Official Numbers Thread for Settling Sports Discussions Part 2

Official Numbers Thread for Settling Sports Discussions Part 2

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28 October 2020 at 07:23 PM

1936 Replies


Numbers preswap including rolls

bacon +212

housenuts -400

tabs ending 1/15 with rolls

homanga +1436
rickroll +1108
zeta +856
Luckybacon +800
moneymaker03 +500
crazyrunner +429
nimbus +414
angerpush +351
randy +200
sports87 -1050

by RandyReid k

Week ending 1/15

Crazy +55
Loco +900
Bacon +545

Zeta -277
Slurms -418 (pm or roll)
House -200

@rick- see texts. I’m confident we’re square.

bacon pay me 200 more (1000), owes you 200 less (345), house/randy square

Numbers preswap including rolls (corrected)

bacon +212

housenuts -414

by housenuts k

tabs ending 1/15 with rolls

homanga +1436
rickroll +1108
zeta +856
Luckybacon +800
moneymaker03 +500
crazyrunner +429
nimbus +414
angerpush +351
randy +200
sports87 -1050

bacon owes you 212 more. I owe you 212 less. I'm square with bacon


Housenuts -202

Week Ending 1/15 (including rolls):

angerpush +339*
ZetaPsi +124*
Luckybacon +1,400
ryhenicee +300
Loco +1,090

iTZLifestyle -100
Crazyrunner -42

*Includes Eagles Super Bowl amount

Crazy +55
Loco +900
Bacon +345

Zeta -277
Slurms -418

w/ swaps

homanga +1436
Luckybacon +1212
rickroll +1108
zeta +856
moneymaker03 +500
crazyrunner +429
angerpush +351
nimbus +202
sports87 -1050

Homanga 318
Zeta 300

Lego -339
House -351
Rick -817

Preswap #s

Sports87 -2586

Homanga +1200

moneymaker -381
zeta -5600
lego -1600 (200 disc)
house -1212
Rick -670
Ryhen -600
randy -300
itzlifestyle -200
loco -428

homanga 12229
steve 7004

housenuts +1050
kobe2odom +2395

Sports87 -2395

Homanga +1200

RandyReid +418


resolved number with zeta

new total

lucky 470 disc
anger 817
randy 60 looking into
zeta 329
ryhen 402 disc
mattew -240
money 400 disc
house -1108
crazy -500
bacon 200
homanga -1415


Weekly Balances
AngerPush -318
kobe2odom8 -1200
housenuts -1461
Luckybacon -14570

Rolling Balances
crazyrunner +1705
rickroll +1415
Jabawokky +940
mattew88 +180

Luckybacon -159

Combined Balances
crazyrunner +1705
rickroll +1415
Jabawokky +940
mattew88 +180

AngerPush -318
kobe2odom8 -1200
housenuts -1461
Luckybacon -12229

by rickroll k

resolved number with zeta

new total

lucky 470 disc
anger 817
randy 60 looking into
zeta 329
ryhen 402 disc
mattew -240
money 400 disc
house -1108
crazy -500
bacon 200
homanga -1415

Take off 318 w Rick/homanga/anger

Zeta 300

Lego -339
House -351
Rick -499

new total

lucky 470 disc
anger 499
randy 60 looking into
zeta 329
ryhen 402 disc
mattew -240
money 400 disc
house -1108
crazy -500
bacon 200
homanga -1097

by rickroll k

new total

lucky 470 disc
anger 499
randy 60 looking into
zeta 329
ryhen 402 disc
mattew -240
money 400 disc
house -1108
crazy -500
bacon 200
homanga -1097

ill pay you 300 less to become square w zeta

ty to mattew for pointing out i had lucky and bacon listed lol

new total after most recent swap

lucky 670 disc (should be ok to swap as his number was in my favor)
anger 199
randy 60 looking into
zeta 629
ryhen 402 disc
mattew -240
money 400 disc
house -1108
crazy -500
homanga -1097

Lego -339
House -351
Rick -199

jan 9-15 preswap

ap -300
house -856
lego -124
rick -327

bacon 5600
itz 200
loco 1336
money 2000
randy 277
ry 1542

lucky 670 disc (should be ok to swap as his number was in my favor)
anger 199
randy 60 looking into
zeta 628
ryhen 402 disc
mattew -240
money 400 disc
house -1108
crazy -500
homanga -1097

Swap involving rickroll, homanga and mattew88
rickroll owes homanga 240 more (1337)
homanga owes mattew88 240 more (60)
rickroll and mattew88 square

Swap involving rickroll, crazyrunner and homanga
rickroll owes homanga 500 more (1837)
crazyrunner owes homanga 500 less (1205)
crazyrunner and rickroll square

Swap involving housenuts, rickroll and homanga
rickroll owes homanga 1461 less (376)
rickroll owes housenuts 1461 more (2569)
housenuts and homanga square

Swap involving rickroll, luckybacon and homanga
luckybacon owes rickroll 376 less (294)
homanga owes luckybacon 294 less (11853)
rickroll and homanga square

Swap involving kobe2odom8, crazyrunner and homanga
crazyrunner owes homanga 1200 less (5)
crazyrunner owes kobe2odom8 1200 more (1200)
kobe2odom8 and homanga square

After Swaps
Jabawokky +940
crazyrunner +5

mattew88 -60
Luckybacon -11835
