2020 at 07:23 PM

1936 Replies


moneymaker -3031
rick -530
loco -928
lego -2080
ryhen -1050
nimbus -112

zeta 200
homanga 2639
steve 7004

by Luckybacon13 k

moneymaker -3031
rick -530
loco -928
lego -2080
ryhen -1050
nimbus -112

zeta 200
homanga 2639
steve 7004

pay lego 642 and him and i are square and i owe you 642 less (408)

Bacon 408
Zeta -1550
Mathew -400
Rick -78


Weekly Balances
ItzLifeStyle +200

Luckybacon -6708

Rolling Balances
Luckybacon +3931
Lego05 +3064
rickroll +1415
Jabawokky +940
mattew88 +780
crazyrunner +321

Combined Balances
Lego05 +3064
rickroll +1415 (do not swap)
Jabawokky +940
mattew88 +780
crazyrunner +321
ItzLifeStyle +200

Luckybacon -2777

Swap involving Luckybacon, Lego05 and homanga
Lego05 owes homanga 2080 less (984)
homanga owes Luckybacon 2080 less (697)
Luckybacon owes Lego05 2080 less (642)

Swap involving Lego05, homanga and mattew88
mattew88 owes homanga 200 less (580)
Lego05 owes homanga 200 more (1184)
mattew88 and Lego05 square

Swap involving Lego05, ItzLifeStyle and homanga
Lego05 owes ItzLifeStyle 200 less (100)
Lego05 owes homanga 200 more (1384)
homanga and ItzLifeStyle square

Swap involving Lego05, crazyrunner and homanga
crazyrunner owes homanga 1384 more (1705)
crazyrunner owes Lego05 1384 less (8)
Lego05 and homanga square

Swap involving ryhenicee, Luckybacon, mattew88 and homanga
Luckybacon owes ryhenicee 400 less (8)
homanga owes Luckybacon 400 less (297)
mattew88 owes homanga 400 less (180)
ryhenicee and mattew88 square

After Swaps
crazyrunner +1705
rickroll +1415 (do not swap)
Jabawokky +940
mattew88 +480

Luckybacon -297

My Balances
ryhenicee +400
rickroll +240
Lego05 +200

homanga -780

After Swaps
rickroll +240

homanga -180


Crazyrunner +508
angerpush +860
ZetaPsi +561
Luckybacon +642

iTZLifestyle -100

homanga -1705
lego -508
loco -700
randy -55

rick +500

ok i went through all the swaps and responded to all pms

there's a few gaps which i think could partially be explained by this right here

by RandyReid k

I will pay you 956 more for Rick. You/Rick square. I owe Rick 956 less.

Bacon will pay you 1956 more. Me/you square. Bacon owes me 1956 less

this was a partial swap because i'm listed twice on that list as rick roll and rickroll and only one got swapped out

i'm also worried i added/deleted when i should have done the opposite, sometimes the way they were phrased confused me

Here's what i got using my numbers with the swaps there is definite disagreement and I clearly missed some things i think

unsure what your number is dm me if this is wrong for you
randy -440 (don't see a recent balance post but i think i reversed a swap with you and money)
zeta 42
lego 500
loco 0

the dm crew
lucky 470 (vs 530 dming)
ryhen 402 vs your 78 (pm already sent earlier)
money 400 vs your -556 (i think i screwed up a swap you did with randy and see above)

anger 819 but we'll use your 817
house -1408
crazy -500
homanga -1415
mattew -240 we'll use your number i see in my sheet i didn't use juice and just had -200

the nice and clean version of that is

randy -440
zeta 42
lego 500
lucky 470
ryhen 402
money 400
anger 817
house -1408
crazy -500
homanga -1415
mattew -240

please don't swap any balances unless it's from the consensus bucket until i sort out the rest

sorry everyone for the delay

jan 2-8 preswap

bacon -200
lego -570
rick -28, disc

house 482
jpb 500
money 1700
randy 36
ry 1100
sports87 500

by rickroll k

the nice and clean version of that is

randy -440
zeta 42
lego 500
lucky 470
ryhen 402
money 400
anger 817
house -1408
crazy -500
homanga -1415
mattew -240

please don't swap any balances unless it's from the consensus bucket until i sort out the rest

sorry everyone for the delay

I PM'd you.

Don't swap my balance here.

by rickroll k

the nice and clean version of that is

randy -440
zeta 42
lego 500
lucky 470
ryhen 402
money 400
anger 817
house -1408
crazy -500
homanga -1415
mattew -240

please don't swap any balances unless it's from the consensus bucket until i sort out the rest

sorry everyone for the delay

Texted my thoughts on this. Don’t swap anything for me off this list either.

My tabs:

Crazy +55

Zeta -277
Slurms -209

Up to date
Lego +100

by crazyrunner912 k

homanga -1705
lego -508
loco -700
randy -55

rick +500

Crazy you owe me 300 from squares. I owe loco 300

me and you square you owe loco 1k

moneymaker -3031
rick -470
loco -928
lego -642
ryhen -8
nimbus -112

zeta 200
homanga 159
steve 7004

by Luckybacon13 k

moneymaker -3031
rick -470
loco -928
lego -642
ryhen -8
nimbus -112

zeta 200
homanga 159
steve 7004

bacon pay zeta 1150. zeta/moneymaker square. bacon owes moneymaker 1150 less

bacon pay loco 300. zeta/loco square. bacon owes zeta 300 less

zeta pay lego 642. bacon/lego square. bacon owes zeta 642 more

zeta pay ry 8. bacon/ry square. bacon owes zeta 8 more

jan 2-8 updated

lego -1203
rick -28, disc do not swap

bacon 1300
house 944
jpb 500
randy 277
ry 1542

rickroll +1408 (don't swap until he's sorted his tabs out)
zeta -944
sports87 -150
angerpush -721


Crazyrunner +508
angerpush +860
ZetaPsi +1,203

iTZLifestyle -100

by Lego05 k


Crazyrunner +508
angerpush +860
ZetaPsi +1,203

iTZLifestyle -100

anger owes you 721 less (139), zeta owes you 721 more (1,924)
i owe zeta 721 more, house/anger square


rickroll +1408 (don't swap until he's sorted his tabs out)
zeta -1665
sports87 -150


Crazyrunner +508
angerpush +139
ZetaPsi +1,924

iTZLifestyle -100

Week ending 1/15

RandyReid +418

found the trade with lego and randy for 500 (there were 2x trades with me in one post so missed that 2nd one) so that is resolved

so this is what i got, send out all my numbers where the gaps are and still waiting on some responses so here's the updated old roll

lucky 470 disc
anger 817
randy 60 (maybe this was vig or i screwed up - were my weekly totals with you the same?)
lego - clear
zeta 42 disc
ryhen 402 disc
mattew -240
money 400 disc
house -1408
crazy -500
homanga -1415

last week ending today
house 300
zeta 300
bacon 200

new total

lucky 470
anger 817
randy 60
zeta 342
ryhen 402
mattew -240
money 400
house -1108
crazy -500
bacon 200
homanga -1415

Lego +100
Lucky +200
Zeta -200

Week ending 1/15

Crazy +55
Loco +900
Bacon +545

Zeta -277
Slurms -418 (pm or roll)
House -200

@rick- see texts. I’m confident we’re square.
