Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief
mod note: This post is a cliffnotes of the actions of Nima Jooyandeh on these and other forums.
Nima Jooyandeh, who also goes by "the bay area beast" (and dozens of other names over a 10+ year history posting on the internet on various sites) stole $14,500 from poster Fubster. He has repaid $10,000 of it so far.
Some of the circumstances of the theft include taking sports bets from him acting as both a middleman for another bookie, and acting directly as a bookie himself. Stealing winnings paid out by other bookie, and scamming Fubster by not paying out the winnings from bets he booked himself after previously collecting money from losing bets that he had booked for Fubster. He also attempted to vehemently deny being the actual bet taker, and instead used a fake name of an alleged associate, who it was discovered was a fake persona used to steal (by having this fake bookie "disappear" during California wild fires).
In addition to that, here are other activities this person has participated in that have been admitted to by him on this forum, or have links posted to him being caught on other forums
1. Tried to start a book with poster HIV. Owes poster HIV ~$5K and is paying him back at a rate of $5/week.
2. Ran bets/money for Fubs.
3. Ran his own book and took bets/money as fake identity Sterling.
4. Stiffed Fub for $6k+ as Sterling.
5. Stiffed iceminers on SBR $500. Created fake identity to defend himself etc.
6. Stiffed a guy for $800 or $1000 on Rxforum.
7. Has had many accounts banned on Pickmonitor.
He spent many years pretending to be a sports tout and often started subscription services to sports picks. These subscriptions always flamed out as soon as he hit a losing streak. He would often claim things like "100% guaranteed winning picks", and "complete transparency".
I'm tempted to make a prediction about the gender of a user of this forum but that could possibly be construed as offensive, so i won't. But there is one user who has a lot traits of a certain gender, particularly related to mind games, emotion driven thinking, deception, deflection, lack of accountability, holding grudges and general conflict resolution style.
I'm tempted to make a prediction about the gender of a user of this forum but that could possibly be construed as offensive, so i won't. But there is one user who has a lot traits of a certain gender, particularly related to mind games, emotion driven thinking, deception, deflection, lack of accountability, holding grudges and general conflict resolution style.
i really like this post.
it says so much without saying a single thing!
Nothing you have to say is key or even worth reading. You are skilled and clever in your tactics but once you're aware of them, it's like finding out your parents are Santa Claus. You just don't go back.
You are a troll. Your goal is misdirection and obfuscation. Your strawmen are deliberate. You know I'm right but you detest Nima and now you detest me so sticking it to us is all you care about.
You seem to be confused. The words were not mine. They were his. By his own completely explicit admission, he is a thief. If your reaction to someone being a thief is, “so? He’s been friendly to me in person,” then McLovin is correct and there’s nothing further to engage on.
You seem to be confused. The words were not mine. They were his. By his own completely explicit admission, he is a thief. If your reaction to someone being a thief is, “so? He’s been friendly to me in person,” then McLovin is correct and there’s nothing further to engage on.
Now you break out the gaslighting.
You're a master. Truly.
Thank you, but in all seriousness a pedestrian could checkmate you. Doing so isn’t really a point of pride. This was just an exercise in leaving no doubt about that which was already pretty obvious to all. Good evening.
Correct. We became friends initially because we are so much alike. And we have stayed a lot alike as we have gotten older. This is a big reason why I can confidently speak on his behalf here even without knowing what happened. I understand him.
Without knowing what happened.
Oh did I stutter?
A minute ago it was like a Super Bowl hype party up in this mother ****er.
Now it’s as quiet as a church.
You have been unmasked rickroll.
I am a natural born codebreaker.
I thought he was El Diablo.
I just figured it really was a Babs sympathizer who is also willfully dishonest in his defenses. The person being a black knight who has decided to play a totally fictional character would be even more obnoxious.
Nima has been one of my best friends for over 25 years
Brock Purdy is the QB of my favorite team, who I think could be the next Tom Brady
And both of these guys have people on 2+2 bashing them in ways I think are false and unfair. And so I stick up for them. And for whatever reason, I'm the only one sticking up for them.
And this makes me a troll.
That's not a troll. That's someone with courage.
Alobar, or Greer10
It's degen, which is a conclusion that will satisfy nobody, and people should stop bothering themselves with guesses that are more interesting but clearly wrong.
Since he has now fully adopted the Terrelle Pryor position of "I mean everyone kills people, murders people, steals from you, steals from me, whatever," there's really not much more to say to him.
Nima has been one of my best friends for over 25 years
Brock Purdy is the QB of my favorite team, who I think could be the next Tom Brady
And both of these guys have people on 2+2 bashing them in ways I think are false and unfair. And so I stick up for them. And for whatever reason, I'm the only one sticking up for them.
And this makes me a troll.
That's not a troll. That's someone with courage.
If that’s the case (one of your best friends) why isn’t he going to Vegas with you for the Super Bowl?
Or is he not allowed to leave the state as per conditions of his parole?
Ok, here we go, in honor of the Niners losing another Superbowl, let us saffron:

If that’s the case (one of your best friends) why isn’t he going to Vegas with you for the Super Bowl?
Or is he not allowed to leave the state as per conditions of his parole?
When you're adults, you are not connected at the hip with your friends. I don't know what he's up to right now, last I heard he was in South America.
Next time I see him, we will resume behaving like brothers.
Given how he generally treats and speaks to/about his family, are you sure that’s a good thing? What does this look like?
For any spectators here: I genuinely don’t give a **** about this or the answer to this question but a few of you have dropped the ball on your blood sport here.
My real question would be, that I doubt you’ll answer is, given the fact that bumping/drawing attention to this thread is probably actively against his self interest, how do you square that against your claims of “bff’s blood brothers 4ever?” Could it be as simple that you, like him, just enjoy the attention?
Given how he generally treats and speaks to/about his family, are you sure that’s a good thing? What does this look like?
For any spectators here: I genuinely don’t give a **** about this or the answer to this question but a few of you have dropped the ball on your blood sport here.
Answering this type of stuff has never done any good. Not one person seems to have changed their opinion one tiny bit. Not one person ever acknowledged maybe they were even 1% wrong about anything. Nobody ever concedes anything, nor gives me or Nima credit for anything. So I don't see any point in answering this stuff any further.
There isn't a single thing I could say to this that you would believe or that would change your mind at all - other than to say exactly what you already think the truth is.
My real question would be, that I doubt you’ll answer is, given the fact that bumping/drawing attention to this thread is probably actively against his self interest, how do you square that against your claims of “bff’s blood brothers 4ever?” Could it be as simple that you, like him, just enjoy the attention?
I'm going to rephrase this question into something I can actually answer, because you have a lot of false assumptions baked into this. But it's ultimately a valid question:
What's your end game? What do you get out of this?
When the 49ers win the Super Bowl, I'm going to reveal who I am. And this will be made clear. I want to help Nima but I also want to help myself.
I think a lot of people have changed their opinion about him over time. At first, the tone of the "Thinking of Quitting" thread was lighter. It was just making fun of TBAB for being an inept drunk in a dead-end job with delusions of gambling grandeur. Doing a lot of laughing at him when he thought people were laughing with him.
Then when he reneged on a bet in thread, that's when the tone started to change. Only then, that's when the weasel avatar stuff started.
Yes I agree opinions could and would easily get worse if new accusations came to light. You guys would eat them up and believe them instantly.
I was referring to opinions changing in the other direction.