The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

So what's new?

I've noticed the Liberals are now ahead in all major polls and Trudeau hasn't even started to campaign yet...i'd be shocked if they lost the election now.

Just shows just how incompetent Conservatives are.

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11 July 2019 at 07:31 PM

4046 Replies


by lozen k

Don’t need to save me from anything Jolie who earned her position on her back shaking hands with a holocaust denier . Wouldn’t expect much from her

Well that how things are done on the diplomacy level .
Maybe you should instead complain about joly presenting herself in that country ?

I don’t recall many instance where foreign ministers not shaking hands with the president of that territory they are on to …

That is why it’s calm « diplomacy » .

But hey as long it permits you to complain and throw dirt about uneventful meaningless stuff go for it .

Well Ukes biggest criticism is the Pierre doersn't have a climate strategy plan but he announced part of it in BC

A plan that actually lowers emissions and removes the carbon tax . A global plan at that

Broken YouTube Link

by Montrealcorp k

Again ….would you feel the same disgust if she was shaking hands with him …?

No because he is not a holocaust denier . I may not agree with his politics .

by lozen k

No because he is not a holocaust denier . I may not agree with his politics .

So I guess you are ok with people that do genocide since shaking hands with them isn’t disgusting .
Good for you .

FWIW I think there isn’t much difference between genocide and holocaust.
You look at the genocide of Rwanda (800k death in 100 days…😉 for example and many others , pretty disgusting too ….

I wonder what’s worst tho , an holocaust denier or a person that actually do the genocide ?
Big philosophical question u open up I suppose instead of just condemning them both equally !

Funny how you are so quick to equate everything Biden do as equally bad with trump in almost everything they both do but here you can find some distinction between bibi and abbas .
I find it personally hilarious .
Just for the sake on condemning a liberal about shaking hands with abbas lol .

by Montrealcorp k

So I guess you are ok with people that do genocide since shaking hands with them isn’t disgusting .
Good for you .

FWIW I think there isn’t much difference between genocide and holocaust.
You look at the genocide of Rwanda (800k death in 100 days…😉 for example and many others , pretty disgusting too ….

I wonder what’s worst tho , an holocaust denier or a person that actually do the genocide ?
Big philosophical question u open up I suppose instead of just condemning the

As much as I think he is committing war crimes I am still not at genocide .
The holocaust was genocide as Hitler wanted to eliminate the Jews

I rarely compare Biden and Trump directly I do compare Justin and Trump on similar they are in their corruption.

by lozen k

Well Ukes biggest criticism is the Pierre doersn't have a climate strategy plan but he announced part of it in BC

A plan that actually lowers emissions and removes the carbon tax . A global plan at that

Well it makes sense you would want to move on from your disgusting sexist allegations.

This "plan" isn't a plan for addressing climate change. Its a plan for boosting fossil fuels. He spends half the video talking about removing the carbon tax and it is full of lies. Not once in the video does he even mention the existence of a rebate. He speaks ONLY about the costs without the rebates. It is so sad that your leader is such a pernicious liar, but here we are. Ok so what will he do instead? Well it is nothing but DRILL BABY DRILL on natural gas. That's his plan. Oh and he tosses out a sentence or two about approving more mining etc type of stuff.

There is nothing new in this video (I couldn't even find an article covering this speech) and it doesn't intend to be. Its his two talking points he repeats endless. So we are back exactly where we started: zero plan from Poiliebre to tackle climate change other than dismantling the thing the Liberals bravely did to tackle climate change.

by uke_master k

Well it makes sense you would want to move on from your disgusting sexist allegations.

This "plan" isn't a plan for addressing climate change. Its a plan for boosting fossil fuels. He spends half the video talking about removing the carbon tax and it is full of lies. Not once in the video does he even mention the existence of a rebate. He speaks ONLY about the costs without the rebates. It is so sad that your leader is such a pernicious liar, but here we are. Ok so what will he do instead? Well

Not much more to say on it . Maybe Justin's ex will reveal more in her new book ?

The only leader lying is Justin . Yes 80 % of folks get more back than they pay until you add in the GST on the carbon tax and the added cost to everything because of the fuel tax. Justin even promised small businesses a rebate that has billions put aside but now is giving them nothing

The Liberals even admit they have no way of tracking any reductions in emissions because of the carbon tax .

The EU considers Natural Gas a Clean energy and by supplying it which we do greener than anyone else we reduce the dependance on coal the worst pollutant

The largest reduction of emissions occurred in the USA which is not a lie by Pierre because they switched from coal to NG .

Canadians will see through all of Justin's scandals and lies on the carbon tax and vote in someone whom actually has a climate action plan and its not to rebate low income liberal voters

by lozen k

The only leader lying is Justin . Yes 80 % of folks get more back than they pay until you add in the GST on the carbon tax and the added cost to everything because of the fuel tax.

This is a good example of the DEGREE of lying between the leaders. Let's accept that Trudeau is doing a lie of omission to not always add the context that there is GST on the carbon tax as there is on any other cost of goods in the economy. You misstate the PBO here, the fiscal analysis includes "direct AND indirect" costs, but let's call it a second lie of omission when Trudeau doesn't talk about economic as opposed to fiscal factors. So two lies of omission.

Now contrast Poilievre whose lie of omission DOESN"T EVEN MENTION THE REBATE AT ALL. It drones on about affordability for 10 minutes straight without ever mentioning that 90% of the revenues the government gets back goes right back.

One if vastly worse than the other. As someone who claims to hate liars, you should really really hate Poilievre. The good news for you is he has much less female ministers in his shadow comment that you can make sexist fabrications about.

by lozen k

As much as I think he is committing war crimes I am still not at genocide .
The holocaust was genocide as Hitler wanted to eliminate the Jews

I rarely compare Biden and Trump directly I do compare Justin and Trump on similar they are in their corruption.

how much death would you need ?

And again what is worst, abbas not believing in holocaust or bibi doing massive war crimes or equally worst?

by uke_master k

This is a good example of the DEGREE of lying between the leaders. Let's accept that Trudeau is doing a lie of omission to not always add the context that there is GST on the carbon tax as there is on any other cost of goods in the economy. You misstate the PBO here, the fiscal analysis includes "direct AND indirect" costs, but let's call it a second lie of omission when Trudeau doesn't talk about economic as opposed to fiscal factors. So two lies of omission.

Now contrast Poilievre whose lie of

Question for you did Justin promise rebates for small businesses on the carbon tax ? Did he deliver ?

I’ve watched multiple times Pierre talk about the amount of the rebate but than also add in what they have to pay

I watched a liberal minister on the block say the carbon tax does not increase the cost of goods what a blatant lie

Reality is we’re getting a 27% increase April 1 st and how big is my rebate check ? Big fat Zero

by lozen k

I’ve watched multiple times Pierre talk about the amount of the rebate but than also add in what they have to pay

Let's focus on the question before you whataboutism to new ones. I think it is fair to say that Poilievre mentions the rebates a tiny fraction of the times he is doing his ax the tax song and dance routine - hence the lie of omission. Similarly Trudeau has spoken directly to the PBO report as well, yet you still call it a lie of omission if he doesn't mention those details, do you not?

So I think it is fair to ask which is the greater lie, omitting the rebate entirely or omitting all clarifying details about the rebate such as that the GST is always structured to apply to the final cost of a good?

I think what you know - but are refusing to acknowledge - is that Poilievre is regularly extremely deceptive on this issue in a way that any complaints you may or may not have about Trudeau just utterly pale in comparison.

by lozen k

Reality is we’re getting a 27% increase April 1 st and how big is my rebate check ? Big fat Zero

Ok. That's because you live in BC with an NDP government that unlike your hated Trudeau decided to also make the carbon tax a form of wealth transfer from the rich to the poor. So yes, if you are over the income threshold you get zero. I also get zero. But that's because you and I are both privileged. This is just a BC thing, it doesn't cut against the arguments of the carbon tax one way or the other, its a whole separate analysis on wealth redistribution (one I support).

by uke_master k

Let's focus on the question before you whataboutism to new ones. I think it is fair to say that Poilievre mentions the rebates a tiny fraction of the times he is doing his ax the tax song and dance routine - hence the lie of omission. Similarly Trudeau has spoken directly to the PBO report as well, yet you still call it a lie of omission if he doesn't mention those details, do you not?

So I think it is fair to ask which is the greater lie, omitting the rebate entirely or omitting all clarifying

Of course you fail to answer the question about Justin promising small businesses a rebate on the carbon tax

Because of this:

Let's focus on the question before you whataboutism to new ones.

I get it. You are desperate to avoid calling out the clear lies of your guy. You want to change the topic. You want to whataboutism. And guess what buddy, I'm even happy to go down your whataboutism with you, but you have to meet me 1/20th of the way first and at least pretend to address my question first.

Pretty hilarious to call someone a liar because he do not speak of all the existence of Canadian taxes .

maybe a waitress will call me a liar when I say I give her 5$ of tip because in the end she just received 4.50$ after taxes ….

Or when the government gives subsidies for many things they lied because we pay gst tax still, so we never get the real full amount .

When you are stuck to have recourse to that kind of narrative it just mean u have basically no arguments at all lol …

I was wondering lozen , if Melanie Joly so bad on shaking hands of abbas (especially since she’d t to his country and not the other way around) ,
and you think it would be ok if she did with bibi , I guess u in support of Biden actions siding Israel supports since the beginning ?

by Montrealcorp k

I was wondering lozen , if Melanie Joly so bad on shaking hands of abbas (especially since she’d t to his country and not the other way around) ,
and you think it would be ok if she did with bibi , I guess u in support of Biden actions siding Israel supports since the beginning ?

You have made some good points on her shaking his hand . If I am fine with our leaders meeting with Putin and Kim Jon than I have to accept this

As for Israel I am on their side but what they are doing to the Palestines are war crimes .
Sadly Hamas goal is actual Genocide

by uke_master k

Let's focus on the question before you whataboutism to new ones. I think it is fair to say that Poilievre mentions the rebates a tiny fraction of the times he is doing his ax the tax song and dance routine - hence the lie of omission. Similarly Trudeau has spoken directly to the PBO report as well, yet you still call it a lie of omission if he doesn't mention those details, do you not?

So I think it is fair to ask which is the greater lie, omitting the rebate entirely or omitting all clarifying

Show me a clip were Justin mentions the fact that there is a GST tax on the carbon tax and businesses will have to pass on the cost of the carbon tax to consumers

So who is lying when he says 80% of folks get more back than they pay . I bet the CDN's on this board pay more than they get back . I saw the energy minister this weekend on CTV say well the folks that live in 6100 sq ft house and drive a hummer and have a boat pay more and should

Who is lying when Justin says ill rebate small businesses on the carbon tax but ends up back tracking on that

Who is lying when Justin says I am making tough decisions for future generations ? The carbon tax hasn't lowered emissions and never will. Though the one thing that will impact future generations is all the debt he has accumulated

See at least your willing to admit its not about the environment its about wealth distribution . Also in BC I would be shocked if 50% of folks get a rebate

The reality is there will be two more increases of the carbon tax before an election and CDN's see through Justin's lies

by lozen k

Show me a clip were Justin mentions the fact that there is a GST tax on the carbon tax and businesses will have to pass on the cost of the carbon tax to consumers

So who is lying when he says 80% of folks get more back than they pay . I bet the CDN's on this board pay more than they get back . I saw the energy minister this weekend on CTV say well the folks that live in 6100 sq ft house and drive a hummer and have a boat pay more and should

Who is lying when Justin says ill rebate small business

You believe if prices double or triple it will never change consumers habits on reducing emission eventually ?

A pack of cigarettes Quebec is around 20$ now because mostly of tax .
I can guarantee you the amount of smokers in Quebec has drop noticeably….
Probably saves couple hundreds millions or billions in healthcare cost the past 2 decades because of it .

by Montrealcorp k

You believe if prices double or triple it will never change consumers habits on reducing emission eventually ?

A pack of cigarettes Quebec is around 20$ now because mostly of tax .
I can guarantee you the amount of smokers in Quebec has drop noticeably….
Probably saves couple hundreds millions or billions in healthcare cost the past 2 decades because of it .

I still see a lot of folks smoking it even surprises me how many young folks get started . I do know smoking is no longer the number # 1 cause of Lung Cancer

Once the carbon tax hits its peak in 2030 it may but there are so many individuals that can not change their behavior

Tell me how the folks on the prairies stop heating their homes with Natural Gas .
Tell me how the farmer stops drying his grain ?

Tell me this farmer doesn't make a good case on the carbon tax

Broken YouTube Link

Necessity is the mother of innovation !

I doubt a small tax carbon will create the end of our civilization due to an intractable problem .

And again , should those that emit the most not be paying a little more then those that don’t ?
Again the same concept applies for smoking , etc ….

Ps: if someone actually can’t heat his home , a fundamental factor in Canada due to winter , because of a small increase in energy prices , that person was bound to lose his house ….

by lozen k

So who is lying when he says 80% of folks get more back than they pay .

You didn't answer the question. It's true that the PBO report notes that while 80% of Canadians will get more of the fiscal revenues than they pay directly or indirectly, the PBO also did a secondary economic comparison compared to "doing nothing" and there are negative economic not fiscal consequences of that. That is the full context. Neither politician does a great job of giving that full context. Now the debate is who is lying more:
1) The person who only talks about the fiscal story about the rebates and does a lie of omission to not include the secondary economic analysis

by uke_master k

You didn't answer the question. It's true that the PBO report notes that while 80% of Canadians will get more of the fiscal revenues than they pay directly or indirectly, the PBO also did a secondary economic comparison compared to "doing nothing" and there are negative economic not fiscal consequences of that. That is the full context. Neither politician does a great job of giving that full context. Now the debate is who is lying more:
1) The person who only talks about the fiscal story about th

You never answered my question

I would say the biggest lie is

I am making the unpopular choice for future generations.

The reality is the carbon tax will do nothing to change the effect of climate change while his deficits will have a major impact on future generations

by lozen k

The reality is the carbon tax will do nothing to change the effect of climate change while his deficits will have a major impact on future generations

The reality is u don’t know .
Innovation sometimes comes from the most unexpected places .

by Montrealcorp k

The reality is u don’t know .
Innovation sometimes comes from the most unexpected places .

All I can do is look to the experts that say Canada has yet to lower emissions and the fact it will not meet its targets it committed too.
As well the PBO offficer that stated the carbon tax will have no effect on climate change

As well Pierre’s plan can show is exactly were emissions will be lowered and provide more clean natural gas
As well Pierre will eliminate the tax for everyone not just Atlantic Canada to buy votes

by lozen k

You never answered my question

I would say the biggest lie is

The reality is the carbon tax will do nothing to change the effect of climate change while his deficits will have a major impact on future generations

Lozen I've been trying to get a simple 1) or 2) worse answer out of you for a series of posts now. Every post in response from yours contains a brand new list of whataboutisms that you want me to jump through while ignoring my question. I will answer any and all questions you have as soon as you actually meaningfully address the point.

Stop evading.

Stop whatabouting.

Which is worse? Pretending there is no rebate at all or not adding the full context of the PBO report when talking about the rebate?
