Talk About Movies: Part 4

Talk About Movies: Part 4

Somehow threads merged, so here's part 4 of our ongoing movie discussion.

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19 October 2018 at 12:58 AM

3219 Replies


by riverboatking k

my tastes aren't as sophisticated as most of you so my 3 personal favs are

the big lebowski
dr strangelove

and there are at least 30 (probably a lot more) other movies that are in my top 10 all time fav movies couldn't possibly narrow it down.

wouldn't even try to begin and guess what the actual "best" film is if it even exists.

I don’t have sophisticated tastes necessarily l, but I do have a ton of collaborators and friends who absolutely do. I watch almost all of what they suggest and do enjoy most of them.

That said:

The Breakfast Club
Pulp Fiction
Say Anything
High Fidelity

The Zero Effect
Gross Point Blanke
The Lethal Weapons

My 2 most rewatchable films/favs : The Dark Knight and Annihilation.

by DC11GTR k

I don’t have sophisticated tastes necessarily l, but I do have a ton of collaborators and friends who absolutely do. I watch almost all of what they suggest and do enjoy most of them.

That said:

The Breakfast Club
Pulp Fiction
Say Anything
High Fidelity

The Zero Effect
Gross Point Blanke
The Lethal Weapons

grosse point blank so good.

grosse point blank one of my fav films.

i think it speaks to a lot of guys.

Poor Things is fantastic. First time I've seen a movie in a theater in almost 10 years, ugh not like it used to be. Wtf showing me 30 minutes of non-movie ads before the previews even start, lol. That's a dealbreaker right there; so you take my $9 and then 30 minutes of my attention you steal to boot? No, not again you won't.

by Bluegrassplayer k

Station Agent and American Splendor for me. I doubt either make many top 100s.

Nice... we can be friends

What I feel is pertinent is that while many of us can use the logic portion of our brains and come to a narrow consensus on what are top tier properties in terms of best Films ever made... however we use the emotional aspects of our psyche to make a determination on what it is we 'enjoy'... and that emotional choice is fueled by the differing baggage, experiences and traumas that have been inflicted upon us.

Not quite Rorschachian... but a case could be made.

my favorite:

Local Hero
Blade Runner
In the Mood For Love
Trois Coleurs trilogy

Lawrence Of Arabia
Double Indemnity
Godfather 1 and 2
Singin' In the Rain

But they are all favorites

^ Very Solid!

by kioshk k

Poor Things is fantastic. First time I've seen a movie in a theater in almost 10 years, ugh not like it used to be. Wtf showing me 30 minutes of non-movie ads before the previews even start, lol. That's a dealbreaker right there; so you take my $9 and then 30 minutes of my attention you steal to boot? No, not again you won't.

Yikes, I don't think I've seen that many. Is this true for others here?

Was most of that before official show time, because you got there early?

by kioshk k

Poor Things is fantastic. First time I've seen a movie in a theater in almost 10 years, ugh not like it used to be. Wtf showing me 30 minutes of non-movie ads before the previews even start, lol. That's a dealbreaker right there; so you take my $9 and then 30 minutes of my attention you steal to boot? No, not again you won't.

Pretty much every Cineplex here has advanced seat booking, so I just make sure I get good seats, and generally plan to get into the seats 5-10 minutes after the start time. Miss the ads, and also miss some previews if needed too. I've never wanted to see trailers less these days, if anything to help keep my suspense up for upcoming films I'm interested in.

Is it annoying for others who are already seated? Yes. But tough times call for tough measures.

our goal is to show up when nicole kidman is doing her little spiel.

which means 15 after start time.

they showed Dune last week and it had no previews , luckily was there at start time for that reason.

at least 10 people ran in after iy started .

by Dominic k

my favorite:

Local Hero
Blade Runner
In the Mood For Love
Trois Coleurs trilogy

Lawrence Of Arabia
Double Indemnity
Godfather 1 and 2
Singin' In the Rain

But they are all favorites

No problem with Lawrence of Arabia being best. It's also one of my favorites.

Sent from my Pixel 7a using Tapatalk

by MSchu18 k

What I feel is pertinent is that while many of us can use the logic portion of our brains and come to a narrow consensus on what are top tier properties in terms of best Films ever made... however we use the emotional aspects of our psyche to make a determination on what it is we 'enjoy'... and that emotional choice is fueled by the differing baggage, experiences and traumas that have been inflicted upon us.

Not quite Rorschachian... but a case could be made.

My favorite game developer is Naughty Dog and their main dude has said on record “We don’t like to use the word fun here.” I would put their The Last Of Us Part 2 as the best game I’ve ever played, and Red Dead Redemption 2 as a close 2nd. And I’d put them on my favorites list. I can’t do that with film. Both of those games had moments that were far more crushing than anything I’ve seen in film or TV. But in the last year and change, I’ve made it a point to not bother with films that intend to do the same.

I try to show up 20 mins late to every movie I see.

by DC11GTR k

My favorite game developer is Naughty Dog and their main dude has said on record “We don’t like to use the word fun here.” I would put their The Last Of Us Part 2 as the best game I’ve ever played, and Red Dead Redemption 2 as a close 2nd. And I’d put them on my favorites list. I can’t do that with film. Both of those games had moments that were far more crushing than anything I’ve seen in film or TV. But in the last year and change, I’ve made it a

I can understand... it can be a dark place.

on a personal note, I LIVE for pain and sadness... specially so in Film. It makes me feel something more than 'alive'.

that doesn't mean I don't also love happiness, but it seems that dark and sad doesn't generate the revenue that studios seem to crave.

I was just watching Napoleon Dynamite the other day, and that ending makes me tear up every time... as does Nacho Libre, they are so Joyous. The Hess's have a knack for that joy at the end that makes me cry, as does Taika Waititi occasionally.

I used to. I loved watching those kind of films. When I’d have convos about the “most shocking” or “most disturbing” very few horror or slasher style films would be from me. I always shrugged off A Serbian Film as goofy and too over the top to be “challenging.” I referenced film like “Irreversible” and “Come And See” more. Emotionally devastating, not bodily lol

My theater runs a yearly film festival and doing that 4 times has taken the desire to see that kind of work away. There were about 150 short films in last years alone, and there are things I’ve seen in those that I still wash my brain of.

My favorite movie (it will never make any best list) is True Romance, and Big Lebowski is my second. Can’t ever really describe why I love True Romance and I never see anyone mention it as one of their favorites, so it probably speaks to my weirdness.

by TheOneWhoYawns k

My favorite movie (it will never make any best list) is True Romance, and Big Lebowski is my second. Can’t ever really describe why I love True Romance and I never see anyone mention it as one of their favorites, so it probably speaks to my weirdness.

I love True Romance. Drexl may be one of my all-time favorite characters. All the Bros at the weekly PLO game have a Drexl impersonation that they trot out every time I check raise, or, God forbid, win a pot.

Also, I forgot about Wong Kar-wai. Fallen Angels has been one of my faves since the second time I saw it.

True Romance and Lebowski are 10/10 imo

Ugh…. True Romance… that should’ve been on my list. I think it can replace…..

by TheDarkKnight k

I try to show up 20 mins late to every movie I see.

Been doing this for as long as I can remember.

by TheOneWhoYawns k

My favorite movie (it will never make any best list) is True Romance, and Big Lebowski is my second. Can’t ever really describe why I love True Romance and I never see anyone mention it as one of their favorites, so it probably speaks to my weirdness.

alex is that you? (alex is my fiance and true romance is her fav film and when I heard that I knew I had a keeper)

true romance is absolutely one of my all time favs and I would argue the sicilian scene is one of the greatest scenes of cinema ever.

also has a kick ass soundtrack "you're so cool" so godamn great.

anyway I would really love to know what some of your other favs are so far we have identical taste in film.

I enjoyed Nyad on Netflix. Jodie Foster and Anette Benning have a lot of chemistry and Rhys Ifans adds a lot when he is on screen as well.

It's an outrageous story, and I'm glad it was made into a movie because I had never heard of it before. The script highlights the positive aspects, but also doesn't shy away from the negative qualities which created the obsession.

Neither would be in my all time favorites list, but I thought both of those movies were great as well.
