Talk About Movies: Part 4

Talk About Movies: Part 4

Somehow threads merged, so here's part 4 of our ongoing movie discussion.

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19 October 2018 at 12:58 AM

3219 Replies


I'm shocked that Star Wars is still a thing that people care about in 2024.

by Bluegrassplayer k

Here's your challenge: without changing anything about the script, who do you cast in the role of Rey (man or woman) to save the Star Wars sequels?

As I've said previously, it's mainly the writing that's the problem. Casting a male in this role doesn't save the movies. The issues with the Rey character, as least when compared with Luke, is she never has to overcome any adversity, so we don't empathise with her as a hero.

By the end of A New Hope, we've seen Luke's foster parents die, then his mentor, then most of his squadron. And at the end of ESP, he gets very physically beaten - by his father. It's no wonder we feel empathy towards him and want him to succeed.

What challenges does Rey overcome? None. You have to feel at least part of this is because Disney doesn't want to see it's main female hero as flawed in any way. We can draw this conclusion as they have done exactly the same thing in several other female-led stories they have made recently (e.g., the Mulan remake), which have also bombed.

by Gonzirra k

it's one of those folks who think a black dude in a stormtrooper suit is an offense to society they can eat half a bag of slightly microwaved dicks.

The irony of this is that Disney cast a very talented Black actor in what had the potential to be a very interesting role - effectively an emancipated slave.

However, they then side-lined him into a minor comic relief role - a racist stereotype.

You can immediately improve the sequel trilogy by having Boyega as the force sensitive one, and Rey as the leader.

As far as Furiosa goes, there are likely several reasons it failed.

1, It's a prequal to a movie that just about broke even at the box office. "Hey, wanna know how a side character from that movie got her mechanical arm?!" me neither.
2, ATY is a good actor, but she is not at the stage where she can carry a box office smash, at least compared with Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron.
3, General decline at the box office.
4, and yes, it's a Mad Max movie without Mad Max in it.

And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.

If the women are the ones making all the decisions in the movies, then the movies suck.

Men, start acting like men.

This is a good lesson about feminism and how destructive feminism in films is too.

Women who live according to traditional gender roles as mothers and wives report being much more happy and much more satisfied with life, depending on the type of man they marry. If their husband is loving and takes care of them, they are happy. If their husband is abusive, unfaithful, or weak, they are unhappy.

Feminists on the other hand without exception wind up alone and hating pretty much everything about the world and other people around them.

The types of movies Elrazor is bashing are absolute trash.

Thelma and Louise is the perfect type of this awful kind of movie. No strong men anywhere to be found. The women lose all control over themselves and their end is celebrating suicide and eternal damnation.

what the ****

If the politards could please take their noble struggle to a more appropriate place, I'd appreciate it.

by Esteban_1 k

Thelma and Louise is the perfect type of this awful kind of movie. No strong men anywhere to be found. The women lose all control over themselves and their end is celebrating suicide and eternal damnation.


Wow, and I thought I had unsubbed from the politics and christian threads years ago... 😊

You guys are right it's getting a little too political, but these days even a lot of what should be simple popcorn movies aren't immune from politicization. Fair enough though

Margin Call
The Big Short

I'm going to presume these would be well known with the 2+2 crowd but I liked them a lot. Centered around the 2008 housing crisis but very good casts and thoughtful movies. And where I figured out for sure that I had underappreciated how good Steve Carell actually was.

It’s almost as if religious freaks want women to be subservient!

Watched Dark Waters with Ruffalo last night. 10/10

Margin Call is so so good. One annoying mistake though.


Everyone knows you can’t land a helicopter on a building in Manhattan

who are these idiots who believe white men can't watch and enjoy a movie that doesn't include white men? So stupid.

by Dominic k

who are these idiots who believe white men can't watch and enjoy a movie that doesn't include white men? So stupid.


by Elrazor k

When your key demographic audience is white males and you make a show for $180m featuring zero white males.

Quite the tell.

For some reason, I had it in my head that I needed to watch Spaceballs because I had forgotten how funny it was.

It wasn't nearly as good as I thought. Mel Brooks stuff never was my cup of tea.

Nightmare Alley was a bit of a weird ride... I am usually a fan of Guillermo del Toro and always enjoy the construction of his fantastical universes (as I did with this film as well) and despite many viewers criticizing the (slow) pace, I beg to differ, as I do simply enjoy to dwell in del Toro's realms That being said, the ending seemed contrived, unnecessary and a bit nonsensical... Still worth a viewing though.

by g-bebe k

For some reason, I had it in my head that I needed to watch Spaceballs because I had forgotten how funny it was.

It wasn't nearly as good as I thought. Mel Brooks stuff never was my cup of tea.

It's not. I liked Star Wars a lot and as a kid it was worth seeing kinda but I'm not really into Mel Brooks either. I do like some of his other movies of course but over time I realized I was actually a much bigger fan of Gene Wilder, who along with Gene Hackman were really my two favorite actors.

I watched two movies today. First up was A Clockwork Orange. I've seen it twice before but some scenes but barely remember. I think I liked it better this time because I paid more attention to what seems like violence done as dance.

The second film was Messiah of Evil, one of those '70s horror films that makes little sense. A girl comes to a strange town seeking her father who is an artist. Nobody seems to know who he is. Apparently almost everyone in town is a zombie. There's a Messiah, but he takes up about two minutes of screen time. I guess it's worth seeing for the '70s costumes, the film within a film, and the ways in which this movie makes no sense.

Both, believe it or not, are on Criterion.

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John - My Gf and I watched Messiah Of Evil last year and loved 70s and weird. If you can find the Visitor, you should check that one out, too.

by John Cole k

Both, believe it or not, are on Criterion.

Do you think Criterion standards have definitely slipped in recent years? Is the Criterion name losing its cachet?

by kioshk k

Do you think Criterion standards have definitely slipped in recent years? Is the Criterion name losing its cachet?

Not at all. This month they are featuring movies with synth scores, ensemble films, and Paul Schrader films (Mishima is great).

They also release movies you won't see anywhere else. I loved EO, Afire, No Bears, About Dry Grasses, and Ahed's Knee.

I have been able to see many Kiarostami films, and in the Bergman collection there must be twenty films.

You will be surprised how many great films they have if you search, too.

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by Dominic k

John - My Gf and I watched Messiah Of Evil last year and loved 70s and weird. If you can find the Visitor, you should check that one out, too.

Dom, I kept looking at the prices in the supermarket scene. Bananas were 11 cents a pound.

The opening scene is just nuts.

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