LVL FAQ, Quick Questions, General Vegas Discussion, Etc

LVL FAQ, Quick Questions, General Vegas Discussion, Etc

Here's a List of Frequently Asked Questions. Read before posting your question in this thread or in the forum. Please use the search function as most topics have been addressed at some point.

Discussion of gambling before you reach the legal age (21 for Vegas and AC), is not allowed. Discussion of what you can do if you are under 21 is perfectly acceptable.

Renting out rooms in LV Lifestyle

As per Mat Sklansky's post in ATF the Vegas Lifestyle form is acceptable for short-term housing requests, but the Marketplace forum is the only forum where room rentals and other real estate offers can be made

we have a marketplace on this site for people who want to rent out rooms. the Vegas forum is there for people to discuss Vegas and during special vegas events it can also be a place where people organize get-togethers and temporary living situations.

What is ok

-People coming to las vegas needing a place to stay for a short term basis (vacation, tournament etc) and are looking for connections
-Asking questions about where are good locations, where other people live and what they would recommend and etc.

What is not ok

-Using 2+2 as a commercial enterprise to rent out rooms in different houses
-Spamming rooms for rent in LV Lifestyle
-People living in las vegas looking for a poker roomate, posts of this nature should instead be placed in the Marketplace forum

1) Where are the softest games at [insert limit here]?

- Listen, here's the thing. If you can't spot the sucker in your first half hour at the table, then you are the sucker.

2) Where should I go to eat for my bachelor party, wedding party, ingrown toenail removal party, etc?

Try the fine dining thread or the casual dining thread.

3) How do I decide which hotel to stay at?

There are many independent criteria which can drive a decision - cost, location, amenities/facilities, luxury, etc. which makes it impossible to arrive at a universally "best" hotel to stay at. Expect to pay a premium (either in terms of room rates or increased gambling minimums) for proximity to the Strip, newer hotels, and more amenities/facilities (including a hotel/casino vs. a hotel only). In general, there are a few broad classifications that can be made (classifications done subjectively by intended audience that they market to):

Strip Top Tier (top of the line luxury, relatively new/remodeled, often have a unique theme/schtick, very expensive resorts): Mandalay Bay, Bellagio, Caesars Palace, Venetian, Wynn, Aria (CityCenter).

Older Strip Megaresorts (top of the line or tried to be at one point, but have been superceded, generally still generate enough interest to be expensive): Luxor, MGM Grand, NYNY, Flamingo, Mirage, Treasure Island.

Second Tier Strip Megaresorts (places that never really aimed to be the king of the Strip, but have good locations and are much more affordable): Tropicana, Excalibur, Monte Carlo, Planet Hollywood, Paris, Bally's, Harrah's.

Blatant Discount Strip Options (places that market to the bargain hunters): Bill's, Imperial Palace, Casino Royale.

North Strip (arguably still on the Strip, but physically separated from the rest by a pretty wide gap; typically discount-oriented): Circus Circus, Riviera, Sahara, Hilton, Stratosphere.

Downtown (most downtown casinos are discount-oriented with low gambling limits and cheaper amenities): El Cortez, Golden Spike, Fitzgerald's, Fremont, Golden Nugget, Binion's, Golden Gate, Plaza, California, Main Street Station.

Off-Strip, Strip-like Hotels (playing to the same audience as many on the Strip, but physically located off-Strip): Palms, Rio, Hard Rock.

Just Off-Strip, Downtown-like Hotels (playing to the same audience as many Downtown, but located within a mile of the Strip): Gold Coast, Orleans, Wild Wild West, Hooters, Terrible's, South Point.

Off-Strip, unclustered (many of these hotel/casinos are unclustered and are geographically scattered; they aim for the discount audience but also draw a higher percentages of locals): Arizona Charlie's, Boulder, Sam's Town, Sunset Station, Santa Fe, Jerry's Nugget.

Non-Casino Hotels: Around the Strip and Downtown there are a ****load of hotels without casinos. Obviously these are the cheapest options and many chains are represented - Days Inn, Embassy Suites, Marriott, Residence Inn, Best Western, Howard Johnson, etc. Notable non-casino hotels directly on the Strip are Polo Towers and the Jockey Club.

4) Where can I find a gigantic list of things you do not see in vegas?

Right here!

5) What is the poker rate at X casino/How do I get it?

Follow this link!:

Useful Websites:

Las Vegas Weekly - For Nightclub and Entertainment Schedules

All Vegas Poker Tournament Schedule - Schedule for Daily Poker Tournaments in Las Vegas

Questions will be added to the faq once they are asked enough times to annoy the moderator.

) 4 Views 4
13 May 2008 at 03:12 AM

561 Replies


by Langdon k

there was talk about chainmail, then skiing, then old music, now non-alcoholic beer.

don't know how much a step up that group is

it's a tight knit group that'll be tough to crack but if you keep posting there they'll warm up to you

Hey pig4bill, congrats on the cash. Do you recall if there is anywhere to charge a phone in the tournament area? Tables with USB, etc?

by SmittyM k

Hey pig4bill, congrats on the cash. Do you recall if there is anywhere to charge a phone in the tournament area? Tables with USB, etc?

what room

oh, Horseshoe. haven't played there

by parisron k

Yea, I remember many years ago playing something that used those $2.50 chips, back then If I was ever in AC it was only Blackjack. Maybe it was on a boat, can't remember.

I remember playing in 15/30 limit games in Baton Rouge, LA a long time ago, but don't remember if the SB was $7.50 using the $2.50 chips or just $7 or something.

If you played it on a boat, it may have been in Tunica. I went there in 2010 and was told there had previously been a pink chip game at Harrahs but that it had recently died.

15/30 games just about always have a $10 small blind.

in another Vegas message board someone posted the question, "what's a 'never go there again' spot in Vegas' and why"?

I was thinking about that. I've visited like 9 times over last 7 years. I've stayed at a dozen different hotels and never had a bad experience. I've seen over a dozen different shows and none were terrible (although LOVE bored the hell out of me recently). I've eaten at tons of different restaurants, no high-end places, but can't think of a single terrible meal I've had, can't even remember a bad server. I've played at a bunch of different casinos and actually the only place I've had bad experience is probably Aria (and I haven't played there since pre-Covid).

kinda amazed at how people are so easily disappointed or upset or find things to complain about. vacationing in Vegas is better and cheaper than any other US metro area and I am always impressed with the hospitality.

well, I guess I thought the pool at Orleans was pretty s***y, and the tourneys there (even though the structure is good) feel like mis-reg-fests. also didn't like the Luxor pool because there is no shade and even when it is empty they won't let you use an umbrella without paying for it. so there's my negative opinions.

I thought the Cirque show "Ka" at MGM Grand was terrible; I literally fell asleep during it. Other Cirque shows I have seen were very good

Imperial Palace was really terrible when I stayed there years ago, but it has been updated and renamed at least twice since then. The old motel building of the Tropicana was also pretty bad years ago - don't know if it is much better now.

by chillrob k

I thought the Cirque show "Ka" at MGM Grand was terrible; I literally fell asleep during it. Other Cirque shows I have seen were very good

Imperial Palace was really terrible when I stayed there years ago, but it has been updated and renamed at least twice since then. The old motel building of the Tropicana was also pretty bad years ago - don't know if it is much better now.

Trop will be renovated or leveled soon, property was sold, not sure if finalized but will likely be the location of baseball facilities, stadium and or practice facilities or rooms.

I agree on Ka. Cirque shows are one of my favorite things to do. Every year I take all my nieces and nephews to whichever show comes to Dallas that year. I'll never go see Ka again though. It was the only one where I left thinking I could do almost everything the performers did, lol. It was more about the lights and sets than the performers. I don't like that.

I really liked Ka. liked Mystère. want to see O and may finally be able to next time since I'm no longer a cheap sob. almost walked out of Love.

I still have a few in Vegas to see. I've been to Mystere, Zoomanity, and Ka. Also the copycat at Wynn, I forget what it was called. I thought Mystere was great. It was a slow night and I was solo so they moved me to the very front to fill in empty seats. O will be my next one for sure. And Absinthe.

O and Love were my favourite Cirques by a distance

Ka and Mystere were both good, I'd put Absinthe at this level as well

Zumanity was kinda meh

my main point was that I have really only had positive experiences in Vegas and felt hospitality was always good. I have had nightmare hotel stays elsewhere, and there are plenty of restaurants here at home that have had crappy service or my soup came cold or whatever that I don't want to visit again, but other than maybe an expensive price that brought lofty expectations are there things or places in Vegas you have done that were terribly disappointing? and if so, that's a shame because there are so many options that wasting time on a bad one is almost a tragedy

Absinthe tons of (super adult) fun. Must do, if you're not too prudish.

With cirque shows, I always feel as if there's a storyline thread that I can't quite grasp. But I always enjoy the theatrics and athletic part of the show.

For context, I want to mention I'm staying at the Horseshoe. My first mistake was staying inside all day and never looking outside before deciding to walk over to Bellagio. That's not trivial, btw. My back has been giving me lots of trouble, to the point that I'm using a cane. As soon as I get outside, I realize it's freakin cold. I don't even have a jacket in my room, it's in my car. What the heck, it's been in the 70's all week, now it feels 50's. Then it gets worse when I get out from under the roof and see it's actually raining. But I've been stuck at that stinkin' Horseshoe table all week (not including the Circuit events) and I'm tired of the weird play coming from the promo grinders. I want to try somewhere else.

I do eventually get to the poker room and get a 1/3 seat right away. I see that nothing has changed as far as the way the room is run. No chiprunners, you're expected to bring chips to the table. I've never played anywhere else that does this. It's really sad. The dealers are asking players to make change for them. And the dealers aren't what you would call sharp either. How can Horseshoe hire so much more competent dealers than the mighty Bellagio?

Tiny sample size, but the players might make up for the other stuff. I didn't think a room full of promo grinders would make enough difference to not want to play there, but this trip showed me it was. Again, tiny sample size. At any rate, I did win money at Bellagio, and that should be my primary concern I guess. It's kind of disappointing the room itself is so crappy. Lots of garbage on the floor just like when I played there a couple years ago.

Time to leave, it's raining even harder. Took a $15 cab back to Horseshoe, lol. It was worth it not to get soaked and sick.

I find Bellagio dealers hate their jobs and are pretty miserable to be around.

The Horseshoe promo grinder bunch is insufferable. Many checked down pots between buddies, and slow playing the super nuts to the point where you have to bet a river after 3 checks and then get check raised. Not sure if they are doing the weekly freeroll for total hours played, but that made it worse.

I think the dealers are somewhat better for the Caesars/El Dorado company because they seem to treat their employees better, that goes for dealers in the pit as well.

I don't play at Bellagio but there are better rooms to play profitable 1/3 in, just may not be the most popular ones.

by Hell2Heaven k

The Horseshoe promo grinder bunch is insufferable. Many checked down pots between buddies, and slow playing the super nuts to the point where you have to bet a river after 3 checks and then get check raised. Not sure if they are doing the weekly freeroll for total hours played, but that made it worse.

I think the dealers are somewhat better for the Caesars/El Dorado company because they seem to treat their employees better, that goes for dealers in the pit as well.

I don't play at Bellagio but t

Hello, what rooms can you say will be more profitable at 1/3 than the Bellagio during WSOP 2024? Thanks in advance for your advice

by TJ Eckleburg12 k

Sounds like some low limit **** that needs to be ****ed

At least you got comped at the noodle bar though.

I have never played at Bellagio. got on the list couple summers ago but the place was such a zoo that the wait wasn't worth it.

also have never played at Horseshoe or Caesars. I am happy with rooms on the ends: Resorts World, Wynn, Venetian and Mandalay Bay (and South Point).

All of those are reasonably nice rooms. Except I don't like the Wynn. The 1/3 guys are sharks, Bellagio players are much easier to handle. Small sample size though. I used to play the uncapped Wynn 1/3 a lot, but that was when I played in the Bay area a lot. I was used to aggression.

by golddog k

Absinthe tons of (super adult) fun. Must do, if you're not too prudish.

With cirque shows, I always feel as if there's a storyline thread that I can't quite grasp. But I always enjoy the theatrics and athletic part of the show.

I hear (YMMV, etc) that the Spiegelworld show at V is also v good.

by CardPlayerForLife k

Hello, what rooms can you say will be more profitable at 1/3 than the Bellagio during WSOP 2024? Thanks in advance for your advice

Like a reply above, I enjoy the other rooms, Venetian, South Point, Orleans, (have only played the mix at RW), Golden Nugget (downtown).

I can't really say that any of the games are "more profitable", Bellagio has plenty of money walking around in the casino, and that can become poker foot traffic, but its most def stiffer competition than other places.

I played everywhere except Boulder Station.

I'd say there's not too much skill difference at 1/3 between all the rooms, so I'd play somewhere you can buy in for $500+ if you think you'll be a top 3 player at your table.
