Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..
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The lesson should be to leave university behind, or understand the self-defense laws in your particular state and tend to your self-preservation with the necessary high capacity clips.
I'm definitely a republican but that's not relevant
My biggest problem with Trump is ukraine policy and the fact that i do think he may try to hard for revenge
If biden turns hard on Israel i would vote Trump but overall I've been okay with how biden has handled Israel. I think Israel should ignore him and invade rafah, but i understand why biden is urging him not to
None of this is really relevant to the fact that every time you get mad at me you automatically call me right wing as an insult
I don't get why this gets you when you identify as something to the right. I think I've called you stupid before and you didn't object to that. What am I supposed to do when I'm mad, just call people ****ers! That doesn't really work with the asterisks.
But ok, I will attempt to stop.
Vic on his lunch break?
I'm not upset that you called me right wing
I'm upset that you did it at an irrelevant time to insult me Because that's the only way you know how to win an argument apparently
What was the argument again? Whatever it was I'm pretty sure I won on merits and the insults were beside the point. At least I try to argue honestly, or in good faith as people like to say, even with people who I am calling names - see Luciom.
You're a peacenik, bro. That's it. Your argument summarized. Boring af
Although the status quo prior to Oct 7th is my jam, too
Like, when's the last time anyone read a chezlaw post?
I'm kidding chez - that was a joke.
Pretty incredible how badly the schools have overreacted to these student protests.
whelp, rafiki and BGP wrong again. who could have guessed?

Jews feel unsafe on campus
Bill and others are like "lol jews you are so sensitive. Get over yourselves "
I just haven't seen any evidence of classic antisemitism in the campus ceasefire movement. What I see is some Jews feeling unsafe because they are conflating opposition to Zionism with antisemitism. That's on them.
Pretty incredible how badly the schools have overreacted to these student protests.
I think you misunderstand what the actual purpose of elite Universities is, and just how damaging all the pro Islamism and antisemitism on display is to their brand. The purpose of these universities is to produce young people that high capital individuals and corporations want to hire.
You think any investment bank or consulting firm is watching these Columbia protests and thinking to themselves, "Man, those are people I really want to hire. Give me some of that." **** the hell no.
And now every time they are recruiting someone from Yale or Columbia they are going to be asking themselves in the back of their mind, "Is this person on video camera chanting "Death to the Jews" or holding a sign saying, "By any means necessary." Is this going to come back to bite us bad if we hire this person?
I think all the student protestors dont realize the massive hole they are potentially digging themselves in. And the school administration for its part, does; and is actually trying to nip this in the bud before too many of their students jeopardize their future any more than they already have.
I went to protests in college and I don't think anyone I knew who went to a protest ever wanted to be a finance bro (one professor of economics) or work for a war contractor or anything where it would have been a problem other than maybe public school teacher in Florida or something.
I just haven't seen any evidence of classic antisemitism in the campus ceasefire movement. What I see is some Jews feeling unsafe because they are conflating opposition to Zionism with antisemitism. That's on them.
Especially given the 1400 year history of persecution of Jews by the Muslim world culminating in their recent genocide from all their ancestral homelands in the Middle East as collective punishment for the creation of Israel, you dont think this sort of rhetoric and imagery is crossing any sort of line?

I'm sure you've seen this, but do you really think your 1400 year ago stuff is relevant considering how for 1300 of those years Christians were so much more hostile to Jews than Muslims were?
I want to know why they don’t care about African American feelings in the same way
I think you misunderstand what the actual purpose of elite Universities is, and just how damaging all the pro Islamism and antisemitism on display is to their brand. The purpose of these universities is to produce young people that high capital individuals and corporations want to hire.
You think any investment bank or consulting firm is watching these Columbia protests and thinking to themselves, "Man, those are people I really want to hire. Give me some of that." **** the hell no.
And now
Most of this I actually agree with. However, the people holding those signs are the Zionists.
We agree on everything, pretty much.
Especially given the 1400 year history of persecution of Jews by the Muslim world culminating in their recent genocide from all their ancestral homelands in the Middle East as collective punishment for the creation of Israel, you dont think this sort of rhetoric and imagery is crossing any sort of line?
Just to confirm…the people in this pic are Zionists, according to genocide vic.
Free Palestine and corpus vile!
Guys, itt let's all convert to the resistance
Dawah invites us to Prislam