Official Numbers Thread for Settling Sports Discussions Part 2

Official Numbers Thread for Settling Sports Discussions Part 2

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28 October 2020 at 07:23 PM

1936 Replies


Escrow return from Zeta +200
House +436
Eddy +950
Itz +249
Err +600
Sports +465
Homanga +400
AGx +200

Week Ending 2/11 (including rolls):

Crazyrunner +958
ZetaPsi +593
loco +3,000
mattew88 +1,180
ryhenicee +300
cbax +1,000
timhardawhyhatesu +1,240 (Do Not Swap - this was escrowed with me)

$250 SB Squares -1,000 (let me know where to send this)

Loco +774

House -70

Crazy -200
Flushtrated -300
House -1682

Erroneous escrowed 600 to me for squares, and I don't see that assigned.


BillyBizzle $1,400
Sports87 $500
PmarrSouth $1,000
Ryhenicee $750
Crazyrunner $500
Mr Goodbar $748
Penelope Cruz $3,750
CabreraEra $750
Loco $1200
Cbax9888 $500
Zeta -614
Mdot -249

by SeatSeller k

Loco will pay Flushtrated $400 more on your behalf. He owes Flushtrated $800 now instead of $400. You and Flushtrated are square. Loco owes you $400 less.

Flushtrated17's current numbers:
Zeta +$1,800 (Includes $500 added for JPBs balance)
Seats +$250
AngerPush +$300 (Via Mooody escrow)
Bacon +$900
Pene +$500
Loco +$800
Cabrera +$100
Ryhe +$200

Change pene to itz. Pene owes me 500 more I owe flush 500

Loco pay flush 500 more. Loco owes me 500 less. Me flush square

Sports87 $251
PmarrSouth $1,000
Ryhenicee $750
Crazyrunner $500
Mr Goodbar $748
Penelope Cruz $4250
CabreraEra $750
Loco $700
Cbax9888 $500
Zeta -614

by mdot20 k

Escrow return from Zeta +200
House +436
Eddy +950
Itz +249
Err +600
Sports +465
Homanga +400
AGx +200

Sports will pay you 249 more and me 249 less. We’re square

All square

Flushtrated17's current numbers:
Zeta +$1,800 (Includes $500 added for JPBs balance)
AngerPush +$300 (Via Mooody escrow)
Bacon +$900
Loco +$1,300
Cabrera +$100
Ryhe +$200

by AngerPush k

Erroneous escrowed 600 to me for squares, and I don't see that assigned.

Mdot got that balance. (Swap w/ House available)

zeta -1640
Flushtrated -900

loco 1000
ryhen 300
Chronic 2290
homanga 23466
lego05 1000
crazy 186
agx 732

by SeatSeller k

Flushtrated17's current numbers:
Zeta +$1,800 (Includes $500 added for JPBs balance)
AngerPush +$300 (Via Mooody escrow)
Bacon +$900
Loco +$1,300
Cabrera +$100
Ryhe +$200

Loco will pay flush 1000 more (2300)
Flush owes lucky 100 now

Swap out 100 with flush zeta and lucky
Flush owes lucky 100 less (even)
Zeta owes flush 100 less (1700)
Lucky owes zeta 100 less

zeta -1540

ryhen 300
Chronic 2290
homanga 23466
lego05 1000
crazy 186
agx 732

by Lego05 k

Week Ending 2/11 (including rolls):

Crazyrunner +958
ZetaPsi +593
loco +3,000
mattew88 +1,180
ryhenicee +300
cbax +1,000
timhardawhyhatesu +1,240 (Do Not Swap - this was escrowed with me)

$250 SB Squares -1,000 (let me know where to send this)

You owe me from squares

Swap out 593 with zeta
Lego owes lucky (407)
Lucky owes Zeta 947

by RandyReid k

Loco +774

House -70

Loco owes you 704, owes me 70, house/randy square.

by SeatSeller k

Flushtrated17's current numbers:

Zeta +$1,800 (Includes $500 added for JPBs balance)

AngerPush +$300 (Via Mooody escrow)

Bacon +$900

Loco +$1,300

Cabrera +$100

Ryhe +$200

Loco owes flush 70 more, house/loco square
Zeta owes flush 70 less, owes me 70

angerpush +1682
mdot20 -436
zeta -575
sports87 -350
chronicfever -966

by housenuts k

angerpush +1682
randyreid +570
nimbus +534
mr goodbar -36
mdot20 -400
zeta -645
sports87 -850
chronicfever -1500

I'll pay chronic $534. We are square. You owe Chronic 534 less.

House 0 (-534, +534 chronic)
Chronic -534 (0, -534 house)

by housenuts k

pay chronic, i owe chronic 534 less (-966), house/nimbus square

by nimbus k

I'll pay chronic $534. We are square. You owe Chronic 534 less.

House 0 (-534, +534 chronic)
Chronic -534 (0, -534 house)


feb 5-11 updated

flush -1630
hom -1000
lego -914
matthew -426
mdot -200

ap 112
bacon 947
house 645
itz 614
jpb 500
loco 1524
ry 819

Updated (corrected):

Crazyrunner +958
loco +3,000
mattew88 +1,680
ryhenicee +300
cbax +1,000
timhardawhyhatesu +1,240 (Do Not Swap - this was escrowed with me)

Luckybacon -407

by ZetaPsi909 k

feb 5-11 updated

flush -1630
ap 112
ry 819

Swap 1) Have AP pay that $112 to Flushtrated. You and AP are square. AP owes Flustrated $412 now. You owe Flushtrated $1,518 now.

Swap 2) Pay Flustrated $200 for Ryhe. You owe Flush $1,718 now. Ryhe owes you $1,019 now. Ryhe and Flush are square

Flushtrated17's current numbers:
Zeta +$1,718
AngerPush +$412
Loco +$2,370
Cabrera +$100

by housenuts k

angerpush +1682
mdot20 -436
zeta -575
sports87 -350
chronicfever -966

zeta pay mdot 436. house/mdot square. house owes zeta 436 more.

zeta pay sports 350. house/sports square. house owes zeta 350 more.

Crazy -200
Flushtrated -412
Mdot -600
House -1682
