Talk About Movies: Part 4
Somehow threads merged, so here's part 4 of our ongoing movie discussion.
Me too. Somebody told me it was on Mubi but I couldn't find it.
i told a mod he didn't have the right temperament to be a good mod and he proved my point by banning me for a week
Story checks out. John is easily the most equable man I've met on the innernet.
the bathtub scene in rabbit run changed my life
After giving it some thought, two books that changed my life were:
The Little Engine That Could,
Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn (combined Library Giant edition).
“All right, then, I’ll GO to hell"—and tore it up.
It was awful thoughts and awful words, but they was said. And I let them stay said; and never thought no more about reforming. I shoved the whole thing out of my head, and said I would take up wickedness again, which was in my line, being brung up to it, and the other warn’t. And for a starter I would go to work and steal Jim out of slavery again; and if I could think up anything worse, I would do that, too; because as long as I was in, and in for good, I might as well go the whole hog."
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your new James Bond 007
His Majesty's Secret Service...
I don't think the Ian Fleming group bow's down to many sensitivities or ashaments... nor should they.
Bond is marvel for people who hate marvel.
Barbie Meh. I probably expected too much. Some good bits but a little too much cutesy.
Nolan's next film should be his take on Barbie.
A portrait of the troubled and flawed Woman with many foibles, oddities and one hell of a shoe collection... In 70mm of course.
There's a lot of familiarity in the sets and design queues...
Going to see Perfect Days again on Friday. I think it's a film worth seeing at least twice.
In other news, my 14 year old granddaughter was explaining steampunk to me. I let her explain because that's what grandfathers do.
Finally, I need to show my film class a movie to demonstrate editing. I'm thinking of Strangers on a Train or Silence of the Lambs. Anybody have other suggestions?
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Out OF Sight, with J-Lo and George Clooney. From the novel by Elmore Leonard.
Directed by Soderbergh. Produced by Danny DiVito.
Edited by the immortal Anne V. Coates.
I can see you all rolling your eyes at me through the internets, but look at this flick sometime, and just look at the way it is edited. Magnificent.
Coates and Soderburg first tried out their "fractured editing" style in Out Of Sight, and then really went for it in The Limey. So damn good.
Coates and Soderburg first tried out their "fractured editing" style in Out Of Sight, and then really went for it in The Limey. So damn good.
I haven't seen the first but loved The Limey.
I decided to show Strangers on a Train so they can see how the editing itself helps to tell the story.
I almost chose Cabaret.
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What aspects of editing are you trying to highlight?
lol I didn't know what else to call it...
in some scenes, he separates the audio from the picture, where you hear someone from another scene over a completely different scene - not a voiceover, but actual dialog from another scene, and we back and forth sometimes.
He does it in the "drinks" scene between Clooney and Lopez in Out Of Sight, and then through the whole of The Limey.
Wow, that sounds terribly confusing. I need to remember not to watch those movies.
It's called a sound bridge and it is not confusing at all. Here's an example. Near the end of the scene, Clarice's dialogue carries over from her on the phone to the next scene. The sound bridge connects scenes.
Often when characters have a conversation the sound carries over the cut. That's called dialogue overlap and it serves to make the cutting back and forth invisible.
The second video shows the dialogue overlap. Notice when the dialogue carries over the cut. Crawford is still speaking and we see the cut to Clarice. It's only at the end of the scene when Clarice is speaking and her voice carries over the cut to Crawford.
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