Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives
Okay whatcha wanna do? Shows? Movies? Shall we start at Star Trek season 1, episode 1???
I'll kick this off odd, with a review of a Nimoy autobiography review I wrote in my own Blog a while back:
I AM SPOCK by Leonard Nimoy (published in 1995)
This is a memoir by Nimoy which zooms through his involvement with the TV series (but gives enough to be interesting) and then more exhaustively covers his involvement with the 6 star trek movies involving the original cast (he also talks about the 7th and his reasons for not being involved with it). It also mentions his involvement with the Star Trek: Next Generation double-episode ‘Unification’ (this is a great pair of episodes, by the way). He also discusses ideas about a prequel Star Fleet Academy movie that was bandied around – which sounds an awful lot like the first reboot movie…
Nimoy writes in a straightforward, non-flowery style, and starts each chapter with some dialogue between Nimoy and Spock, discussing the issues covered in the coming chapter. He also sometimes intersperses these chats within the text. It’s interesting to start, but gets a little odd/pointless. His stories about Star Trek are interesting, but rather dry. Shatner’s books ‘Star Trek Memories’ and ‘Star Trek Movie Memories’ are much more entertaining, and detailed – and a pair of books I thoroughly recommend. If I had to pick one word for Nimoy, it’s ‘earnest’.
The book is also an interesting insight to his inner conflict with Spock and how it dominates his acting career (in this book, he strongly asserts he’s very happy with Spock now compared to earlier in his career – his book previous to this was called ‘I am not Spock’!). And whilst he says he’s happy, reading between the lines indicated Spock still haunted him somewhat back in 1995.
I really think anyone could read and enjoy this book, but really, only Star Trek fans (myself included) will be the ones to read it. And it has a great last line.
all caught up on strange new worlds, it's definitely finding its feet with time
the doctor serves more purpose than just t&a, the pilot is no longer just a lesbian haircut but an actual person - albeit one who is still largely window dressing - uhura is no longer featured in super whiny and annoying character arcs
really beginning to enjoy it and i'm all caught up now
i still the show is run by idiots who repeatedly go about things the wrong way
they keep on introducing these game changing technologies that is over the top absurd because we know that future generations will never even mention these things before, it feels like just a series of "holdo manuevers" where they don't think through the obvious consequences of introducing that knowing full well that multiple generations will never use it even though it's literlaly the best thing ever and only reason they can survive
i really get the idea that this happens because they don't think they owe any continuation to the audience, once something serves its purpose, it is deus ex machina'd away from the doctor's daughter to yet another random event that magically solves everything
like the romulans have their entire invastion fleet present and are intent on destroying the enterprise which can't escape - kirk shows up to save the day bringing with him an entire faux armada of his own of mining drones under the pretense that since this is first contact, the romulans won't be able to tell the difference and these are advanced warships for all they know - despite that literally the first thing that ever happens in all first contacts in star trek is they scan the other ships systems and immediately know what their shields and weaponry capabilities are - the romulans do not do this just this once so the stupid plan can work - but then - here's the best part - it never mattered at all - the romulans just say yolo and decide to attack anyway even though it's now facing an entire armada - they immediately figure out it was a ruse, but the enterprise still escapes somehow because now they just decide it's more fun to shoot at unarmed drones than the only actual ship that was too slow to escape earlier but now apparently can do it
they are also creating a massive gorn problem, how is it that kirk who's fought the gorn in combat in this show is unfamiliar with them a few a years later - also, how is it that the gorn are the greatest enemy they've ever faced who relentlessly attack all settlements to eat the colonists are then never mentioned again - you just know they're going to wrap it up with some stupid "and the gorn agreed to never enter federation space again type thing
this show also really makes me appreciate the holodecks due to the flexibility they offer writers - whenever these guys want to have some kind of wacky plotline it's no longer a holodeck malfunction but now some "unexplained phenomena" and that pushes it closer to x files than star trek at times because it's just very transparent and clear they wanted to have a musical episode so they'll find the flimsiest excuse to launch it
but still, it's getting much better and definitely in the "enjoyable but with warts" category
so i thought i'd dabble in enterprise
casting a long time character actor who i've seen in a million small roles in low budget things is really off putting and it makes me feel like i'm watching some cheap syndicated scifi like babylon 5 or stargate that lack the star trek gravitas (interestingly enough i've never seen a single episode of quantum leap so that's not even the part that throws me off)
but mostly, i just think he's a terrible actor
you can tell someone involved in casting loves bolt on titties
this is how we introduce our first female character

she is of course dressed like that because she's teaching a class at starfleet academy at that very moment - yes that's typical starfleet atire, not to mention real world educators also wear skimpy spaghetti tops to teach class - perhaps they just hand wave it away as casual friday
that one on it's own is not even worth mentioning, but it's relevant but with the other female the step it up to 11
in the very next scene we have another woman with basically 7 of 9's dimensions as well

but she's wearing typical space leotard uniform so it fits so whatever
so then another thing that grinds my gears is they are literally the first human ship ever to go out into the cosmos and interact with other civilizations - but they treat it like a weekend in des moines - no first contact protocol, no pomp and circumstance nor deference to being the first human ship to arrive to a new planet, they just pull in and go to the bar and have a drink and say "oh geeze these people act different than we do"
it's like it's a spaceship of mortys
and of course it wouldn't be a visit to a new planet without stopping by the strip club

and of course there's a pimp saying "you want to bang these girls, tell me which one and i'll make it happen and they are like oh geeze yeah that'd be nice but we kind of got a mission to do, but we'd really like to, maybe we'll come back after the mission"
literally a spaceship full of mortys
this is not star trek, there's nothing about it which feels like star trek
as different as picard is from the typical formula, it's still very in the star trek universe, just a cool trippy civilian life take on it all
this, no, not at all, i don't feel like anyone involved in it has ever even seen any episodes of any star treks in their life
and the vulcan, doesn't even say "sen-soar" she says sensors, that's like their vulcan thing, ears and they pronounce sensor funny - this one says it normally
and of course for reasons that serve absolutely nothing to the plot, literally nothing, they put her in a decontamination chamber without a bra

even literally panning down and zooming in on her chest

and doing intimate close up shots of her rubbing her body

for balance they have a six packed guy without a shirt doing the same
but this entire thing is just softcore porn, it's absurd
like wtf is this?

zooming in on the guy rubbing the small of her back

like seriously, wtf is this show?
it goes on for 3.5 minutes
three and a half minutes of airtime are given to that, something which serves absolutely no purpose at all for the plot
surely some people have watched enterprise, does it ever get good or even star trek adjacent? i can't imagine enduring more than the 2 part pilot i watched, which was terrible
Rich Evans on RLM made this same point about Seven of Nine. He basically said that when they introduced her, it was the first time he felt the producers were looking down and snigering at the audience. Like, yeah, you're all just young male nerds who can't get laid, here's something for you to wank over.
yeah 7 was a bit over the top in her proportions and the special skin tight uniform they gave her in order to emphasize them
however, i feel like it worked because
a - she was a good character who just happened to be unbelievably sexy
b - they kind of explained how she needed to wear a special outfit due to removal of borg implants
c - it was just her, which lent it more credibility of plausible deniability of "she just happened to look like that"
whereas on this show it's literally every female character - making it very clear to us that women on this show serve one purpose, to be ogled - granted, that was also very much a thing on the original series - but i thought they achieved that rather tastefully where if you meet an alien it's just gong to happen to be an attractive female with green skin wearing an outfit that gives the hint it could fall off at any moment - there was no, hey we're just going to zoom in on her nipples for 3 minutes
is enterprise worth sticking with? does it ever become star trek?
I never made it past perhaps the 5th episode. And I watched the Borg one out of curiosity.
I agree the concept behind seven was a good one, the execution behind it was mostly good and Jeri Ryan played the character well. They just didn't need to show her tits and ass off to the extent they did.
As far as problems with that show goes, I would rank her tits and ass being on screen too much at somewhere around problem 70 of 90.
so the show is not worth pursuing? not going to lie, i could barely watch the pilot and that's a terrible sign
I watched all of Enterprise but that says more about me than the show.
I would say that the show actually gets worse as it goes on. They drop the star trek formula of having (mostly) contained episodes and instead go for attempts at epic storylines. Imo this led to a very non star trek format in the star trek universe, and it did not work.
DS9 did this to a limited extent, but was way more successful with it. This was largely due to the self contained episodes having set up fantastic world building, but enterprise never gets there.
I recommend passing on it.
thanks, actually very relieved to hear i can skip it, perhaps I've already seen the only "good scene" with dem nips
guess it's time to crack open picard s3 after bailing midway through s2
does the vulcan ever start calling them sensoars?
been wondering about that a lot, if it's just something they goofed on and fixed later or they intentionally wanted to go in the new direction for unknown reasons
I relied on IMDB ratings to try and only watch the better Enterprise episodes, and it was still awful. Worst Trek ever.
recently noticed there was another star trek called discovery
2 episodes in, does not appear to be a winner but does appear to be passable
don't like the klingons portrayed as whiny woke debaters though
ST: D is generally awful, but to be fair I did give it longer before bailing than I did Enterprise.
The RLM reviews are the best thing to come out of it, and probably the main reason i kept watching as long as I did.
recently noticed there was another star trek called discovery
2 episodes in, does not appear to be a winner but does appear to be passable
don't like the klingons portrayed as whiny woke debaters though
I gave up midway through the 2nd.
1. Hated the reimagined Klingons (ldo 😉)
2. Too many soliloquies
3. Too much special effects
2. Saru was an interesting character
3. Best parts involved Michelle Yeoh's character.
I finally am slowly going thru Picard Season 3... I lost it when Data was revealed.
Picard Season 3. The last time I was this psyched for a final episode of any show was the end of season 2 of Twin Peaks in the early 90s.
Do I need to suffer through s2 of Picard to watch s3? (I quit midway through e3)
lol this has been asked a lot, s3 pretends s2 never happened
others told me i was fine to skip and i did, i'm a few episodes into s3 and i don't feel like i've missed anything by not watching last few eps of s2
i wish i were smart enough to drop s2 as early as you did
been watching more of discovery
it's not good, but it's not infuriating like enterprise, parts of strange new worlds (which is improving and growing on me), so i'll continue putting it on in the background while i run sports simulations whereas something like picard or strange new worlds i'll actually watch with dedication
doesn't feel like star trek but not in an annoying way, more like a typical low budget straight to syndication scifi that i can put on in the background and happily leave the room for 10 minutes and not care to pause it
do not like the klingons who are suffering from pms 24/7 and all love reciting poetry in debates and see no need to look at the screen to see whatever it is they are whining about in the subtitles this time
I didn't watch season 1/2 either... and I have no intention of doing so.
season 1 is dumb but passable and has some interesting moments
there is at least one thing about picard which is referenced a bunch in what i've seen in s3 that happened in s1 which isn't important to the plot but will perhaps explain why
but it should be noted that when i recently began watching s3 that i accidentally clicked s1 and it took about 15 minutes before i realized this is something i'd seen before so s1 is clearly skippable
Sea3 finished... slightly weak and formulaic end, but it was good to see them put in the effort and it was entertaining to watch.
I THINK, that data needs his own show...
realized i dropped picard s3 and figured i'd pick it up again where i left off at episode 5 and some strange weird thing started happening, i began to actually care about the plot
is it becoming watchable? let's find out
realized i dropped picard s3 and figured i'd pick it up again where i left off at episode 5 and some strange weird thing started happening, i began to actually care about the plot
is it becoming watchable? let's find out
Better than s1 and obviously much better than s2 which I found unwatchable.
Not plot spoilers, but
Best aspect: Zen Worf
Worst aspect: Let's throw in as many characters from prior series' as we can sign up, LOL