Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 20 Views 20
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33193 Replies


by Victor k

your timeline is off. the withdrawal from Gaza happened at the end of the seocond intifada. shortly thereafter Hamas renounced suicide bombing.

This is kind of an important order of events to settle

by 5 south k

This is kind of an important order of events to settle

dates are all on wiki

this is considered the end of the 2nd Intifada in Feb of 05.

withdrawal occurred in Aug and Sep of 05

and you can find the dates of suicide bombings as well.

after the withdrawal, Hamas did 2 bombings in 2008.

by microbet k

Rare huh? So you must think Washoe is a genius.

I don't think there is an argument on that so no agreement needed.

Also I don't read his posts anymore.

by PointlessWords k

If Victor is an anti semite does that make you an anti Arabic person?

From what I’ve read of the thread, there seems to be quite a lot of both antisemitic and islamophobic sentiments floating around here in the undertones. 👍

is it antisemtic to think these guys should be punished?


ofc it is

ten students hospitalized! some of them even Jews.

how many university presidents would get fired if even one pro-Israeli student got a paper cut?

by 5 south k

This is kind of an important order of events to settle

It was after the 2nd Intifada. Israel agreed to withdraw if the pa agreed to recognizing them and peace which they did. Then a year later, hamas took over and here we are

Most of Israel isn't anti arab at all. Many are anti Palestinian but that's not the same thing. Most Israeli arabs love Israel and don't want it destroyed

look at these people joyously blocking aid to starving children. I wont criticize them bc that would be antisemitic.

Hamas not accepting the exile deal shows how extreme they actually are

by PointlessWords k

If Victor is an anti semite does that make you an anti Arabic person?

Being anti-Arab would technically also be antisemitic, but there seems to be broad consensus on 2p2 that being a bigot against Arabs is okay.

We've been getting bombarded with anti-arab propaganda for 25+ years so makes sense.

And in general, their culture is in direct contrast to ours on many subjects relating to human rights.

Victor, it’s not in itself antisemitic to criticize the Israeli government. What’s suspect is your singular focus on them. You of course know we, the USA, are currently conducting a similar offensive as Israel against Yemen right now, the poorest nation on earth. Selective outrage indicates internal bias.

by coordi k

We've been getting bombarded with anti-arab propaganda for 25+ years so makes sense.

And in general, their culture is in direct contrast to ours on many subjects relating to human rights.

You mean 35+

by coordi k

We've been getting bombarded with anti-arab propaganda for 25+ years so makes sense.

And in general, their culture is in direct contrast to ours on many subjects relating to human rights.

Is it though? Or isn’t that just more propaganda.

Coming from a nation that bans books from schools, legislates “don’t say gay”, removes a woman’s right to choose, and still has legalized child marriage in 41 states, I’m really struggling to see this so called cultural chasm that many claim to exist.

by Crossnerd k

Victor, it’s not in itself antisemitic to criticize the Israeli government. What’s suspect is your singular focus on them. You of course know we, the USA, are currently conducting a similar offensive as Israel against Yemen right now, the poorest nation on earth. Selective outrage indicates internal bias.

wait, you think the Yemen thing doesnt infuriate me and I havent been posting about it?

you think I ever give the USA a pass for its demented foreign policy? this whole forum gives me **** bc all I ever say is "America bad".

however, I will say that as disgusting as the USA conducts its wars, I have never seen anything as appalling as the genocide in Gaza. partly this is bc Iraq and Afghanistan were not live streamed like this one.

by Crossnerd k

Victor, it’s not in itself antisemitic to criticize the Israeli government. What’s suspect is your singular focus on them. You of course know we, the USA, are currently conducting a similar offensive as Israel against Yemen right now, the poorest nation on earth. Selective outrage indicates internal bias.

It's hardly similar, since there are no US troops on the ground.

by Crossnerd k

Is it though? Or isn’t that just more propaganda.

Coming from a nation that bans books from schools, legislates “don’t say gay”, removes a woman’s right to choose, and still has legalized child marriage in 41 states, I’m really struggling to see this so called cultural chasm that many claim to exist.

Being openly LGBTQ and facing the death penalty is still a reality in a couple of Arab countries.

Not being able to go out in public as a woman without full coverage and male escort is still a thing in a couple of Arab countries.

I'm not an expert but would bet money that even the more progressive Arab countries would be worse right now on womens and LGBTQ rights than the US has ever been in its entire history.

Silence, Karen, the men are trying to teach you about how oppressive the Arabs are.

by 5 south k

This is kind of an important order of events to settle

They kept suicide bombing although at much reduced frequencies.

by PointlessWords k

If Victor is an anti semite does that make you an anti Arabic person?

I believe Gazans deserve a state
I believe on average Gazans are regular peaceful people, and aren't particularly more sinister (despite some clearly supporting Hamas actively)
I believe the Arabs of Israel add tremendous value to Israel

I also believe that radical Islam is a plague. The conquering dark ages elements of Islam that ISIS and Iran (and its proxies) would like to spread. And the Saudis openly agree with my take. Normalization seeks to establish a innovative, peaceful, generous Islam that recognizes Israel and the Jews as being accepted in the middle east.

So I guess you tell me. I'm not going to assess myself.

by coordi k

I'm not an expert but would bet money that even the more progressive Arab countries would be worse right now on womens and LGBTQ rights than the US has ever been in its entire history.

If you’re talking about only white women, then yes. If you remember bipoc women exist in American history too, then no. Not even close to true.

when the USA put out a ton of gross country songs about bombing the middle east after 911, I said damn we got a ****ed up culture.

saying the same about a country gleefully committing genocide would be antisemitic.

by grizy k

They kept suicide bombing although at much reduced frequencies.

I'm putting that down as a + in the Hamas column.

by grizy k

They kept suicide bombing although at much reduced frequencies.

according to wiki, Hamas had 2 suicide bombing since them, both in 2008.
