Pet Pictures

Pet Pictures

It seems like there's a lot of conflict and unhappiness in the world these days. It gets me down. One of the few things

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03 February 2017 at 12:05 AM

504 Replies


That dog has drug detecting genes written all over her!

by Tom Ames k

That dog has drug detecting genes written all over her!

no iDEA what you're talking about

Her name is Coochi.

Mama whatcha gonna do? Name her Hoochi Coochi Coo!

Lady Grinning Soul

Congrats on the new addition! She looks great.

Looks like a really nice one, red.

Howard had a bath and wanted to come inside for a bit...

Nice looking dog RED!

by rickroll k

nice redeyes, just don't train her to be a bird hunting dog

You shut your mouth! My pup found a friend at his vacation family.

by Randall Stevens k

You shut your mouth!

it was a joke about SD governor Noem



by REDeYeS00 k



I have a similar jailbird. Mine has one thing in common with James Earl Ray. He escaped, was out for a while, but never got very far away from his cell.


by rickroll k

it was a joke about SD governor Noem

I follow the breeder of my GSP. I get it.

Sorry that I didn't rescue/foster, but I appreciate everyone that does.

nice looking dogs all around

My doggo. that pic was years ago. He is 17 now. He has gone deaf and its hard to walk. Sometimes on a walk I can't tell if he is sniffing ground or he is gonna pass out, that is how slow we go. Doing everything I can to keep him goin. Can't see me ever getting a dog again. Can't replace. "Your my boy Blue" Gettin rough

Rough. Ruff!

I know what you mean. After I sat with my dog during his necessary injection in '93 or so, it was 2019 before I was ready for another dog. In retrospect, it was far too long. But everyone has their own timetable.

Hang in there, Bubba! Roy loves ya!

Dah goo

Red, that puppy is adorable!

thanks newt!
these are for you


That look you get when you tell someone it's time to get out of bed, but they aren't ready yet.

Haha, that look. "please no, please."

the morning of my last day in vegas

John Wick luring in his enemies with a fluffy belly. Don't fall for it.

BTW, Java and Newt are dogs I had years ago. Java was a shepherd mix and Newt was a three-legged cocker mix.

Had to put my favorite animal on Earth down in December. She was 19. I had a pillow made, it makes me happy. We don't deserve dogs. That is all.

Sorry man. It hurts.
