Netflix "Watch Instantly"

Netflix "Watch Instantly"

I just recently rejoined Netflix and was pleased to see they have added a "Watch Instantly" feature where you can stream a movie over the internet. The selection of movies/shows is subpar, but it's free baby! Well, free as in no extra charge. You can watch 1 hour for every dollar/month your subscription is and it doesn't affect your queued/shipped movies at all. Minuses are that you have to be running Windows and Internet Explorer, but the quality is great! I have a garbage laptop, but it looks the same as a DVD to me and it hasn't skipped/paused/hiccuped once so far.

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03 September 2007 at 07:40 PM

1308 Replies


by Dominic k

I paid the two dollars to Prime, started Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and immediately a commercial started. **** that. I turned it off.

The only thing I'll watch with commercials is official NFL highlights on YouTube. And of course regular TV.

God bless people paying $200/month or whatever for cable while ALSO having to watch commercials.

In the spirit of this thread, just watched S1 of Perry Mason. Pretty good.

by natediggity k

The only thing I'll watch with commercials is official NFL highlights on YouTube. And of course regular TV.

God bless people paying $200/month or whatever for cable while ALSO having to watch commercials.

In the spirit of this thread, just watched S1 of Perry Mason. Pretty good.

Yep T-Mobile did a free Hulu tv offer but it was only available with commercials. No option to pay more for commercial free like their Netflix promo (upgrade to premium not necessarily commercials obv). Didn’t even bother signing up for something that is literally free bc I’m not watching commercials.

I need cable for live sports. I wish some streaming site comes along and just buys all the sports and let’s me pay them like $100/mo as I’m not interested in a single television program

by LFC_USA k

I need cable for live sports. I wish some streaming site comes along and just buys all the sports and let’s me pay them like $100/mo as I’m not interested in a single television program

Ha, I used to feel that way about live sports. But for me it just got to enough is enough. I can't watch MNF because it's on ESPN? Oh well, I guess I'll never watch MNF again. (except for this year when all of the games were on ABC due to the writer's strike.)

I really like watching golf and would watch Golf Channel on Thurs/Fri because that's when the weekly tourney begins. Now I just don't watch until the weekend when it's on free TV. Again, my life will be fine w/o being able to watch golf on weekdays. Even majors.

I think not having cable allows me to enjoy the sports I do watch more. I watched more college football this season than I have in years.

I should add that I bit the bullet and subbed to Peacock so I could watch the Chiefs v Dolphins game. I paid $6 more for "no ads" just in case. I did binge A Friend of the Family so I guess I somewhat got my money's worth. Cancelled in time to not get billed for another month.

by Dominic k

I paid the two dollars to Prime, started Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and immediately a commercial started. **** that. I turned it off.

by natediggity k

The only thing I'll watch with commercials is official NFL highlights on YouTube. And of course regular TV.

God bless people paying $200/month or whatever for cable while ALSO having to watch commercials.

In the spirit of this thread, just watched S1 of Perry Mason. Pretty good.

I think Dom's gripe was that he paid for no commercials. That being said, it's seriously a 30 second commercial to start each episode and the series is fairly good.

I pay ~$90 for a YTTV family plan (with HBO and the sports package). Still have commercials, which I don't care much about as it doesn't have an effect for some live events.

by parisron k

I'm finding it slow and tedious and rarely funny

What episode are you on? The first half of season 1 is fairly slow, then it starts getting a bit better, then season 2 is great.

by parisron k

What episode are you on? The first half of season 1 is fairly slow, then it starts getting a bit better, then season 2 is great.

3rd or 4th episode of S2, I find myself distracted while trying to watch as its not grabbing my attention for some reason which is odd because I love cooking and the restaurant biz/industry and the characters that work in it

Well, for sure episode 6 of season 2 is where it really gets good and stays that way for the rest.

by yimyammer k

3rd or 4th episode of S2, I find myself distracted while trying to watch as its not grabbing my attention for some reason which is odd because I love cooking and the restaurant biz/industry and the characters that work in it

I had to work to get through it myself but it is worth the effort. I am currently binging back and forth between Loudermilk and Daisy Jones, both shows I never finished the first episode of when I first tried watching them. ¯\_(ツ😉_/¯

by natediggity k

Ha, I used to feel that way about live sports. But for me it just got to enough is enough. I can't watch MNF because it's on ESPN? Oh well, I guess I'll never watch MNF again. (except for this year when all of the games were on ABC due to the writer's strike.)

Now that NordVPN is available for AppleTV there shouldn't be any relevant sports left that you can't easily stream on your TV without having to jump through hoops?

by parisron k

Well, for sure episode 6 of season 2 is where it really gets good and stays that way for the rest.

by fozzy71 k

I had to work to get through it myself but it is worth the effort. I am currently binging back and forth between Loudermilk and Daisy Jones, both shows I never finished the first episode of when I first tried watching them. ¯\_(ツ😉_/¯

Duly noted, I'll press on, thx for the tips

Started Wayne and LOVE it so far, only 2 episodes in but I'm already wondering why they only made one season

by yimyammer k

Started Wayne and LOVE it so far, only 2 episodes in but I'm already wondering why they only made one season

I’ve watched it a few times. It’s one of the most surprisingly great shows I’ve seen in recent memory. And it stayed that way. A lot of other great shows I’ve started dipped quite a bit by the end of a season but Wayne just got better.

Started a Wayne rewatch. Just as good as I remembered.

Started Loudermilk and I was hooked from the opening scene.

I tried to watch Mr & Ms Smith, made it through one and half episodes and I gave up.

It's boring, the main characters are just bad and don't have any chemistry. That could be on purpose though because they just met and they're not a real couple.

Master of Air is awesome though. Not Band of Brothers awesome but pretty good.

thanks to this thread for the consensus Wayne rec. did not disappoint.

by yimyammer k

Duly noted, I'll press on, thx for the tips

Started Wayne and LOVE it so far, only 2 episodes in but I'm already wondering why they only made one season

LOVE on Netflix is fantastic BTW.

Watched Ep.1 and 2 of the new series of True Detective. Thought it was pretty good, so decided to watch season 1 while I waited for Ep.3.

Not only has S1 ruined S4, it's ruined television. Absolute GOAT level TV series.

It takes far less than S1 to realize that S4 is dogshit. I stopped after ep3 and heard that ep4 is even worse. I won’t bother with the rest.

But yes, there really is nothing quite like the first season. I’ve seen it quite a few times and it’s still amazing

Yeah, there was a degree of hyperbole in my post - S4 is doing a fine job of driving itself off a cliff.

by txdome k

LOVE on Netflix is fantastic BTW.

yes it is, I binged it years ago.....good thing about a fading memory is I can probably watch it again now and it will almost be like the first time

Constellation on Apple Feb. 21st. Hope it's good!

Apple seems to be the king of above average but rarely great TV. Given the quality of actors they pull I usually feel underwhelmed. Severance and Black Bird being the exceptions.

Criminal Record is a perfect example. It's fine, it's watchable but nothing special.

by rickroll k

i recently discovered this and it's the greatest skit i've ever seen

This is in the bottom 10% of ITYSL sketches IMO

by 27offsuit k

Have not seen yet, cantwait.gif

edit: what episode?

It's the honk if you're horny.

Fri-Day Night
