WTF happened to the Limon thread?

WTF happened to the Limon thread?

That thread was straight diesel fire some of the best stuff to come out on 2p2 even if it was from that goofy G Limon. Dude is talking about million dollar games and playing poker around the world and the thread gets locked?!?! Mods what are we doing here? Don't doubt this will get locked too.

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27 January 2024 at 04:49 AM

136 Replies


by ScotchOnDaRocks k

No one goes to a baseball game to see the umpires. No one clicks on 2+2 to see Boba Fett and Madlex moderate.

And yet you backseat moderate, oh sweet hypocrisy.

by CodyBLAHHH k

And yet you backseat moderate, oh sweet hypocrisy.

I’m the people’s moderator operating out of an ivory tower.

Where's the Bastard poll alternative?


This poll is flawed; I can't choose both answers simultaneously.

(Mods, please fold this thread into the NVG moderation discussion thread )

by Mike Femton k

I hope he’s fine. That thread was everything he got.

seriously! i just went to check his twitter to see if he's on there lambasting the mods on 2+2 but he's been "suspended" there as well. i've never visited his twitter before (i'm a unruly slave) but he did write in the AMA to follow him on @limonpoker, so obviously these two community exclusions happened fairly simultaneously. at least he still has reddit for now, but when examining his latest posts there, it's only just a matter of time that he's deemed a persona non grata there as well. he'll be the only MENSA genius without an outlet for his never-ending barrage of "yo moma"-jokes. i wish i could watch limon's reaction to reading this post... hi limon 😉 i got the last laugh as i told you i would!

he's clearly very, very lonely and tangibly mentally unstable. if he wasn't such a douche i'd be worried for him.

He wasn't a very humble living legend, imo.

Limon got cancelled.

Probably the reason this dead ass site only has 200 posts a day.

Half his stories about him being smart were about him swindling someone into making a bad bet or him dunking on a recreational gambler or placating an idiot for financial gain.

These are fun stories, but not acts to be celebrated. Some people may suck and the gambling world is fairly predatory, but everyone else is just the same as you, just living a different life and a different perspective. Win, but don't celebrate taking advantage of them, and don't think that it makes you better. It makes you shortsighted. It is awkward when someone uses your error to show how smart they are.

Limon's behavior was smug and obnoxious at times, though that does not define him as a person. He's fairly harmless like a wack uncle but he needs some humility to actually maintain or develop any celebrity.

All of the attacks on him were situations he basically summoned with his hubris, even if most of the people were just acting out of anger and didn't add much to the thread at all. His responses were lamentably cringe. He does not take time to question his actions. "Should I lash out at this person who's already clearly agitated with me?" does not cross his mind, but it should.

Defend yourself if you want, but you gain nothing and only escalate the situation. There is no wisdom in his persona. There is no judo in his handling of situations.

Starting a thread proclaiming yourself a legend is fun, but you have to be aware that's going to invite your detractors to point out your flaws. Just welcome them, interact with them as people. Cut past their anger because you gain nothing from meeting them on that level. In person, you can't do that, but on the internet you get to choose how you proceed.

He does not consider his choices. He reacts. He is the cat that jumps at the wall to catch the laser. It is the laser's fault. The laser is a slave.

There is nothing legendary about this man other than his ego.

The landscape of the internet has changed and not completely for the better, but it does not take a wild amount of adjustment the thrive, and if you grow stagnant in life you generally find frustration and conflict.

Anyway tl;dr. Limons thread was interesting to read, but he has some work to do to be a celebrity/role model and he seems very combative if you suggest that. As a forum user, he's fine. If he wants to be more, he's gotta carry himself with more class or deal with the repercussions.

by RosaParks1 k

Half his stories about him being smart were about him swindling someone into making a bad bet or him dunking on a recreational gambler or placating an idiot for financial gain.

These are fun stories, but not acts to be celebrated. Some people may suck and the gambling world is fairly predatory, but everyone else is just the same as you, just living a different life and a different perspective. Win, but don't celebrate taking advantage of them, and don't think that it makes you better. It mak

Yeah, he might be a bit one dimensional, but that's part of his charm I guess.

It's sad people don't get Limon. If you put the sticks up posters asses here end to end it would reach the moon.

As long as it was all confined to one thread I really don't see the problem with it. Nobody is forced to read it and plenty of us found (some of) it amusing.

I might be done with this site. Just bs to shut it down, really.
People take **** way to seriously, it's fun poker.....

by MontyBurns k

It's sad people don't get Limon. If you put the sticks up posters asses here end to end it would reach the moon.

He's not some quizzical enigma. He's a douche. I didn't expect him to get banned but I don't imagine he was very reasonable when the mods approached him.

I don't know why he got banned but it wasn't some Puritanical protest cuz he showed some ankle; pretending that people are uptight because a guy can't follow simple rules is obtuse.

He's Ignatius Reilly come to life and plopped right down into the middle of the poker world ... the protagonist anti-hero of John Kennedy Toole's Pulitzer winning novel, A Confederacy of Dunces. As such, he's an archetype that impresses many, is an affront to others ... but always a spectacle, and entertaining at least to the extent you can ignore the vapidness driving it.

I don't think he should have been cut off or banned unless he physically threatened someone or was abusive to mods. The former might well have happened as there seems posts in the thread deleted; the latter of course happened almost for sure. So Ignatius II goes into the Griffin Book of 2+2, and the guitar gently weeps and giggles about the tragicomedy in the flesh self-proclaimed walking legend among us.

by RosaParks1 k

He's not some quizzical enigma. He's a douche. I didn't expect him to get banned but I don't imagine he was very reasonable when the mods approached him.

I don't know why he got banned but it wasn't some Puritanical protest cuz he showed some ankle; pretending that people are uptight because a guy can't follow simple rules is obtuse.

Literal legends need to be able to follow different rules

Otherwise 2+2 NVG just going to be about bot farms, rakeback promotions, and book about 1/3 nlhe

My point is forum users didn't ban him. His own actions got him banned. His actions don't make the forum population uptight, they don't make them anything.

Ppl panicking about the current topics not being interesting to them are acting like there haven't been 100 different wild ass topics this past year. The sky is not falling, and interesting news and gossip are not some regularly produced thing but poker has churned out a ton of it for a niche world.

by RosaParks1 k

He's not some quizzical enigma. He's a douche. I didn't expect him to get banned but I don't imagine he was very reasonable when the mods approached him.

I don't know why he got banned but it wasn't some Puritanical protest cuz he showed some ankle; pretending that people are uptight because a guy can't follow simple rules is obtuse.

Rosa, you do get the bit right, and you just don’t like it? He even posted the Kaufman hint — poker is meaningless and being a living legend in poker is the same as being the greatest elevator button pusher or some other menial job that is going away. The thread is for nostalgia and laughs, nothing more.

It is weird because if you look back at all the well threads on this site for 20 years there’s rarely any trolling, including Limon’s old well. I guess Limon has brought this on himself but it used to be Limon was beloved here and his only trolls were high stakes cheaters. Now, all his trolls seem to have a weird kink of getting him riled up enough to be viciously insulted. That’s not how I would spend my time but I don’t know why Limon is getting hate for providing laughs for some and scratching that kink itch for others.

by RosaParks1 k

My point is forum users didn't ban him. His own actions got him banned. His actions don't make the forum population uptight, they don't make them anything.

Ppl panicking about the current topics not being interesting to them are acting like there haven't been 100 different wild ass topics this past year. The sky is not falling, and interesting news and gossip are not some regularly produced thing but poker has churned out a ton of it for a niche world.

Moderators banned him and they are people who came from us. They are forum users who chose a higher calling and decided to wear the Green/Blue. There is discretion in whether to ban.

Lol I’m not panicking. Just like seeing a few threads I’d like to click.

limon was a bit of a train wreck at times but so long as people were respectful to him he was respectful back and answered stuff in good faith

if he was going around picking fights with people all over the forum then sure, i get it, can't have someone spazzing out every time they catch some heat

but if that behavior is contained to just his own thread then it seems pretty benign

terrible decision to ban him and close the thread

2p2 is dying, go look at the old threads, a good 15% of the old accounts are all banned - sad

another example of conservatives canceling when they say they hate cancel culture 😉

unless he was someone harboring terrorists by using this forum to send coded messages then moderators need to

actually I never read the original thread but I support assembling against cancel culture

Seems a fair number of site members want to be able to hurl insults at one another for laughs.

Could 2+2 start a “Roast Me” subforum or something to allow for people to go in and ask for some good-natured roasting? It would be an outlet for those with insulting wit and good for laughs.

Man, that was the best thread to attract users to the forum in a long time. Such a shame. What’s with the censorship?

i posted a couple questions in the thread that got answered and i thought he did an alright job overall, but the thread itself was a really painful read at points.

Unless there's some kind of doxing or outting of personal information, etc - I'm not a big fan of locked/closed threads and/or banning. Not just here on 2p2 but in general. Of course, I'm only chiming in since the thread asks us to.
