Talk About Movies: Part 4
Somehow threads merged, so here's part 4 of our ongoing movie discussion.
I finally got around to watching Bad Lieutenant.
To paraphrase Philip Larkin, the Catholic Church, they **** you up. But there's always redemption for some.
It's one of those films that you just can't imagine anyone else playing the part. Keitel is amazing.
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Just watched Joachim Trier's Oslo, August 31st.
I really need to watch a few comedies now. This is such a bleak film, but it's terrific, too. A guy has been in rehab for nearly a year, but falls back into his old ways when he returns to Oslo. He says at one point near the end of the film, "I just want someone to care about me."
Trier ends the film with shots of Oslo's empty streets. I think he learned something from Antonioni.
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My god... what an amazing movie is Hertzog's Heart of Darkness.

I got the original Hertzog collection

Almost as good as Coppola's Heart of Darkness.
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I have to say, I had this exact debate with myself after watching Wrath of God last night... I had HARD time trying to convince myself that Coppola made a better movie. Certainly Coppola had a more significant cinematic presentation, but I actually ruled that I feel Hertzog made a more compelling and awe inspiring film.
Just watched Joachim Trier's Oslo, August 31st.
I really need to watch a few comedies now. This is such a bleak film, but it's terrific, too. A guy has been in rehab for nearly a year, but falls back into his old ways when he returns to Oslo. He says at one point near the end of the film, "I just want someone to care about me."
Trier ends the film with shots of Oslo's empty streets. I think he learned something from Antonioni.
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I loved this. I've been meaning to watch The Worst Person In the World for awhile now but haven't gotten around to it.
I loved this. I've been meaning to watch The Worst Person In the World for awhile now but haven't gotten around to it.
The Worst Person in the World is very different from Oslo. It reminds me of Woody Allen's Manhattan. Right now it's streaming on Kanopy.
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That Herzog collection is sick.
After a couple grim movies, I watched one of my dad's favorite movies, The Quiet Man, directed by John Ford, starring John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, and Victor McLaughlin.
No one would make a film like this today. John Wayne dragging Maureen O'Hara around would be too offensive. I must admit that I recoiled a bit from a couple scenes, but I still love this movie, especially for the acting and the spirit of community in the film.
It's John Ford's homage to Ireland filmed in dazzling Technicolor.
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I watched a Duke last night... The 3 Godfathers was just remastered and released on Bluray... as a matter of fact, the release comes with both the john Ford and the original 1936 Black and white... I watched both.
earlier in the day I came to a realization while watching Hertzog's Fitzcarraldo... that is, Claude Joséphine Rose Cardinale is still alive. I was certain she had passed, but apparently not as she's now 85 years old. She will be here when the NEW remastered version of Once Upon a Time in the West is released in a few weeks. Hopefully we will get a theatrical release once this happens.
I had always thought that she was Spanish or Italian... She is Tunisian.
I was in Manaus this January. The restaurant in the hotel I was in was named Fitzcarraldo. I wasn't sure what to make of that.
That's interesting...
I just saw an article... Alex Garland says he's done directing movies.
As a writer?
He's saying he wants to concentrate sole...
As a writer?
He's saying he wants to concentrate sole...
Wikipedia says writing and co-directing. I have no knowledge apart from that.
As a writer?
He's saying he wants to concentrate sole...
Probably makes sense as that is how he started in the industry as a writer.
It would be easy and somewhat unfair to simply call Monkey Man the Indian John Wick. It does aim for, and achieve, more character and story depth than the Wick films. It's obviously having a go at Modi, Indian nationalism and the exploitation of religion for power. There is a creative visual sequence where Dev Patel reveals his soul as it were.
The last 20 minutes of all action are pure Indian John Wick though, right down to Dev Patel's clothes, hair and rage-fuelled brutal fighting style.
I've got the shining on! I'm going in stoned and 'round midnight!
Anyone wanna do a watch-party? We can sync
Scatman Goat
lol sorry no one watched with you, Schlitzy. If I had been home, I would've popped a gummy and joined you.
idk about his acting ability, never seen any of his films, but I've never before seen an actor emote so effortlessly in my life than in this still