The costs of trans visibility
Yesterday, Dylan Mulvaney broke her silence:
For context, this is a trans influencer who built a 10 million strong following on TikTok. She took a brand deal with budweiser to post an ad on an instagram, and the anti-trans right went absolutely ballistic, calling for a boycott, condemning the company, and to some perhaps unknowable degree it influenced that Budweiser sales dropped by a 1/4 and
. Dylan speaks more personally about the effect of the hatred on her.What strikes me about this story is that it is just about visibility. This isn't inclusion in sports or gender-affirming care for minors, it was just that a trans person was visible. This wasn't even visibility in a TV commerical that a poor right-winger is forced to see, it was an ad on her own instagram page. We're all in our own social media algorithm influenced bubbles, but from my vantage point it really has seemed that in the last year or so things have just gotten worse for trans people and the backlash to even minor visibility is growing.
We need to do better.
So you said nearly everytime you hear the word it was spoken by a dumb conservative. Maybe you just spend too much time speaking with dumb conservatives and are jumping to conclusions.
I mostly read it on this forum from conservatives and I mostly hear it from comedians and on Jordan Peterson ads on YT and some imitation Jordan Peterson I see ads from... Looking it up...Victor Davis Hansen.
Seems very hard to believe that rich people are joining the military at the same rate as poor people, if that's the argument.
Seems very hard to believe that rich people are joining the military at the same rate as poor people, if that's the argument.
My guess would be that both the destitute and the super-rich are under-represented, and there are far more of the former than the latter, skewing the average income up slightly.
Seems very hard to believe that rich people are joining the military at the same rate as poor people, if that's the argument.
They aren't rich but not poor. I believe the average is a little above average. It's not an argument, it's a fact. I have looked it up before and verified it before posting. You could have both googled it faster than replying here.
I had internalized a poster having "genital surgery" as a child as them being transitioned but I was wrong.
I have been to a gender clinic as a child, yes. And also had genital surgery, yes. The vast majority of people who go to a reputable gender clinic are not diagnosed as transgender. The vast majority of children who receive genital surgery are not transgender. The right is perfectly ok with children receiving genital surgery and in fact promotes it, unless those children are deemed transgender, then they oppose it even if it’s lifesaving.
Some other takes on this 92 year old doctor who also supported a proposition on CA ballot years ago that would ban same sex marriage; and served as an dxpert witness defending catholic priests accused of child abuse.
The posts leading up to this, the progression of posts is amazing.
Why would you need science to determine that everyone should have basic human rights and be treated fairly?
That is a good question chillrob. The answer is that those on the far right invent their own pseudo science to discriminate against groups that is harder to debunk than you may realize. The entire history of discrimination rests on pseudoscience.
For example Abraham lincoln had this to say:
“There is a physical difference between the white and the black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together... while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any man am in favor having the superior position assigned
The reason Abraham Lincoln said this is because at the time “race science”was so pervasive even well intentioned people could not escape it’s grasp. similar to “gender science “ today.
There were people like John Brown, who knew then that race science was wrong , just as I know the “science “ being used to victimize trans people is wrong today. But it still has to be refuted over the course of a 100 years.
Yes, of course those on the authoritarian right have invented a fantasy world where there authoritarian notions are a kind of libertarian war against “the marxists”. They wouldn’t know true individualism or liberty if it hit them upside the head.
The best part about Bryce's posting is when he drops theses little nuggets as absolute fact. I haven't seen any information about any studies on this, but I'd be very surprises if most pedophiles care at all about left/right. Their only affiliation is being creepy.
They can’t help it, and it is relevant to the debate. Those on the right have low openness to experience scores on average. So they imagine events from a narrower worldview on average.
This is one of the things responsible for their fantasy/ delusions that the main reason someone would dress up as a women is to go into the women’s bathroom and sexually assault them. Because, where they to dress up as a woman, which goes against their openness to new experiences, they imagine the purpose would be to sexually assault women. it’s projection.
Conservatives like sex, but they are very selective in who they think deserves sex based on openness to experience. As for themselves the straight conservative male they assume they are entitled to it in all directions and that women are sexual objects- hence dressing up like a woman or performing drag is sexual in nature.
The notion that there would be an epidemic of men claiming to be women to evade the draft really just goes to show how stupid and terrified these culture warriors are. It's just complete fantasy nonsense. These cowards are just so terrified by anecdotes whether it's the one trans person in sports or some crime or whatever.
No less nonsensical than the notion that defunding the police in a highly criminal society would be a positive for the communities where most of the crime occurs. You seem to be a pretty big proponent of "defund/abolish the police" rhetoric and seem mostly agnostic towards how big a disaster implementation of these ideas has been.
No, you are wrong. For reasons that should be obvious the notion microbet noted is way way more nonsensical. Furthermore, very little police defunding has actually happened but if it did, society would obviously function better. That’s another topic.
They can’t help it, and it is relevant to the debate. Those on the right have low openness to experience scores on average. So they imagine events from a narrower worldview on average.
This is one of the things responsible for their fantasy/ delusions that the main reason someone would dress up as a women is to go into the women’s bathroom and sexually assault them. Bec
Another thing I like about Bryce's posting is that when someone has a question about a "fact" he posts, he responds with something unrelated and acts like it proves his point.
This is a seriously absurd take on the issue.
How do you not accept that there is a difference between calling someone mentally ill because you don't like homosexuality and calling someone mentally ill because they have a persistent false belief that they are a different sex or were born in the wrong body? The two are not comparable at all.
Okay, I can accept that "trans" is a loosely defined term and there may be people who identify as trans who do not meet the criteria for mental illness, but t
Really, especially the bolded? You’re ignoring the entire history of the institutionalization of lgb issues in an incredibly discriminatory and nonbelieveable way just to make a narrow point about trans surgeries? that’s disgusting.
If you actually just cared about the potential misdiagnosis of some children, you need to acknowledge the long history of gays and lesbians being abused under the same logic, denounce the repeated transphobic posts in this thread, and then state your case in regards to your concerns.
So you agree and affirm the identity of trans individuals and are concerned for their wellbeing in regards to treatment , then what specifically are those concerns?
First acknowledge the abuse of trans individuals in this thread and elsewhere, acknowledge the arguments are copy/paste from the arguments used to oppress gays , then state your case.
How is that unrelated? I am describing why conservatives are more supportive of pedophilia.
Because originally you said
and what you posted doesn't support that. It also doesn't support "conservatives are more supportive of pedophilia".
Because originally you saidand what you posted doesn't support that. It also doesn't support "conservatives are more supportive of pedophilia".
There’s a difference between support and proving. It certainly supports that notion. No it doesn’t prove it. That is a separate debate, but also one that is obviously true.
You started this post with two paragraphs lying about it, but couldn't help adding two more about how you're mad that white Christian men are oppressed. How Marxist of you.
i don't understand why you keep engaging with me in full bad faith, given I said I want the private sector to be allowed to always discriminate on the basis of anything, as all libertarians do
I have been to a gender clinic as a child, yes. And also had genital surgery, yes. The vast majority of people who go to a reputable gender clinic are not diagnosed as transgender. The vast majority of children who receive genital surgery are not transgender. The right is perfectly ok with children receiving genital surgery and in fact promotes it, unless those children are deemed transgender, then they oppose it even if it’s lifesaving.
being trans is ONLY AND EXCLUSIVELY ABOUT SELF IDENTIFICATION and there is never any way to assess a self identification might be wrong, and even trying to do that is a violation of trans people rights, you guys have been saying this for the whole thread !!!
i don't understand why you keep engaging with me in full bad faith, given I said I want the private sector to be allowed to always discriminate on the basis of anything, as all libertarians do
It's not bad faith. I honestly contend that you couldn't help yourself when you added two paragraphs about how white Christian men are oppressed and that your first two paragraphs were just you saying what you knew you were supposed to say to make it look like this was some libertarian principle. That's not bad faith. And I don't think it's some wild stretch of mine either to interpret it that way. Why the hell would you have added the **** about the oppression of white Christian men otherwise?
It's not bad faith. I honestly contend that you couldn't help yourself when you added two paragraphs about how white Christian men are oppressed and that your first two paragraphs were just you saying what you knew you were supposed to say to make it look like this was some libertarian principle. That's not bad faith. And I don't think it's some wild stretch of mine either to interpret it that way. Why the hell would you have added the **** about the oppression of white Christian men otherwi
men are discriminated against a lot, christians not so much (in the USA), oppressed is a word I didn't use.
I added itbecause it's an example of a discrimination which is tolerated by marxists, they actually want what they perceive to be the dominant groups to be discriminated against and damaged actively by society.
same as they damage actual women actively while pretending to help trans people, that's a feature not a bug of cultural Marxism.
And I'm not engaging with you in bad faith. I'm engaging with you with hostility. And that's because of stuff like you wanting to hire people to kill refugees in the sea and calling them "garbage people". I'm hostile to you because of your incredibly awful views.
men are discriminated against a lot, christians not so much (in the USA), oppressed is a word I didn't use.
I added itbecause it's an example of a discrimination which is tolerated by marxists, they actually want what they perceive to be the dominant groups to be discriminated against and damaged actively by society.
same as they damage actual women actively while pretending to help trans people, that's a feature not a bug of cultural Marxism.
Of course you didn't use the word "oppression". You reserve that word for people you want to call Marxists. But, when you whine about being oppressed you still need a word, so you say discriminated against.
And I'm not engaging with you in bad faith. I'm engaging with you with hostility. And that's because of stuff like you wanting to hire people to kill refugees in the sea and calling them "garbage people". I'm hostile to you because of your incredibly awful views.
Calling me Marxist and saying I used words I didn't use is purely bad faith.
And you are hostile because you feel bad agreeing with me on a lot of stuff while disagreeing basically only on immigration WHEN WELFARE EXISTS. Because at no welfare we agree on immigration as well.
You just feel bad someone you perceive having values opposite to yours actually ends up asking for most of the same things you ask for.