Talk About Movies: Part 4
Somehow threads merged, so here's part 4 of our ongoing movie discussion.
Saw Furiosa again, this time in IMax. Liked it more on the second go, even though I still have some of the same reservations. Chapter 2 would be better served by being shorter. Hemsworth's verbal diarrhea becomes tiresome, while in sharp contrast ATJ doesn't say anything at times when it feels she should. ATJ said she had to argue with George Miller to allow her to emote more. He wanted Furiosa to be even more stoic, but I think he's wrong and she's right.
who are these idiots who believe white men can't watch and enjoy a movie that doesn't include white men? So stupid.
Brie Larson?
Brie Larson complains about the lack of POC and women reviewing The Marvels has resulted in bad reviews because white males dominate the movie review industry and review movies they shouldn't review, I guess. I read reviews on Ebert and The NY Times, both written by women, who thought it a mess.
Jesus Christ on a bicycle.
Thelma and Louise is the perfect type of this awful kind of movie. No strong men anywhere to be found. The women lose all control over themselves and their end is celebrating suicide and eternal damnation.
I've never actually seen that film, but my understanding is that it was pretty successful.
Forest Gump was successful too. So were most bullshit 90s movies made for boomers.
People who commit suicide don't hold hands and smile as they drive off a cliff into the eternal sunset. They are in dark, dark places, and instantly end all hope of ever having peace again.
it's a movie, Chucklefu*k. Not real life.
Once again, Children: movies are NOT supposed to be realistic 100% of the time. They are often metaphorical or surreal or just plain fantastical.
you know, just like your hopes of getting laid.
it's a movie, Chucklefu*k. Not real life.
Once again, Children: movies are NOT supposed to be realistic 100% of the time. They are often metaphorical or surreal or just plain fantastical.
you know, just like your hopes of getting laid.
Temper. Temper.
I was just about to say the same thing but in a kinder and gentler way.
At least look at the final shot in the film. Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid?
The protagonists in films, especially Westerns, don't always survive. Or do they?
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The bench from Forest Gump. Actually, the real one is in a museum or in a studio (disputed), but this is where the scene was shot.

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Took a rewatch of The Place Beyond The Pines (2012) by Cianfrance. It's hard to describe the plot in a single and simple line without conflating a part of the story, so I'd probably identify the themes and call it a film about fatherhood and legacy with suspenseful elements.
The third act is easily the worst. Partly because the pace and the ending don't quite live up to the first two acts for me, and partly because of the silly over-acting by AJ Jr. But it is still an enjoyable watch and a recommend. You could easily sit and watch a 150-minute story on just Gosling's character. Overall 7.5/10.
Never bothered with The Light Between Oceans, but I'd like to see more new stuff from Cianfrance. Wrote Sound of Metal which was great, but hasn't directed since 2016.
You guys are right it's getting a little too political, but these days even a lot of what should be simple popcorn movies aren't immune from politicization. Fair enough though
Margin Call
The Big Short
I'm going to presume these would be well known with the 2+2 crowd but I liked them a lot. Centered around the 2008 housing crisis but very good casts and thoughtful movies. And where I figured out for sure that I had underappreciated how good Steve Carell actually was.
both movies were fantastic but I felt margin call was close to perfect and have watched it many times.
anyone seen sasquatch sunset?
Run Lola Run is turning 25 and will be back in theaters for a week beginning this Friday...
Took a rewatch of The Place Beyond The Pines (2012) by Cianfrance. It's hard to describe the plot in a single and simple line without conflating a part of the story, so I'd probably identify the themes and call it a film about fatherhood and legacy with suspenseful elements.
The third act is easily the worst. Partly because the pace and the ending don't quite live up to the first two acts for me, and partly because of the silly over-acting by AJ Jr. But it is still an enjoyable watch and a rec
One of my favorite first 1/3 of a movie ever!
New Takeshi Miike horror movie on Netflix...Lumberjack the Monster. Lol
The First Omen, Arkasha Stevenson, 2024
Gf wanted to watch this and I had no interest, but she's the boss, so...
Holy crap. This is a damn good movie. Possibly one of the best horror movies of the decade.
This is a prequel to the original Omen movie from the 70s and it's director Stevenson's first feature film after making the 3rd season of Channel Zero - which was incredibly well done and pretty damn scary. The film was shot on 35mm and it really helps make the movie, as it definitely has a 70s vibe with a nice grain to it.
This is a stylish, beautifully horrifying movie, with incredible set design, costuming, and music. Stevenson's frame is precise and artistic; she has a great eye for composition. There is some shocking body-horror shots of birth, pregnancy, and a very nasty demon. Lots of great dark renaissance style frames.
The cast is superb, led by Nell Tiger Free (yes, that's her name lol) as a young woman who travels to Rome and is about to become a nun...her mentor is a bishop played by Bill Nighy, who has known her all her life. She works at an all-girls Catholic orphanage, led by the great Sonia Braga. Ralph Inneson, Charles Dance, and a slew of incredible Italian actors round out the cast.
Nell Tiger is a star in the making. Stevenson makes a point of shooting her straight on, eyes to the camera, and her face holds the frame like a true movie star. Free is perhaps best know for her work on Game Of Thrones, playing the young Princess Myrcella Baratheon. Just a fantastic performance in The First Omen. Both she and her director are first-rate talents and ones to watch...can't wait to see what they do next.
There are some fun callbacks to the original Omen's grisly deaths, and as it takes place in 1971, the story actually incorporates the real social and cultural uprisings going on in Italy then.
The First Omen is at the top of the "Catholic-anti-christ" genre of movies. There's a tacked-on ending that seems superfluous, but it's a small complaint.
Great movie.
Broken YouTube LinkI watched about 25 seconds of The First Omen last night
Lol and?
And then I decided I wanted to (re?)watch the original first.
Gregory Peck brought the moral weight of his previous roles to the real Omen, the 1976 one. Crazy scary, all-time great horror. No way I'd even try to watch a recent rehash.
Godzilla Minus One was incredible. Everything worked for me. The survivor's guilt. The adoptive family within which the members are not bonded by blood, but by choosing each other. The post-apocalyptic feel of Japan's post WW2. And of course, Godzilla's nuclear bomb metaphor itself.
I think I have to get back several years before thinking of another that I loved this much... Perhaps as far as back as Alex Garland's Annihilation...
We are FINALLY getting a 4k uhd restoration for the 70th anniversary of Seven Samurai... the work has already been done and will get a Limited Theatrical Release 7-5-2024
Godzilla Minus One was incredible. Everything worked for me. The survivor's guilt. The adoptive family within which the members are not bonded by blood, but by choosing each other. The post-apocalyptic feel of Japan's post WW2. And of course, Godzilla's nuclear bomb metaphor itself.
I agree! I’d heard from a few that it was their favorite from last year and finally saw it last week or so. It would have no doubt topped my list.
I’d been thinking that as much as Oppenheimer deserved to win best picture last year, it was sort of a weak year in general. As great as a lot of films were, it was a lot of A- and B+ levels of greatness. You could maybe give some a full A but there were no true A+’s.
Godzilla -1 is elite