Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief

Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief

mod note: This post is a cliffnotes of the actions of Nima Jooyandeh on these and other forums.

Nima Jooyandeh, who also goes by "the bay area beast" (and dozens of other names over a 10+ year history posting on the internet on various sites) stole $14,500 from poster Fubster. He has repaid $10,000 of it so far.

Some of the circumstances of the theft include taking sports bets from him acting as both a middleman for another bookie, and acting directly as a bookie himself. Stealing winnings paid out by other bookie, and scamming Fubster by not paying out the winnings from bets he booked himself after previously collecting money from losing bets that he had booked for Fubster. He also attempted to vehemently deny being the actual bet taker, and instead used a fake name of an alleged associate, who it was discovered was a fake persona used to steal (by having this fake bookie "disappear" during California wild fires).

In addition to that, here are other activities this person has participated in that have been admitted to by him on this forum, or have links posted to him being caught on other forums

1. Tried to start a book with poster HIV. Owes poster HIV ~$5K and is paying him back at a rate of $5/week.

2. Ran bets/money for Fubs.

3. Ran his own book and took bets/money as fake identity Sterling.

4. Stiffed Fub for $6k+ as Sterling.

5. Stiffed iceminers on SBR $500. Created fake identity to defend himself etc.

6. Stiffed a guy for $800 or $1000 on Rxforum.

7. Has had many accounts banned on Pickmonitor.

He spent many years pretending to be a sports tout and often started subscription services to sports picks. These subscriptions always flamed out as soon as he hit a losing streak. He would often claim things like "100% guaranteed winning picks", and "complete transparency".

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30 November 2015 at 07:33 PM

403 Replies


by ethbtc88 k

This one always makes me scratch my head.

When me or a beast has someone personally attack us, our instinct is to respond. As I'm doing now.

But then this causes others to label us trolls and attention whores.

What is the non-troll/attention whore way to handle someone attacking you?

How did I attack you? I labeled you an attention whore which I consider a valid label based on your behaviour in this thread.

I merely pointed out, maybe in harsher word than necessary, that i am really not invested enough in this to play any weird games with you.

"I shall reveal my identity once the ......."

you know what mate never mind i dont care enough.

How is this playing coy and acting as if telling me who the hell you are is some big reveal not attention whore behaviour?

by ethbtc88 k

These guys have spent 10+ years trying to ruin my friends life. That's what i'm upset about.

But there is no help you can offer because they are not going to change your minds. Nor am I going to stop being upset about that.

I have been at time also pointing out that participants in this thread went to far and people were called out for that.

That being said Babs has done it to himself. This seems to be a much less sheltering environment then a beast is used to.

He dug himself in deeper and ****ed himself every step of the way. The website about him for example is entirely accurate it just documents things he has indeed done.

You cant say hey by telling people about the bullshit i did you ruined my life. thats like saying you ruined my marriage because you told my wife i cheated.

by All-inMcLovin k


Would you say that a good defense is to say that you were "just kidding"?

i would say that engaging with you is highly risky behavior.

you give me an extremely long leash when interacting with anybody else. and i appreciate that.

but if you sense even the slightest whiff of something you don't like directed toward you, you start wondering how long my ban should be.

It's like being respectful to moderators is a good idea.

by Tuma k

It's like being respectful to moderators is a good idea.

Is this heresy in a Tbabs thread?

by Steve350 k

Is this heresy in a Tbabs thread?

He was just kidding.

by Tuma k

It's like being respectful to moderators is a good idea.

Indeed. A wise man is always very nice to a man with a gun who keeps shooting people for looking at him funny.

Where that's a responsible way to own a gun is another matter.

by ethbtc88 k

Indeed. A wise man is always very nice to a man with a gun who keeps shooting people for looking at him funny.

Where that's a responsible way to own a gun is another matter.

If the moderators you’ve been interacting with were as ban-happy as you’re claiming, do you think you would still be unbanned after your performance in this sub?

Can’t wait for the Babs vs The Mod Bot chapter.

Is ethbtc888 the babs?

No. This probably was Babs, who used to post as The Bay Area Beast, as one of his many banned accounts:

by not hiv k

I am posting this as a good samaritan.

This thread is a collection of some truly sick and twisted individuals, basically a bunch of jealous haters and losers who have sad and underprivileged lives. It is what it is. It continues to this day for 10 years because Nima hit them where it hurts, he told them the truth about how sad, disturbed, and pathetic their lives are. They continue to throw insults and make accusations despite the fact that the threads are considered legendary, the content was h

by Hopey k

If the moderators you’ve been interacting with were as ban-happy as you’re claiming, do you think you would still be unbanned after your performance in this sub?

I think I could say water is wet and you guys would argue with me and tell me I'm wrong.

There should be a name for this phenomenon. The unliked guy is always wrong no matter what.

I feel sad for people who don't have other places on the internet where they are not treated that way, because they take it personally. I do not. I fully understand the bias happening here and it has nothing to do with me or how wrong I am about anything.


Just like with Babs, nothing is his fault! There are several names for this phenomenon. Which is your favorite?

by ethbtc88 k

I think I could say water is wet and you guys would argue with me and tell me I'm wrong.

There should be a name for this phenomenon. The unliked guy is always wrong no matter what.

I feel sad for people who don't have other places on the internet where they are not treated that way, because they take it personally. I do not. I fully understand the bias happening here and it has nothing to do with me or how wrong I am about anything.

man you are so full of yourself its hilarious.

I mean this is certainly one way to make sure to torpedo any possible conversation.

You come in with a mindset of i know i am right and if you do not agree it is because of a bias.


so why have any type of discussion? Why would anybody waste their time on you beside in a mocking way?

I demand you debate me on my terms!

Nah. We've seen the facts, and in fact posted confessions.

You're just afraid!


I'm the only rational person here!

beginning to think this is nima but on medication

Endless victims.

endless assumptions...

by ethbtc88 k

I think I could say water is wet and you guys would argue with me and tell me I'm wrong.

There should be a name for this phenomenon. The unliked guy is always wrong no matter what.

I feel sad for people who don't have other places on the internet where they are not treated that way, because they take it personally. I do not. I fully understand the bias happening here and it has nothing to do with me or how wrong I am about anything.

This word vomit in no way answers the question I was asking.

by Hopey k

This word vomit in no way answers the question I was asking.

I wasn't attempting to answer your question. Because it wasn't a sincere question. You were telling me I was wrong and phrasing it as a question. And all of you constantly telling me I am wrong - no matter what I say - is what I was addressing. It's happened so many times and so consistently that it has no credibility anymore. Your 'question' has no credibility.

by donjonnie k

I mean this is certainly one way to make sure to torpedo any possible conversation.

I agree with you but I see as the complete opposite. Look at at what just happened. I post something and 8 people all pile on telling me how wrong I am. Not one of them even attempting to show good faith in any way, like acknowledging common ground or where I may be right. Or trying to see things from my point of view. It's just a firing squad directed at me. That doesn't feel like much of a conversation.

One of two things is true. Either I'm one of the wrongest, dumbest humans in history, having made over 700 posts on this site without ever expressing anything true, intelligent or even coherent. Or you guys are so blinded by your hatred of a beast that you're pre-disposed to disregard and disagree with anything I say, about anything.

And I already know which one of those is true. Because I can and do post regularly other places and none of them react this way to everything I post. The issue here isn't me. You guys are unwilling and incapable of even attempting to be objective, fair or treat people on his side with basic human decency.

You guys straight up admitted you made up your mind and you're not even considering anything I have to say and you never have been.

And I'm telling you that you've told me I'm wrong so many times about literally anything I say, that I don't even hear you when you tell me I'm wrong anymore.

And once again: I'm in the wrong. Your side of that is perfectly fine, but I should keep taking you telling me I'm wrong at face value.

Words are words.

You can't word your way out of actions. Srry bruh. It's not that you're wrong, it's that everyone else isn't stupid.

Feel free to word it up some more tho.

Perhaps a game of Words with Friends?

by ethbtc88 k

I wasn't attempting to answer your question. Because it wasn't a sincere question. You were telling me I was wrong and phrasing it as a question. And all of you constantly telling me I am wrong - no matter what I say - is what I was addressing. It's happened so many times and so consistently that it has no credibility anymore. Your 'question' has no credibility.

I agree with you but I see as the complete opposite. Look at at what just happened. I post something and 8 people all pile on telling me

I wouldnt know if you are in general dumb or if all of your 700 posts are horseshit.

I have only had very limited interaction with you in this very thread so who knows what you post elsewhere.

In here you just posted nonsense though and did so in a very condescending arrogant manner.

Based on the , what i consider pseudo enlightened bullshit, you posted in here I dont have much hope that your thoughts on other topics are worth listening too.

you seem to be under the impression that you are somehow special and we should fawn over your contribution in this thread.

In my opinion you are for the most part unremarkable and your opinions badly thought out and in some cases not just debatable but provably wrong.

Since you have already made clear though that in your own perception your opinions are more important then others and that you somehow understand something we simply dont there is really no reason to do anything but mess with you for my own entertainment.

See your perception is that you are so smart I just cant grasp what you are saying or that i am blinded by something. In reality I was more supportive to Babs then most and not with the general sentiment at times.

For example I am o the opinion that Fubster was a piece of ****. Babs still stole from him though.

I also mentioned that others who Babs cheated or attempted to on here made their own bed.
Everybody knew Babs was not to be trusted if you still do business with him thats on you.

I mean some people basically baited babs into scamming them for pennies for shits and giggles and to feel justified in ****ing with him.

Their main motivation here being ****ing with someone for their entertainment. But Babs still took the bait!

He is a thief and he is a scammer. Those are just true statements.

Just like you babs has persecution complex.

People dont just happen to treat you badly for no reason people treat you according to how you treat them.

And as a sie note just because you were able to find places and communities that dont consider you a moron might have many reasons. maybe you dont behave like a moron over there but mostly would like to leave you with this:

I can walk into a kindergarten and be the smartest guy in the room and shock everybody with my understanding of chemistry and the amazing baking soda rocket i can build. If I try the same **** at a university or chemistry conference people will rightfully laugh me out of the room.

“I stole from you. Im sorry. I was a complete piece of ****.” - Nima

"...what I did was 100% theft and I wholeheartedly apologize." - Nima

"I admitted several times that I stole from you and Im very sorry." - Nima

And yet Eth comes in acting like we're just making stuff up. I don't think he's the dumbest human being in history though. I think he's just posting in obvious bad faith. And is projecting that onto everyone else when we all saw right through his intent in coming here.

We all know Nima comes by every 3-6 months trying to get the thread and the sites taken down. This time he got a buddy to do it, but even then coudln't help himself and went and posted as 'not hiv.'

Did 'not hiv' vote in the 9/11 poll?
