Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 20 Views 20
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33193 Replies


by chillrob k

I also don't know why anyone would "want to rescue" a destroyed tank. Can you (or anyone) briefly explain?

There might be wounded in the tank and they don't want it fixed up by the enemy. Plus they are expensive items so they want them back for repair. So if they can't get it back, they blow it to bits.

by Bill Haywood k

There might be wounded in the tank and they don't want it fixed up by the enemy. Plus they are expensive items so they want them back for repair. So if they can't get it back, they blow it to bits.

That makes sense, but then I would have used the word damaged instead of destroyed to describe the tank. Makes sense that Hamas publicity would overstate the impact of their attack though.

by chillrob k

I guess I don't know the definition of "destroyed" when applied to tanks. I would have thought anyone inside a destroyed tank would definitely already be dead, but I also don't know why anyone would want to "rescue" a destroyed tank. Can you (or anyone) briefly explain?

No the crew often lives in whole or part. You would be surprised at the survivability. Tons of videos from Ukraine where the weapons are much more deadly than the Qassam stuff and crew is seen evacuating.

Also, armies don't want technology going into the hands of the enemy. So they will fully obliterate it.

However in this case, the Israelis would prefer dead soldiers to hostages.

I take it back victor, sorry about the dumb question.
Im starting to get what you are saying.

what is that mets? " Guatemala is a jewish dictatorship"
min 4- why are gutemalan politican saying that ??

Mets why was israel butchering indigenous people in latin america???
heh pal? I bet you didnt know about that. and if you did, even worse.

Zionism’s Bloody History in Guatemala

By 1982, the Zionist war on Guatemala’s leftists and Indigenous peoples went into high gear. On February 13, Guatemala’s dictatorship murdered at least 200 civilians in the village of Chisis, which they claimed was harboring leftist guerrillas. They were also killed with Israeli weapons.

Within Latin America, the State of Israel established its first stronghold in Guatemala, a majority-Indigenous country that was once home to the great Maya civilization. Zionism has a little-known but bloody history of genocide against the Indigenous peoples of Guatemala. The State of Israel has also committed crimes against humanity in other countries of the region, including Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Colombia, and Chile, among others. However, some of its earliest and most despicable crimes were carried out in Guatemala. Many of these crimes were committed under the guise of bringing “liberty,”

Can you two stop already

I tried to have a conversation with you but you've shown your colors

You want all the jews to leave .. all of the sudden on the side of extreme orthodox jews "maybe they are right"

Then say Natalie portman as an argument

Where does she say the Jews should move out of Israel?

You're either an uneducated buffoon or a liar

I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt

But you've shown your antisemitism strong

Others in that thread laughed at me for even having a conversation with you

I feel dumb


by washoe k

bro are you taking any drugs when posting? asking for a friend.

no I quit drugs. maybe my posting would be better if I had some.

by washoe k

I take it back victor, sorry about the dumb question.
Im starting to get what you are saying.


Washoe is a right-winger, no? Besides this thread he seems mostly interested in trans people detransitioning.

by microbet k

Washoe is a right-winger, no? Besides this thread he seems mostly interested in trans people detransitioning.

You gotta tell me wtf is the likud party doing in guatemala?
why are they backing far right groups and whats the point in butchering indigenous people? why would they do that??

I don't know what bullshit you are reading from bullshit sites

Guatamala moved their embassy to Jerusalem in 2017

Guatamala condemned the hamas attack on Israel oct 7

If you want to post bullshit from.bullshit sites you can go on ignore

If you want to have an actual discussion about the war go ahead

But saying the Jews should leave Israel let's me know how much you hate jews

You wanna be a leftist liberal? why are you backing far right groups then? likud is far right. and bibi is best friend with the far right dictators in Guatemala, who like buthering ingeginous people in south america.

I really dont get what you you dont get here. That aint no bs sites.

THESE ARE the liberals in the gov saying that, and also indigenous people parties in south america, saying Gutemala is a Jewish dictorship who BUTCHERED indigenous people. Democracy now, liberal, do you get this? these are the left party folks, no bs far right nazies. Lets stick to the facts.

Give me a mainstream link


Reagan supported the right-wingers in the civil war in Guatemala which lead to about 200000 deaths because the right-wingers were ranchers and plantation owners like United Fruit/Chiquita and they wanted to steal land from Indigenous/poor people just like happened in the rest of Central America. If Israeli arms and training were a tiny part of that as Israel has been a partner of the USA, that would not be that surprising. If the US used Israel as a weapons conduit the way Reagan did when he sold arms to Iran to illegally fund the Contras in Nicaragua, that would not be a huge surprise. It's a ridiculous antisemitic take that any of that was about Zionists in Guatemala, and that wouldn't be surprising from some right-winger who loves to post about detransitioning.

The article washoe linked is incredibly bad. I doubt very much that he read it and if he read it he certainly didn't look up stuff like the person cited as a "historian" was a student pursing their Master's degree in Public Health.

JERUSALEM/GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked Guatemala with a "God bless you" on Monday for deciding to move its embassy to Jerusalem, while the Palestinians said the Central American country was "on the wrong side of history".

Five Jewish facts about Guatemala’s new Hebrew-speaking president

Guatemala’s president-elect has a unique history with Jews and Israel.

Here are five Jewish things to know about Arevalo:

1. Arevalo is the son of Juan Jose Arevalo, who became Guatemala’s first democratically-elected leader in 1945. On May 14, 1948, under Juan Jose Arevalo, Guatemala became one of the first countries in the world to recognize Israel. After leaving office, the elder Arevalo then served as ambassador to Israel. ....

for corpus,

2 outlets have picked up the IDF soldier terrorist attack on students. Daily Beast and Intercept.

for mets, the only Jews that actually feel unsafe on campus are these

and the only people in the USA that have been attacked and killed and maimed and hurt are people supporting Palestinians. that includes the 6 year old boy stabbed to death bc his landlord got so worked up about the Zionist propaganda for a "day of jihad". and the 3 kids who got shot and one of them is now a paraplegic bc they were wearing Keffiyehs in Burlington Vermont. and now this chemical weapons attack.

luckily most can make a distinction between Zionist terrorists and Jewish people and understand that although mets and most Western institutions equate the two, not all Jewish people do.

nothing to see here right mets? micro?

has absolutely nothing to do with israel! lol

[URL=""]Democracy Now! : LINKTV : January 16, 2024 9:00pm-10 ...

Internet Archive › details › LINKTV_20240117_05...


6 days ago — dictatorships. guatemala is a jewish dictatorship right now. most of the challenges of bernardo arevalo's government is to change the mayor ...

by Victor k

kill soldiers and take hostages.

at this point it is blatantly obv that Israel killed most of the civilians.


lol chemical weapon attack. Protesters get hit with tear gas, rubber bullets, etc.... it just comes with the territory.

Aravelo also speaks English, French and Portuguese. His father was driven to exile by the 1954 military coup, he protested the military dictatorship of Molina and his career has been in sociology and peace studies/activism. He's not really a left-winger, but is center-left and would be left-left in the USA.

by PointlessWords k


read more

by 5 south k

lol chemical weapon attack. Protesters get hit with tear gas, rubber bullets, etc.... it just comes with the territory.

they werent hit with tear gas or rubber bullets. they were hit with something much worse and more dangerous and they were not hit by the authorities but by 2 or 3 IDF soldiers.

if some Hamas members went to a Israeli rally and set doused people with chemicals would you feel the same way? the media and govt and law enforcement sure wouldnt ofc.

by metsandfinsfan k

I was dumb enough to try to reason with this antisemite earlier

I feel dumb

This is why you don’t need to respond. Take away the oxygen. He’s not debating you; he’s spewing.

by metsandfinsfan k

I was dumb enough to try to reason with this antisemite earlier

I feel dumb

I'm hoping he's a right-winger like those people marching in NYC right now to help you see who the real threat to Jews are in the USA.
