The costs of trans visibility

The costs of trans visibility

Yesterday, Dylan Mulvaney broke her silence:

For context, this is a trans influencer who built a 10 million strong following on TikTok. She took a brand deal with budweiser to post an ad on an instagram, and the anti-trans right went absolutely ballistic, calling for a boycott, condemning the company, and to some perhaps unknowable degree it influenced that Budweiser sales dropped by a 1/4 and

. Dylan speaks more personally about the effect of the hatred on her.

What strikes me about this story is that it is just about visibility. This isn't inclusion in sports or gender-affirming care for minors, it was just that a trans person was visible. This wasn't even visibility in a TV commerical that a poor right-winger is forced to see, it was an ad on her own instagram page. We're all in our own social media algorithm influenced bubbles, but from my vantage point it really has seemed that in the last year or so things have just gotten worse for trans people and the backlash to even minor visibility is growing.

We need to do better.

30 June 2023 at 04:48 PM

6827 Replies


by spaceman Bryce k

What do you think “trans-ness” is? no such thing. Where you and john money agree is that being transgender isn’t an innate thing but something you can be groomed into. and furthermore you both support the idea of grooming people to be the gender you think they should be rather than the gender they are.

Why would we drop the last 170 years of what you call “gender theory” but what normal people call a liberal expansion of women’s rights and lgbtq rights that h

transness is a rejection of reality, which is generally called something we can't talk about.

being gay is a sexual preference and it annoys me you lump the two subjects together with ease.

by sublime k

transness is a rejection of reality, which is generally called something we can't talk about.

being gay is a sexual preference and it annoys me you lump the two subjects together with ease. one is a choice the other a rejection of a reality.

I’m not the one lumping the subjects together. The same ideas were used against gay and lesbian communities until very recently. The ideas that gays and lesbians were mentally i’ll was still being pitched in mainstream discourse 15-20 years ago. We were called mentally i’ll for the same reason you would call trans people mentally ill today. If you can’t at least acknowledge that history, you shouldn’t be part of this conversation.

why weren’t you annoyed any of the many many times conservatives in this very thread have lumped drag queens, trans women, and gays together not once , but instead annoyed at those recognizing the same failed arguments of the past?

by Luciom k

I think you can consistently feel you are of the opposite sex and keep doing that after full puberty and when that happens that's trans ness.

I think for that to happen it's very improbable external influence would matter.

I also think young impressionable kids who aren't trans, can TEMPORARILY self define as trans (without ever being trans) if pushed toward it from a position of weakness and deep other personal problems, by evil people close to them (the John money of today).

and if the temporary

Trans women were around long before marxism and will be around long after marxism.

by spaceman Bryce k

I’m not the one lumping the subjects together. The same ideas were used against gay and lesbian communities until very recently. The ideas that gays and lesbians were mentally i’ll was still being pitched in mainstream discourse 15-20 years ago. We were called mentally i’ll for the same reason you would call trans people mentally ill today. If you can’t at least acknowledge that history, you shouldn’t be part of this conversation.

why weren’t you annoyed any of the many many times conservatives

you are lol as is everyone writing the letter soup LGBT.

T never had anything at all to do with LGB.

and no it's not the same at all as explained repeatedly ITT, because being homosexual and being accepted as such *doesn't force society to change anything*, while accepting gender theory in full as stated by trans activists destroys women sports and women rights in general.

moreover being homosexual *doesn't require special healthcare* while here we are listening to the most paradoxical and oxymoronical of the theories, wherein it is stipulated that being trans isn't a health condition (I agree), but you have a right to "trans care" (wtf?) paid by others lol.

it's like "homosexuals were discriminated against " (true) so this completely different group of public with absolutely nothing to do with homosexuals is right in any request it makes from society with no limits and you are anti gay if you disagree with this other completely unrelated group.

no wait they are related because we wrote a letter soup claiming they are.

by spaceman Bryce k

I’m not the one lumping the subjects together. The same ideas were used against gay and lesbian communities until very recently. The ideas that gays and lesbians were mentally i’ll was still being pitched in mainstream discourse 15-20 years ago. We were called mentally i’ll for the same reason you would call trans people mentally ill today. If you can’t at least acknowledge that history, you shouldn’t be part of this conversation.

why weren’t you annoyed any o


i grew up in a racist, sexist, homophobic environment. i have heard gay men called many things but never mentally deranged. i am also in my forth decade fwiw.

i am NOT saying gays were not treated well but i am saying it wasn't viewed as a mental illness by anyone but a small percentage of people in in the year 2000. sorry, but you are overblowing that subject.

i support gay rights. i support them being able to get married. i am queasy on adoption but not against it. if we were in a group setting and someone called you the F word i would probably assault them.

i also think trans people can do what they want. i will adamantly keep the position that it is a fundamental rejection of reality and not something a child should think is normal.

to me there is a gulf of a difference between a man attracted to another man and a man who wants to have his pens cut off. sorry if this offends you but that's my view.

Lesbian whistleblower who worked at tran...

Almost everyone in my life advised me to keep my head down. But I cannot in good conscience do so. Because what is happening to scores of children is far more important than my comfort. And what is happening to them is morally and medically appalling.

Until 2015 or so, a very small number of these boys comprised the population of pediatric gender dysphoria cases. Then, across the Western world, there began to be a dramatic increase in a new population: Teenage girls, many with no previous history of gender distress, suddenly declared they were transgender and demanded immediate treatment with testosterone.


I certainly saw this at the center. One of my jobs was to do intake for new patients and their families. When I started there were probably 10 such calls a month. When I left there were 50, and about 70 percent of the new patients were girls. Sometimes clusters of girls arrived from the same high school.

hrmm, wonder how that could happen?

The girls who came to us had many comorbidities: depression, anxiety, ADHD, eating disorders, obesity. Many were diagnosed with autism, or had autism-like symptoms. A report last year on a British pediatric transgender center found that about one-third of the patients referred there were on the autism spectrum.

Many encounters with patients emphasized to me how little these young people understood the profound impacts changing gender would have on their bodies and minds. But the center downplayed the negative consequences, and emphasized the need for transition. As the center’s website said, “Left untreated, gender dysphoria has any number of consequences, from self-harm to suicide. But when you take away the gender dysphoria by allowing a child to be who he or she is, we’re noticing that goes away. The studies we have show these kids often wind up functioning psychosocially as well as or better than their peers.”

There are no reliable studies showing this. Indeed, the experiences of many of the center’s patients prove how false these assertions are.

Besides teenage girls, another new group was referred to us: young people from the inpatient psychiatric unit, or the emergency department, of St. Louis Children’s Hospital. The mental health of these kids was deeply concerning—there were diagnoses like schizophrenia, PTSD, bipolar disorder, and more. Often they were already on a fistful of pharmaceuticals.

This was tragic, but unsurprising given the profound trauma some had been through. Yet no matter how much suffering or pain a child had endured, or how little treatment and love they had received, our doctors viewed gender transition—even with all the expense and hardship it entailed—as the solution.

Some weeks it felt as though almost our entire caseload was nothing but disturbed young people.

For example, one teenager came to us in the summer of 2022 when he was 17 years old and living in a lockdown facility because he had been sexually abusing dogs. He’d had an awful childhood: His mother was a drug addict, his father was imprisoned, and he grew up in foster care. Whatever treatment he may have been getting, it wasn’t working.

During our intake I learned from another caseworker that when he got out, he planned to reoffend because he believed the dogs had willingly submitted.

Somewhere along the way, he expressed a desire to become female, so he ended up being seen at our center. From there, he went to a psychologist at the hospital who was known to approve virtually everyone seeking transition. Then our doctor recommended feminizing hormones. At the time, I wondered if this was being done as a form of chemical castration.

That same thought came up again with another case. This one was in spring of 2022 and concerned a young man who had intense obsessive-compulsive disorder that manifested as a desire to cut off his penis after he masturbated. This patient expressed no gender dysphoria, but he got hormones, too. I asked the doctor what protocol he was following, but I never got a straight answer.

This is evil stuff happening. Evil.

the more you dive down this rabbit hole, the more nonsense you find. i firmly believe that after we compile enough data to properly study the effects of this recent trend we will learn this is one of the biggist lies being sold to the world. the blood will be on our hands for doing nothing, in the fear that we dont offend people.

protect your children. do NOT trust "experts." do not trust the WHO. this is driven by the desire for profit and people who wish to divide us as a society.

Paul McHugh, MD, is University Distingu...

At Johns Hopkins, after pioneering sex-change surgery, we demonstrated that the practice brought no important benefits. As a result, we stopped offering that form of treatment in the 1970s. Our efforts, though, had little influence on the emergence of this new idea about sex, or upon the expansion of the number of “transgendered” among young and old.

First, though, let us address the basic assumption of the contemporary parade: the idea that exchange of one’s sex is possible. It, like the storied Emperor, is starkly, nakedly false. Transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men. All (including Bruce Jenner) become feminized men or masculinized women, counterfeits or impersonators of the sex with which they “identify.” In that lies their problematic future.

When “the tumult and shouting dies,” it proves not easy nor wise to live in a counterfeit sexual garb. The most thorough follow-up of sex-reassigned people—extending over thirty years and conducted in Sweden, where the culture is strongly supportive of the transgendered—documents their lifelong mental unrest. Ten to fifteen years after surgical reassignment, the suicide rate of those who had undergone sex-reassignment surgery rose to twenty times that of comparable peers.

I suppose the increased suicide rates is due to mean family members and not pre-existing conditions or regret, though.

Most young boys and girls who come seeking sex-reassignment are utterly different from Jenner. They have no erotic interest driving their quest. Rather, they come with psychosocial issues—conflicts over the prospects, expectations, and roles that they sense are attached to their given sex—and presume that sex-reassignment will ease or resolve them.

The grim fact is that most of these youngsters do not find therapists willing to assess and guide them in ways that permit them to work out their conflicts and correct their assumptions. Rather, they and their families find only “gender counselors” who encourage them in their sexual misassumptions.

The larger issue is the meme itself. The idea that one’s sex is fluid and a matter open to choice runs unquestioned through our culture and is reflected everywhere in the media, the theater, the classroom, and in many medical clinics. It has taken on cult-like features: its own special lingo, internet chat rooms providing slick answers to new recruits, and clubs for easy access to dresses and styles supporting the sex change. It is doing much damage to families, adolescents, and children and should be confronted as an opinion without biological foundation wherever it emerges.

But gird your loins if you would confront this matter. Hell hath no fury like a vested interest masquerading as a moral principle.

Some other takes on this 92 year old doctor who also supported a proposition on CA ballot years ago that would ban same sex marriage; and served as an dxpert witness defending catholic priests accused of child abuse.

In September 2016 Johns Hopkins University faculty members Chris Beyrer, Robert W. Blum, and Tonia C. Poteat wrote a Baltimore Sun op-ed, to which six other Johns Hopkins faculty members also contributed, in which they indicated concerns about McHugh's co-authored report, which they said mischaracterized the current state of science on gender and sexuality.[5][42] More than 600 students, faculty members, interns, alumni and others at the medical school also signed a petition calling on the university and hospital to disavow the paper. Beyrer said "These are dated, now-discredited theories".[43][44][45]
Geneticist Dean Hamer condemned McHugh's publication as a misrepresentation of scientific evidence and his own genetics research.[4] Hamer criticized McHugh use of outdated and "cherry picked" studies, describing McHugh's calls for "more research" as "dubious" since McHugh has a "long history of blocking such efforts", including closing the gender identity clinic at Johns Hopkins. Hamer concludes that "when the data we have struggled so long and hard to collect is twisted and misinterpreted by people who call themselves scientists, and who receive the benefits and protection of a mainstream institution such as John Hopkins Medical School [sic], it disgusts me."[4]

by browser2920 k

Some other takes on this 92 year old doctor who also supported a proposition on CA ballot years ago that would ban same sex marriage; and served as an dxpert witness defending catholic priests accused of child abuse.

well, i should have vetted him. no doubt i can find more medical professionals who aren't afraid to speak the truth about this wave of evil.

fwiw, opposing gay marriage shouldn't be seen as something evil and used to discredit someone. i have no issue with it but im not a devout catholic.

he was also called by the defense because he thinks recovered memory is hogwash, not because he condones sexual abuse.

the proponents of children getting trans surgery will NOT win in the long term. eventually the truth about this nonsense will become common knowledge.

in the meantime, protect your children for the vipers are out there.

by spaceman Bryce k

Also, i’m not a marxist and did not reach my conclusions on trans rights through any ideological lens but rather through science.

Why would you need science to determine that everyone should have basic human rights and be treated fairly?

by spaceman Bryce k

Also, i’m not a marxist and did not reach my conclusions on trans rights through any ideological lens but rather through science.

by spaceman Bryce k

The science was settled 80 years ago.

by ganstaman k

This feels very white supremacist-y to me, but I'm a little sleep deprived and distracted so I'm open to the idea that I'm misinterpreting something. If I'm interpreting appropriately, then this sort of talk is not allowed here.

Let him rave on, that men shall know him mad.

by sublime k


i grew up in a racist, sexist, homophobic environment.


gays were not treated well


wasn't viewed as a mental illness by anyone


i support gay rights


i am queasy on adoption


if we were in a group setting and someone called you the F word i would probably assault them


trans people can do what they want


i will adamantly keep the position that it (TRANS) is a fundamental rejection of reality


there is a gulf of a difference between a man attracted to another man and a man

You haven't outgrown your roots homie. You don't respect transgender people or their rights. You explicitly reject their reality and explain clearly why. You were raised to think it's not normal.

by L0LWAT k

You haven't outgrown your roots homie. You don't respect transgender people or their rights. You explicitly reject their reality and explain clearly why. You were raised to think it's not normal.

Ye it's only for cultural reason that we don't consider it normal to mutilate your own genitals

Cultures don't have to compete for corruption.

by Luciom k

Ye it's only for cultural reason that we don't consider it normal to mutilate your own genitals

Of course it's unusual. Not all trans people choose to do surgery. I'm not super in the loop, but from my experience with friends, most don't do surgery.

My point was sublime claims to accept trans people's existence, but in the same post rejects their reality. That's not acceptance. It's hateful. They claim trans are sick. It's not true.

It's really not that difficult. In order to coexist, we need respect other people's rights. Respecting the rights of others makes us happy and more healthy.

And the culture stuff is simple too, but may be new to many. Sex is biological, most people are born male or female with a small percentage born intersex. Gender is distinct from sex. Gender and sex exist on a spectrum. It's that easy.

by L0LWAT k

My point was sublime claims to accept trans people's existence, but in the same post rejects their reality. That's not acceptance. It's hateful. They claim trans are sick. It's not true.

It's really not that difficult. In order to coexist, we need respect other people's rights. Respecting the rights of others makes us happy and more healthy.

And the culture stuff is simple too, but may be new to many. Sex is biological, most people are born male or female with a small percentage born intersex. Gen

uh? you accept religions you don't believe in without accepting their mythologies.

there is nothing hateful in claiming "I accept your right to think that about yourself even if I don't agree at all with it", that's actually what tolerance is.

and there is no right to have people agree with you ffs.

that gender exists as something distinct from sex is a theoretical, unprovable claim close to identical to the existence of a soul.

it doesn't become true no matter how many people say it is, and it's kinda absurd to insist it's true with people who don't agree.

by L0LWAT k

Of course it's unusual. Not all trans people choose to do surgery. I'm not super in the loop, but from my experience with friends, most don't do surgery.

so why do you feel unease with sublime claims that's not normal and makes the topic completely different from that of homosexuality if even a majority of trans people agree?

by Luciom k

so why do you feel unease with sublime claims that's not normal and makes the topic completely different from that of homosexuality if even a majority of trans people agree?

Tolerance isn't telling people they're crazy child mutilators. I don't believe you engage in good faith and won't reply further.

by L0LWAT k

Tolerance isn't telling people they're crazy child mutilators. I don't believe you engage in good faith and won't reply further.

the child mutilators are overwhelmingly non trans people, that's not a lack of tolerance of trans people (many of whom to be clear are in favour of a complete ban to surgery to minors diagnosed with gender dysphoria), rather a lack of tolerance of people who mutilate healthy children, whatever their purported reasons to do so.

criticizing infibulation isn't intolerance toward Muslims

Luciom, I think you're 100% wrong about what is and isn't Marxist on this issue. That you are born a certain way and that it is innate to a person like a person born with male sex organs but a female brain or gender is anti-Marxist. Marxists, certainly the Bolshevics, believe in tabula rasa.

The best part about Bryce's posting is when he drops theses little nuggets as absolute fact.

by spaceman Bryce k

most pedophiles are right wing.

I haven't seen any information about any studies on this, but I'd be very surprises if most pedophiles care at all about left/right. Their only affiliation is being creepy.

Modern trans rights movement is extremely individualistic and libertarian.
