Netflix "Watch Instantly"

Netflix "Watch Instantly"

I just recently rejoined Netflix and was pleased to see they have added a "Watch Instantly" feature where you can stream a movie over the internet. The selection of movies/shows is subpar, but it's free baby! Well, free as in no extra charge. You can watch 1 hour for every dollar/month your subscription is and it doesn't affect your queued/shipped movies at all. Minuses are that you have to be running Windows and Internet Explorer, but the quality is great! I have a garbage laptop, but it looks the same as a DVD to me and it hasn't skipped/paused/hiccuped once so far.

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03 September 2007 at 07:40 PM

1308 Replies


by thethethe k

Halfway through Fool Me Once and really enjoying it.

Bit worried as the reviews all seem pretty mediocre, and I feel it’s definitely the type of show that could potentially completely **** the bed

I refused based on the reviews. My wife watched it and for about 2/3 of the show she was telling me how I was missing out and it was good. Asked her how it ended and she just shook her head.

by AzOther1 k

Who pitched that idea? Who said, "Sounds good. Roll with it."?

Is it a UFC production?

I admit that I occasionally watch the original when it's on TV, but in no way was I hoping they'd remake it.

by AzOther1 k

Who pitched that idea? Who said, "Sounds good. Roll with it."?

Is it a UFC production?

The remake has been 10+ years in the making. When they announced it Ronda Rousey was supposed to star. Always was an MGM project but probably only gained traction again after Amazon bought MGM.

by Dominic k

NEVER talk to the police without a lawyer present. EVER. It is not in your best interest and can only hurt you. Jesus, how do people not know this by now?

Very true , but when you're the victim of a crime and you need police help to find a loved one , you go to them with a different mindset and a sense of urgency.

I watched the first 2 episodes (6 total) of Griselda on Netflix. It's good.

It's like Scarface but with Sofia Vergara.

"The only man I was ever afraid of was a woman named Griselda Blanco."

- Pablo Escobar

Pablo was afraid of dozens of men, that's why he had them murdered whether rivals or police.

by Randall Stevens k

I admit that I occasionally watch the original Roadhouse when it's on TV, but in no way was I hoping they'd remake it.

Now when I turn on the TV I mostly only go directly to something I planned to watch. But back in the day when I mindlessly surfed every cable channel looking for something to watch, I admit I would stopped and watch Roadhouse or a movie by country singer George Strait called Pure Country. But let's keep these confessions as a group secret not to be discussed outside of this thread.

by parisron k

I'll only watch if this version of Dalton also majored in philosophy.

Gonna suck without Jeff Healey.

by nyc999 k

I'll only watch if this version of Dalton also majored in philosophy.

lololololol i totally forgot about that

remember just losing it when i saw that film like omg they are just trying too hard here with the warrior poet trope

by parisron k

"No one ever wins a fight" quote in trailer.

by nyc999 k

I'll only watch if this version of Dalton also majored in philosophy.

Not sure if there are going to be any major similarities, but the philosophy reveal in the original included a quote seen in the remake, "nobody ever wins a fight."

by marknfw k

Gonna suck without Jeff Healey.

RIP Jeff Healey. His debut album "See the Light" is up there as one of my favorite debut albums.

Just read where the director called it "possibly one of his best movies" and boycotted the big-screen debut because Amazon decided to release it direct to streaming. Several big name features under his belt already.

I freakin' love Roadhouse. Not because it's great cinema, because it's a fun watch. I'll almost always stop to watch (at least until a commercial) if I'm repeat-scrolling thru my limited OTA channels.

by razorbacker k

I refused based on the reviews. My wife watched it and for about 2/3 of the show she was telling me how I was missing out and it was good. Asked her how it ended and she just shook her head.

Yup pretty much nails it. However, while the last one and a half episodes are pretty comically bad, the cast is great, the story starts great, and I love Michelle Keegan, so no regrets!

by domda k

Very true , but when you're the victim of a crime and you need police help to find a loved one , you go to them with a different mindset and a sense of urgency.

Imagine how this kid felt. He is looking for help, only to be endlessly interrogated. Then he’s willing to take a lie detector test and then told he failed miserably. Good grief.

How does everyone feel about the settlement? Does that amount seem about right?

I’m on Tapatalk, not sure how to do spoilers.

by ladybruin k

RIP Jeff Healey. His debut album "See the Light" is up there as one of my favorite debut albums.

Yeah, I thought he was great too. At some point I found out he owned some kind of club in Canada and performed there often/sometimes. I always thought I'd make it up there to see him sometime, but no, never did.

I finished Griselda, it's good all the way through. Worth a watch. Interesting at the end the mention of her son's name.

Expats on Prime with Nicole Kidman is kind of weird but interesting, will continue.

3rd and final season of Hightown started today on Starz, I have liked it all the way.

by hansmolman k

Really good short film. God I love short films.

thought someone else shared this in another thread and this is what i wrote on it

by rickroll k


finally got around to watching that short film about the old folksy guy

i liked, the people behind making it are clearly talented writing, storytelling, & and just putting it all together

Been doing a season by season back and forth with Brockmire, which I’d seen the first season of and forgot about, and Loudermilk, which I got from this thread. I still have 1 season of Brockmire left and hopefully there will be another one for Loudermilk.

Love both quite a bit. I’ve been missing a great single cam sitcom for awhile and was lucky to to get 2. The Aussie ones have been great but these lean more towards comedy I think. I should’ve known but really had no idea how freaking good Hank Azaria is. I’ve always liked him but damn he kills it in that role. And seeing Brian Regan doing something was also awesome and he’s great in Loudermilk.

As an added bonus, and maybe the best part overall from both, is that the singer/songwriter from the last bit of Loudermilk was a “friend” I went to music school with and did a bunch of live sound for her. I always loved her voice and when I first saw her episode, I knew she looked familiar but couldn’t place her. I hadn’t seen her since around ‘07 and the last I’d heard was that she was opening up for Lenny Kravitz. I was thrilled that she’s still going and has quite a few albums out. I’ve been listening to her all day.

Big fan of Brockmire. Azarias a pro. Also have to track down the last season somewhere.

These streaming services have been picking off a bunch of shows I’ve liked mid watch and it’s tilting me.

I’ll gather via other means if I have to. I don’t care anymore….

Yeah, I just re-started Loudermilk recently which reminded me that I think I missed the last season of Brockmire. :(

Loudermilk was great.


Although, the ending implied season 4, but the network went under. Maybe Netflix will produce another season.

by tarheels2222 k

Loudermilk was great.


Although, the ending implied season 4, but the network went under. Maybe Netflix will produce another season.


I don’t know who produced it during its original run but I don’t think it was Netflix. That gives it some hope. Now if someone could just save Wayne lol

by Mr Spyutastic k

American Nightmare was pretty good.

Had no expectations going in and had never heard the story before.

I was surprised some of the events took place near where I live where usually nothing happens.

It's a documentary about some woman who got kidnapped and a bunch of bizarre circumstances surrounding what occurred.

Enjoyed this. Never heard the story before. Good 3 eps if you like crime docs.

by tarheels2222 k

Loudermilk was great.


Although, the ending implied season 4, but the network went under. Maybe Netflix will produce another season.

It's was ok.

Loudermilk is like a sober Hank Moody but less charming and likeable.
