Pet Pictures
It seems like there's a lot of conflict and unhappiness in the world these days. It gets me down. One of the few things
that's a good pupper
wooooooooow nice

I love the markings on the black pooch! He looks like he was stealthily inspecting a flour sack.
Gonzirra - those three portraits in sequence give me the impression they've seen some $h!t
My dog was well trained to expect a toy of some sort every single time I came home with grocery bags in hand. The joy of watching her happily sticking her head into every bag until she found the hidden toy, man, that's something I didn't really realize how much I missed until just now.
I hated buying stuffed toys at grocery store prices for them to only last like 2 minutes, so I always had a stock of thrift store stuffed animals in my car so I could add one to a random grocery bag when necessary.
Gonzirra - those three portraits in sequence give me the impression they've seen some $h!t
Middle one just a pup I've had for not even two weeks, but other two are about 12 and have been with me a little over 10 years.
The black lab has been everywhere with me, he's swam in the Atlantic and the Pacific, eaten fresh Salmon out of the Chena river in Alaska. He's old now and living at a more relaxed pace (like his owners) but if a dog could make a bucket list we've checked every box. He's never been skydiving I guess but he doesn't take well to being harnessed so we can skip that. The little guy is more content to hang out in the living room and watch TV.
The pup is already the brightest dog I've ever had, no issues climbing out of a 36" pen, getting gates out of the way, understands how doorknobs work and forget latch handles. I haven't even started class with him and he's got several commands down. He will be a nightmare to supervise while a puppy but tons of upside once I can get him properly trained.
Envious that those toys have some longevity with your pup. My two would have shredded most of those. I threatened to start a company manufacturing dog toys made of Kevlar.
the fox in the bottom left corner is made by kong
they are as good as i've found for durability
most others gifts from ma pa sis inlaws and friends
My dog was well trained to expect a toy of some sort every single time I came home with grocery bags in hand. The joy of watching her happily sticking her head into every bag until she found the hidden toy, man, that's something I didn't really realize how much I missed until just now.
I hated buying stuffed toys at grocery store prices for them to only last like 2 minutes, so I always had a stock of thrift store stuffed animals in my car so I could add one to a random grocery bag when necessary
that's amazing.
Middle one just a pup I've had for not even two weeks, but other two are about 12 and have been with me a little over 10 years.
The black lab has been everywhere with me, he's swam in the Atlantic and the Pacific, eaten fresh Salmon out of the Chena river in Alaska. He's old now and living at a more relaxed pace (like his owners) but if a dog could make a bucket list we've checked every box. He's never been skydiving I guess but he doesn't take well to being harnessed so we can skip that. The li
awesome stuff. you can tell from the eyes that pup is different
been a long day

So cute....
Not my dog, but pretty much:

And RED... I'm happy for you and the pup.
So cute....
Not my dog, but pretty much:
And RED... I'm happy for you and the pup.
LOL! That's how I picture this guy I was telling RED about. If he can get his teeth into the stitching (and he usually can), he will deconstruct it. Shown here discovering that squirrels don't disappear behind trees but can actually climb them.

everything just became perfectly clear
and he's a she
but not a terror the size of an english grey
squirreling away another opportunity for brick roots
It's a brick tree, city dweller! Those are just the blooms that have dropped.
Saves a lot of money if you're just mortaring around. I'm considering planting a cinder block tree, but things get kind of crazy in a big wind.
Did that little girl ever tell you what her name was? Must have missed it.
it's Niko, and currently she's spending her allowance on other things besides squares.
Great name and correct priorities. First things first.
Last year, when we lost Margie and Rocko within a few months of each other, we decided we didn't want to have any more dogs. Of course when anyone asked, and they did, "Are you going to get a new puppy?" our response was, "Not right now." We always qualified it that way because we knew life happens and everything changes everything.
My wife's good friend of over 35 years has been battling colon cancer for 15 years. She'd have surgery and get treatment, get a diagnosis of "no evidence of cancer" and then it would come back in a few years. This time it came back with a vengeance. It had spread throughout her body and there was no treatment that will save her. She had arranged for a friend to take her dog when it was time. A few weeks ago she sent my wife a note, "Other friend is backing out, can you take the dog?" Of course the answer was yes.
Last Monday we were in Colorado - my wife at a conference and I was visiting family - when my wife got a message. It was time. We changed our flight home to go to Los Angeles. Rented a car and went to the friend's house. She can't get out of bed anymore and her time left is counted in days and not weeks. But she was happy to see us and happy that her dog was going to be taken care of. We then got in the car and drove back to Arizona
This is Maggie

Never had a small dog before. It's ... different. But she's a sweetheart.