The costs of trans visibility

The costs of trans visibility

Yesterday, Dylan Mulvaney broke her silence:

For context, this is a trans influencer who built a 10 million strong following on TikTok. She took a brand deal with budweiser to post an ad on an instagram, and the anti-trans right went absolutely ballistic, calling for a boycott, condemning the company, and to some perhaps unknowable degree it influenced that Budweiser sales dropped by a 1/4 and

. Dylan speaks more personally about the effect of the hatred on her.

What strikes me about this story is that it is just about visibility. This isn't inclusion in sports or gender-affirming care for minors, it was just that a trans person was visible. This wasn't even visibility in a TV commerical that a poor right-winger is forced to see, it was an ad on her own instagram page. We're all in our own social media algorithm influenced bubbles, but from my vantage point it really has seemed that in the last year or so things have just gotten worse for trans people and the backlash to even minor visibility is growing.

We need to do better.

30 June 2023 at 04:48 PM

6827 Replies


The actual Marxists abhor racism and racialism and see the current rejuvenation of race-based thinking as a divide-and-conquer tactic by the bourgeoise. Their only divide is between the working class and "capital" (which I have in quotes because that's where my criticism of real marxism begins).

by Luckbox Inc k

The actual Marxists abhor racism and racialism and see the current rejuvenation of race-based thinking as a divide-and-conquer tactic by the bourgeoise. Their only divide is between the working class and "capital" (which I have in quotes because that's where my criticism of real marxism begins).

material Marxists are being supplanted by cultural Marxists, radical leftists always start the fight among themselves eating each other. Stalin had Trotsky killed over ideological differences, doesn't mean they werent both the offspring of Marxist thought.

having some radical leftists disagree with some other over something is very typical, that doesn't excuse a radical to be called as such, not does it negate marx-hegellian frameworks from operating in the minds and thoughts of all of them

by Luciom k

I even put white between "" because it's a silly currently used definition in America (and a legal one at that, it is used to decide if gerrymandering is legal or not among other things).

please link me to the rules about which ancestry a person is allowed to be proud about in this forum so I will follow them, I missed that part it seems.

but if the topic is "why you think BLM Marxism" I think I should be allowed to claim that anti white racism is Marxism because Marxists nowadays are anti white (

Quit trying to dance around the rules. Talking about whites, blacks and others groups in terms of best, better, worse, etc is clearly racist and not allowed. It also has nothing to dp with transgender visibility. The topic of this thread isnt why is BLM marxist. We aren't going to have a word splitting debate on this about whether being "pro white" is racist or not. Stuff like below is not allowed and needs to stop.

The idea "whites" (as loosely defined currently in the west) aren't one of the best ethnic groups that every existed as measured by their net aggregate contributions to human welfare

The idea genetics isn't paramount in understanding human societies, behaviour, and differences among sexes.

you seem to ignore western technology is what makes everyone who lives better than an animal do so.

they see blacks do worse than other ethnic groups and according to cultural Marxism that is proof of oppression, and so violence is justified.

by Luckbox Inc k

Silly to do that. We're already talking about it now and now the context is lost.

I understand but that conversation needs to stop, and leaving them up most likely leads to more discussion and more racists comments. So imo having some disjointed looking replies is better than the alternative.

by browser2920 k

I understand but that conversation needs to stop, and leaving them up most likely leads to more discussion and more racists comments. So imo having some disjointed looking replies is better than the alternative.

I wrote absolutely nothing racist at all, claiming the contributions of a group were spectacular can't be framed as racism in any way or form

by browser2920 k

Quit trying to dance around the rules. Talking about whites, blacks and others groups in terms of best, better, worse, etc is clearly racist and not allowed. It also has nothing to dp with transgender visibility. The topic of this thread isnt why is BLM marxist. We aren't going to have a word splitting debate on this about whether being "pro white" is racist or not. Stuff like below is not allowed and needs to stop.

but that's what BLM does, how can I criticize it, define it as Marxist, and claim trans activism is the same, which is very much on topic, if I am not allowed to counter Marxist anti white claims?

because they are identical in frame to what trans activists do with what they call transphobe cisgender people's it's the same narrative.

a group has worse outcomes, cultural Marxists claim that's because a purported dominant group oppresses them, and that's what Marxism is about, dividing society in groups, claiming those with the best outcomes are evil, and justify violence by the members of the groups with worse outcomes.

do you realize a frequent claim even recently is that trans people suicide more because of societal discrimination? they claim we are causing their deaths when we aren't. same as BLM claims we have them killed in drove by police because of discrimination.

it's the same narrative, the Marxist narrative.

it's very often the very same people, one of the 3 BLM founders is also an explicit trans activist.

people who support BLM a lot tend to support the wildest trans activist claims.

it's the same narrative, the same people, the same lies and misrepresentations, the same donors, the same politicians defending both causes.

the same marxism

by Luciom k

I wrote absolutely nothing racist at all, claiming the contributions of a group were spectacular can't be framed as racism in any way or form

It clearly can be construed as racism if "race" is what differentiates that group from other groups you're claiming are inferior.

You wrote that "whites" (as loosely defined currently in the west) are one of the best ethnic groups that ever existed. Ordering "races" by how good they are in your opinion is textbook racism 101, and even go on to cite genetics. You need to grow up, mate.

by jalfrezi k

It clearly can be construed as racism if "race" is what differentiates that group from other groups you're claiming are inferior.

You wrote that "whites" (as loosely defined currently in the west) are one of the best ethnic groups that ever existed. Ordering "races" by how good they are in your opinion is textbook racism 101. You need to grow up, mate.

so the claim is that only pure complete relativism isn't racism? unless you claim that every single ethnic group in human history contributed the same to humanity success you are racist? what the actual ****? that's some crazy radical leftist definition!

racism isn't ordering ethnic groups by contribution ffs, you aren't racist unless you want to damage other ethnic groups!

is it racist to claim you consider the food from ethnic group a better than the food from ethnic group b? jfc

by Luciom k

is it racist to claim you consider the food from ethnic group a better than the food from ethnic group b? jfc

Depends on the ethnic group obviously.

Korean > Japanese > Vietnamese > Chinese > Thai

I like them all for sure but that's my ranking. Off to the big city (Medellin) tomorrow where I'll be seeking out some Korean

by Luckbox Inc k

Depends on the ethnic group obviously.

oh I see

by Luciom k

I wrote absolutely nothing racist at all, claiming the contributions of a group were spectacular can't be framed as racism in any way or form

I believe you think that is the case. That's why we don't allow people to jump to calling people racist after what appears to be a racist statement. But you need to consider that both mods in this forum independently took them to be racist in nature. So that's both of us who have to make a judgement call telling you our judgement is that those statements are, in fact, racist and need to stop.

Please take this warning to heart and refrain from similar comments. While your written English is excellent, don't rely solely on your interpretation of the connotation of your statements irt the racist component. Please take this feedback into consideration before deciding to proceed.


For other posters, please dont jump in and continue this off topic discussion about what is or isnt racist. I deleted those posts. And no, you dont get to make a case for racial superiority under the guise of continuing the discussion or responding to another poster.


by Luckbox Inc k

Whites have done some good things and some bad things, but I think you're failing to take into account that the Mayans invented zero.

They allegedly did, but nobody knew about it. The zero and the decimal system that we know about appear to have originated with the Babylonians, and were taken up by the Indians, from whom the Arabs carried them to the West (hence 'Arabic numerals', which are actually Indian).

by 57 On Red k

They allegedly did, but nobody knew about it. The zero and the decimal system that we know about appear to have originated with the Babylonians, and were taken up by the Indians, from whom the Arabs carried them to the West (hence 'Arabic numerals', which are actually Indian).

I read something about the number 0 coming from Buddhism philosophically, the idea that nothingness could still hold a place in the numerical order was quite a qualitative jump (the first "0 to 1" if you want).

by sublime k

from wiki:

dude was just born too early. nowadays he'd be running school districts.

No, no he wouldnt. As has been explained many times in this thread, John Money made the same error that all those teachers who beat kids with a paddle for using their left hand did 100 years ago, and all the conversion therapists make with gays and lesbians. He thought that people did not have an innate gender identity, just as they thought left handed kids weren’t *actually* left handed but could be taught to be right handed or that gay men weren’t *actually * gay but rather could be “trained” to be straight. So too was he abusive because he did not think transgender people were *actually* innately transgender so he tortured those children, just as conversion clinics torture gays to try to force them to be the gender he wanted them to be. It doesn’t work that way in reality.

by Luciom k

yes both BLM and trans activism are cultural Marxism, with founders and relevant individuals in both movements being Marxists, and the ideas they use being developed by Marxists.

critical race theory is Marxist theory.

gender theory is Marxist theory.

I don't think this is even particularly controversial.

Judith Butler is one of the most important contributors to gender theory and she (as other tender theory advocates) got directly inspired by Simone de Beauvoir, the extremely famous and influential

most pedophiles are right wing. for example catholic priests have been shown to be statistically more likely to abuse children. Among the many absurdities in this ridiculous rant is that the mengele like doctors were marxists. No, the mengele like doctors were Nazis.

Also, i’m not a marxist and did not reach my conclusions on trans rights through any ideological lens but rather through science.

by spaceman Bryce k

No, no he wouldnt. As has been explained many times in this thread, John Money made the same error that all those teachers who beat kids with a paddle for using their left hand did 100 years ago, and all the conversion therapists make with gays and lesbians. He thought that people did not have an innate gender identity, just as they thought left handed kids weren’t *actually* left handed but could be taught to be right handed or that gay men weren’t *actually * gay but rather could b

Lol even if you think gender is learned like Money did, you still aren't justified to force it on two years old "for science". So matter the theory behind it, the instant you know he did that he should have been treated like the monster he was, jailed, and never cited again as a scientifical source.

The left instead praised him for decades because of his scientifical contribution, and that includes people who are now cited as founding fathers of gender theory.

So it's like gay conversion therapy except 30 years later we have a cohort of "experts" claiming they were all right about everything except they got on thing wrong but their all framework to understand homosexuality was right.

Money was a monster, not a good guy who erred. He was a monster and the ENTIRETY of his contributions are to be tossed away as cancer, and that includes the concept that any kind of gender identity , learnt or innate, exists in the first place.

He was a monster and every single author who in the 70s, 80s, 90s didn't treat him as such is to be discarded ENTIRELY as well, as monster enablers, monster adjacent people, Including Paglia and many others.

by Luciom k

Lol even if you think gender is learned like Money did, you still aren't justified to force it on two years old "for science". So matter the theory behind it, the instant you know he did that he should have been treated like the monster he was, jailed, and never cited again as a scientifical source.

The left instead praised him for decades because of his scientifical contribution, and that includes people who are now cited as founding fathers of gender theory.

So it's like gay conversion therapy e

That is my point, people who hold positions like you and john money hold monstrous positions.

Luciom you have repeatedly amplified john moneys positions, you can’t just do that for 100’s of posts and say “never mind”

by spaceman Bryce k

That is my point, people who hold positions like you and john money hold monstrous positions.

Lol I do NOT hold a position where we should try to push people toward trans-ness, I never wrote anything of the sort.

by spaceman Bryce k

Luciom you have repeatedly amplified john moneys positions, you can’t just do that for 100’s of posts and say “never mind”

Lol I am claiming gender theory entire structure is bankrupt because it's founded on Marxism and John Money monstrosities.

Just drop it all and start from our understanding of it pre 1850

by Luciom k

Lol I do NOT hold a position where we should try to push people toward trans-ness, I never wrote anything of the sort.

What do you think “trans-ness” is? no such thing. Where you and john money agree is that being transgender isn’t an innate thing but something you can be groomed into. and furthermore you both support the idea of grooming people to be the gender you think they should be rather than the gender they are.

by Luciom k

Lol I am claiming gender theory entire structure is bankrupt because it's founded on Marxism and John Money monstrosities.

Just drop it all and start from our understanding of it pre 1850

Why would we drop the last 170 years of what you call “gender theory” but what normal people call a liberal expansion of women’s rights and lgbtq rights that has improved the lives of millions?

by spaceman Bryce k

No, no he wouldnt. As has been explained many times in this thread, John Money made the same error that all those teachers who beat kids with a paddle for using their left hand did 100 years ago, and all the conversion therapists make with gays and lesbians. He thought that people did not have an innate gender identity, just as they thought left handed kids weren’t *actually* left handed but could be taught to be right handed or that gay men weren’t *actually * gay but rather could be “trained”

ahh, the benefit of retrospect. at his time he was considered an expert on sexual behavior and even earned a Phd from harvard. in fifty years time we will also look back at the "sexual behavior experts" of today the same way we do him.

as said before "experts" in any non-rigorously tested field are not to be trusted. its why we will keep fighting said experts from filling the minds of children with nonsense.

I think you can consistently feel you are of the opposite sex and keep doing that after full puberty and when that happens that's trans ness.

I think for that to happen it's very improbable external influence would matter.

I also think young impressionable kids who aren't trans, can TEMPORARILY self define as trans (without ever being trans) if pushed toward it from a position of weakness and deep other personal problems, by evil people close to them (the John money of today).

and if the temporary phase lasts long enough they get sterilized and mutilated before they realize they have been duped.

and desistors and detransioners prove I am right objectively. if no one could be pushed to temporarily wrongly self define as trans, no one would desist nor detransition.

as for 1850, that was about gender theory.

women rights happened because of classic liberals, who were deeply anti Marxists, and started to be eroded when cultural Marxism amassed enough power. there are now fewer, weaker women rights in the west than 30 years ago.

some women sports have women compete with men who think they are women for example, something which didn't happen decades ago. Lesbians get harassed and threatened legally if they don't accept biological males as partners and members of lesbian associations.

women victim of rape or domestic violence find men who think they are women in women-only shelters.

imprisoned women have cell cohabitants which can rape them getting them pregnant.

and so on.

trans activism, child of cultural Marxism, is anti-women activism plain and simple.
