Grinding Past the Fries

Grinding Past the Fries

Hello all,

My contract at work finished at the end of March there, and before looking for a new one I've decided to take a couple of months out to see if I can make a living playing poker. If not successful, I can find work no problem, so I'll give it a few months and see how I do. My aim is to move up past 50NL and into the higher limits, whilst still withdrawing regularly to pay for things in my personal life (got a few holidays etc coming up). The month of April was good but not great, so starting fresh from 1st May, I am motivated and committed to the cause!

Yesterday's graph...

I felt like I played well yesterday, I lost 100% of flips, so perhaps didn't run as well as I could have. I did get my AA in pre once or twice and held, though.

Today's graph...

Again, I played quite well today, but never played all that long. I had a golf competition (waste of time), might play a bit later on tonight.

A couple of interesting hands from today...


[converted_hand][hand_history]Poker Stars, $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #26521701

Hero (BTN): $50 (100 bb)
SB: $134.88 (269.8 bb)
BB: $126.53 (253.1 bb)
UTG: $54.27 (108.5 bb)
MP: $49.25 (98.5 bb)
CO: $83.34 (166.7 bb)

Preflop: Hero is BTN with Q J
3 folds, Hero raises to $1.25, SB raises to $4.25, BB raises to $10, Hero raises to $50 and is all-in, SB folds, BB calls $40

Flop: ($104.25) 7 8 5 (2 players, 1 is all-in)
Turn: ($104.25) 8 (2 players, 1 is all-in)
River: ($104.25) 3 (2 players, 1 is all-in)


Results: $104.25 pot ($2.50 rake)
Final Board: 7 8 5 8 3
Hero showed Q J and lost (-$50 net)
BB showed T T and won $101.75 ($51.75 net)


The 3-better had been 3betting a ton over a small sample (4/500 hands) and the 4-better is a solid aggro reg that is more than good enough to pick up on that and cold 4bet bluff. A bit aggro, but he tank-called, so it nearly worked!


[converted_hand][hand_history]Poker Stars, $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #26521721

Hero (BTN): $50.85 (101.7 bb)
SB: $120.43 (240.9 bb)
BB: $14.57 (29.1 bb)
UTG: $158.84 (317.7 bb)
MP: $71.42 (142.8 bb)
CO: $70.51 (141 bb)

Preflop: Hero is BTN with 9 A
3 folds, Hero raises to $1.25, SB raises to $2, BB folds, Hero raises to $8, SB calls $6

Flop: ($16.50) J A A (2 players)
SB bets $9.50, Hero calls $9.50

Turn: ($35.50) A (2 players)
SB checks, Hero checks

River: ($35.50) T (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $33.35 and is all-in, SB calls $33.35


Results: $102.20 pot ($2.50 rake)
Final Board: J A A A T
Hero showed 9 A and won $99.70 ($48.85 net)
SB showed Q Q and lost (-$50.85 net)


Not all that an interesting hand, but a very nice runout.

Hopefully I can update this thread every day with my progress. Bankroll after the last 2 days is $1766. May's profit is $337.65!

EDIT - image problem fixed πŸ˜€

) 1 View 1
02 May 2014 at 05:25 PM

60 Replies


Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

Oh man I just saw this, I hope you managed to see the 10/20/40 sesh, it was a lot of fun! If not you can find it on my YT channel

Fun story about that game, I lost a $13k pot w QQ vs TT all in pre running it once, T on the river. 10 minutes later the game host took me to the side and was like "btw we have a 'first-in-last-out' rule for the newbies, and a fun player might be on the way, that cool?" and I was just like r u fkn serious m8, thankfully I got to stay in the game and get some back!


Very recently a member of the PaddyPower Poker team dropped me a message to see if I'd be interested in coming across to Galway to make some VLOGs during the Irish Poker Tour. It was an amazing weekend with a lot of top lads and plenty of poker. I've taken a different approach with this VLOG, instead of splitting it up into 3 days I've told the story over the course of the entire weekend. Really curious to see what views/retention numbers will look like with a 40 minute video. If y'all could spare a minute to like/comment to help the algo in the beginning I'd be super grateful.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated too of course. Even if it's "I don't like the fact it's 38 minutes."

by GazzyB123 k

Oh man I just saw this, I hope you managed to see the 10/20/40 sesh, it was a lot of fun! If not you can find it on my YT channel

Fun story about that game, I lost a $13k pot w QQ vs TT all in pre running it once, T on the river. 10 minutes later the game host took me to the side and was like "btw we have a 'first-in-last-out' rule for the newbies, and a fun player might be on the way, that cool?" and I was just like r u fkn serious m8, thankfully I got to stay in the game and get some back!

I saw the QQ hand, bummer to run bad in a big spot like that. I would have been so tilted if they asked me to leave after inviting me, stuck like that! Glad it didn't come to that.

Just curious, how does your bottom line compare live versus online? If I recall correctly, you were doing pretty well online as well.

I was very briefly tilted but thankfully it didn't come to that and we had a laugh about it later.

Last year wasn't a great year for me results wise, I never really do break down my yearly results but I have learned a lot in terms of avoiding the bots and sticking to cleaner sites and game selecting better and playing a 200z table instead of a 1k really good regs only reg table. I'm excited for 2024.

In terms of results, I for sure won more live than I did online. The 3 month USA trip (still some VLOGs to be released) was very profitable, even if I did spunk half of it on expenses. No regrets tho, was an amazing trip with my gf (now fiancΓ©!).

Absolute NUCLEAR heat!

congratulations on the engagement!

just watched the most recent vlog. you know you're running good when you don't have time to keep track of the profit amount! gg Mr. B(east?)!

congrats gazzy - they call murica the most romantic place on earth for good reason πŸ˜€

any update on that texas poker vlogger you challenged hu4rollz about a year ago, looks like he quietly backed away when it was offered but don't recall


Yes, congrats! And keep the vlogs coming! You have really positive energy, feels fresh and not jaded like some other vloggers.

by MastaAces k

congratulations on the engagement!

just watched the most recent vlog. you know you're running good when you don't have time to keep track of the profit amount! gg Mr. B(east?)!

Hahaha I was trying to count it but kept adding more chips to my stack in the 3 handed game so couldn't keep up!

by rickroll k

congrats gazzy - they call murica the most romantic place on earth for good reason πŸ˜€

any update on that texas poker vlogger you challenged hu4rollz about a year ago, looks like he quietly backed away when it was offered but don't recall

Haha yeah I know who you mean, I decided a while ago I'm too old for the online drama these days. We actually chat a little here and there about certain things. Everybody love everybody

by SimpleRick k


Thanks my man

by DumbosTrunk k

Yes, congrats! And keep the vlogs coming! You have really positive energy, feels fresh and not jaded like some other vloggers.

Thank you, I appreciate that a lot!


25/50/100/200 constant stand up game pornstar in the mix VLOG for the ****in bois this week!

5/10/20 in Los Angeles, I get KK 3 times, easy spot with the first one, interesting with the second, tough with the third!


By god do I miss LA :( it's not even the poker, it's the constant sunshine and beach and everyone being super happy and not having to play 5k hands a day for select+

One of my fav vlogs ever

well played farming comments with set/trips, well done sir πŸ˜€

by rickroll k

well played farming comments with set/trips, well done sir πŸ˜€

That is absolutely superb. Would have been even better if Gaz didn't mention in the video that it was a joke

Haha I actually made it up completely on the fly! Proud of it

I have returned to streaming and pieced together a stream highlight video. It was my first stream in a while and I struggled with the pace of it, which is normal after returning from a break, so maybe didn't play brilliantly but thought I did okay overall.

Happy to discuss any hands, happy to be roasted for the 66 fold too!

God I miss Los Angeles :(

collab with hoof gp wen?

Oh gosh I really do sound like him don't I?!

A colossal fold from my opponent in today's VLOG, not to be missed!

mostly just trolling but you do genuinely sound like a younger, edgier, more urban version of him so i could definitely see you growing up in a residential area about 20 minutes drive from his farm - i was genuinely asking if you were from the same region initially but it could also just be my dumbass American hearing a commonwealth accent and lumping them all together (ie I've confused south africans with people from wales before etc etc)

enjoy your vids, great production quality and best content out there IMO ainec

normally only a fan of humorous (slow poker) or lolcow (el diesel) poker vlogs because i don't give af if some bad reg like Neeme raised pre with AT but you're legitimately a good player so in addition to having great production and content I kind of view it as infotainment as well where I can see the lines you take and try to dissect where I would have deviated and whether I should have reconsidered

you're one of the few bloggers out there who i actually think is better at me than poker and that's a huge selling point for me but even if you sucked i'd probably check in from time to time anyway because your production/content are really good on their own merits

also love your transparency in owning bad results, sadly i think this may hurt you with the general population (a lot of people genuinely think Neeme/Owen etc are end bosses and crush poker) but i think you should stick with it as you're growing pretty quickly anyway despite bucking the trend of only highlighting big winners

Also just saw this

is that showing the feed as you play, you're not worried someone will get a buddy to side eye the screen and signal to them?

the **** happened to this thread?

14:40 did you win $600 or $730? πŸ˜ƒ

by rickroll k

mostly just trolling but you do genuinely sound like a younger, edgier, more urban version of him so i could definitely see you growing up in a residential area about 20 minutes drive from his farm - i was genuinely asking if you were from the same region initially but it could also just be my dumbass American hearing a commonwealth accent and lumping them all together (ie I've confused south africans with people from wales before etc etc)

Him and I have what are called "Teuchter accents" (teuchter is pronounced tyoochhhhter), basically anyone from the north region of Scotland all have Teuchter accents, so we're both Teuchters! Plus compared to USA the north of Scotland is very small so we are likely very close together in USA geography terms!

by rickroll k

enjoy your vids, great production quality and best content out there IMO ainec

normally only a fan of humorous (slow poker) or lolcow (el diesel) poker vlogs because i don't give af if some bad reg like Neeme raised pre with AT but you're legitimately a good player so in addition to having great production and content I kind of view it as infotainment as well where I can see the lines you take and try to dissect where I would have deviated and whether I should have reconsidered

you're one of the f

I appreciate this so much, thank you for the kind words. I've found my balance with the VLOGs in terms of keeping them flowing but also keep the quality high, think I've got a nice middle ground. I always joke about getting straight to the action, but my good friend Mike Brady told me very early in my VLOG career "People tune in to Brad Owen's VLOG because they like Brad Owen, people who click on your VLOGs are there to see poker. Give them poker." So I was always always getting straight to it, no messing about, etc. It's helped grow the channel but NOW I gotta start building a rapport, so I put myself in there a little more.

This summer I intend to put my face on screen a whole lot more, more off-felt content, see how it's received. If the data isn't great then we go back to poker-poker-poker until we hit 50k subs or something, but I think it'll help grow the channel tbh.

Re the downswings and the big losses, I think vloggers 100% shy away from that because they don't want to be perceived as losing players, but as you say people respect the openness. There are a lot of casual poker viewers out there who see big losses or long losing stretches and immediately think you're a fish/bad reg/losing player, but to me that's okay because the opinion of the real ones, the ones who KNOW that it's part of the game, that's what matters more to me.

by rickroll k

Also just saw this

is that showing the feed as you play, you're not worried someone will get a buddy to side eye the screen and signal to them?

So I only turn the brightness up like that for taking pics and videos of the setup, otherwise it's right down. I'm also very happy telling people behind me to move along. I also get the 3 seat, so it's almost impossible for anyone to see my cards through the cam.

by MastaAces k

the **** happened to this thread?

14:40 did you win $600 or $730? πŸ˜ƒ

So what's crazy is I threw that VLOG together because I didn't have anything else to upload and I just wanted to put SOMETHING out there, and it was unbelieeeevably well received! Did the thumbnail on my phone while on holiday in Italy and threw it out, just to keep the content flowing nicely, and it did really well. Surprising!


Enough YouTube content chat, time for WSOP chat! Heading to Vegas next week for WSOP, going to be playing at Venetian on 16th/17th May, hosting a 5/10 or 5/10/20 game, open to anyone, DM me if you wanna play.

Also selling some action for WSOP package. Full details below. Have sold aboutttt 27%, will sell another 8% for sure and then another 5%ish reserved in case I do my brains playing cash before wsop.

Oh it's gonna be a great summer!!

not posting your vids ITT seems like a fish play considering your YouTube prop bet...

looking forward to the A4 video!

what's with your table chat? it's always filled with random letters πŸ˜€ is your cat consistently running across your keyboard or something?

edit: i just realized the characters in chat might be due to you missclicking the hotkeys. funnier if it's a cat though.

can confirm that Gary plays with his cat on the keyboard, double accounting imo

I know, it's a habit I need to get into again, just been a bit forgetful. I shall endeavour to post every video in this thread like the good old days!

Re the chat jumble, it IS from my hotkeys. The hotkeys serve the purpose of bet/call/raise etc but the letter also goes into the chatbox. Bizzare stuff.

Any tips for upcoming WSOP vlogs very welcome, I'm gonna be playing MTTs all summer and will be vlogging relentlessly. Anything you can think of post it below.
