15k -> 100k Regrind Challenge
I previously made a blog here - https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/174/p...
Some previous results on GGPoker from 2023

TLDR, I tried going pro for a summer, but didn't like it that much and didn't progress that much in poker. I have been on a downswing recently and have seen my bankroll come from heights of 50k, down to 20k, back up to 30k, due to poor financial decisions, risky shots, and spending.
Recently I have partitioned off around 15k for my bankroll. My goal is to grind it up to 100k by the end of the year by playing clubGG and underground/home games (1/3, 2/5) in NYC. I will be tracking every session via an online app and through pokertracker.
Currently the bankroll is -
$15,589 in a designated savings account
$0 in cash (need to carry a lot of cash for live games)
Some goals for the summer -
- 75k hands on clubGG
- 120 hours live
- Start studying live-specific stuff, such as tells or how to play preflop live
- stop smoking weed
gl man
If you are profiting at 200nl you will die fine and make a decent profit. From 200nl and up those are the best players on the site. You will do fine. You just need more volume. I would try to at least work your way to 100k hands a month to beat the variance. Try to add in more hands each month to work your way to that 100k volume and if you can do more then do it. That is only way you can make a profit every month in cash games creating that monthly cash flow to cover expenses and keep your bankroll from moving downward. GL
Good Luck OP
I enjoyed reading your previous blog, glgl
Thanks everyone - I'm doing this more as a challenge of building the roll and staying disciplined. My main priorities are to play more volume (at least 30 hours/wk) and to kind of get my life back on track on a few fronts. So I'm trying to quit weed and stop doing party stuff just in general living a more disciplined life.

Had a tough session last night however, running some pretty crazy nl400 ante games and couldn't win all ins.
Bankroll is ~$15.000, going to try and play some live 1/3 tonight and turn it around

Forgot to update but has been going really well - played some tournaments and got a score, also made a good deal of cash in live games. Online I'm playing 200 and 400nl on ClubGG, as well as some 200nl on GG.

Put some money in stocks to help passively grow the bankroll (fairly risk-adverse strategy since most of my income should be from poker, but down the road will try some riskier investments)

+ 2k in cash
So the bankroll is about $31,500
thus we made profit of ~+$15,015 this month
Some goals (poker related and non-poker related) -
- 5/5/10 and 5/10 games live, 600nl and occassional 1k on ClubGG and 500nl on GG for practice (these regs are getting tougher...)
- i have a bad habit of doing this sometimes but I make dogshit decisions high)
- have reduced my intake since when I posted this, overall this is going well but it is still a priority. I have an addictive/obsessive personality and it is easy for me to go to extremes but recently I have had sucess using more moderation when quitting and over the past 28 days I smoked 13 days, which is an improvement.
for someone grinding >100NL, would u choose to play on ACR or GG?
Depends on how much volume you put in. Although both have great rakeback systems, GG is probably better for high volume players since you can get more tables open and ultimately most of your winrate does come from rakeback. ACR has much lower rake and you can get some good tables there, so it's also a good option
Depends on how much volume you put in. Although both have great rakeback systems, GG is probably better for high volume players since you can get more tables open and ultimately most of your winrate does come from rakeback. ACR has much lower rake and you can get some good tables there, so it's also a good option
is collusion rampant on reg tables while u were still playing there?
I had some runbad putting bankroll at around ~28,000. So I plan on sticking to 200nl and 400nl, and try out some softer 500nl and 600nl games. However, I've been playing online a lot more and forgot how much I enjoy it, going to try and put a good deal more volume in this month, both on Natural8 (GG) as well as ClubGG.
I also started "75 Hard" challenge that I saw online. The idea is you set a bunch of daily goals for 75 days in order to get your life and goals back on track. My current daily goals are
- 45 minute workout
- No alcohol/junk food
- Read 40 pages
- No weed
- At least one poker session of two hours or more
I didn't put poker study here, because I generally enjoy studying and do it in my free time. I recently bought solved ranges for the specific structure of the clubGG games I play and have been looking into tons of spots where I can mega exploit people.
One spot for example is that in ante games (I was looking at 0.2 ante, but you can extrapolate for 0.1), the big blind and small blind 3 bet frequency goes up a ton due to the increased dead money in the pot. Additionally, the importance of blocker bluffs goes up a lot, since you are playing reduced SPRs. For example A7o is a nice bluff 3 bet in the big blind as you block some of their top range as opposed to common hands like 67 or 78s, which don't block anything good, and also has reduced playability. I think by increasing my OOP 3 bet ranges by almost 10% will yield a lot of autoprofit due to overfolding and people's limited willingness to play larger pots.
- Start studying live-specific stuff, such as tells or how to play preflop live
Here's a tell that's extremely reliable. If someone tells you they don't have a strong part of their possible range, reducing their overall range strength, they are really strong. An example would be let's say you're in a big 3bet pot heads up or something and the flop is JJ8. You bet and they raise or something and you're trying to figure out what to do with your KK or whatever. You might ask "Do you have a jack?". If they answer "no" they're going to have 88 near 100% of the time.
The general rule is strong means weak and weak means strong. This is more reliable for bad players then good players though not always accurate. If someone ever sighs then jams all-in, they got the nuts. An awkward laugh usually means the player doesn't have it/is bluffing.
Overall though try not to put too much stock into live tells and just play solid poker. Live tells are going to be most valuable from new and bad players who don't realize how obvious they're acting is.
Good luck!
Month has been ok so far. Been playing low volume (only 4-5 tables), and some live. Probably about 20hrs/week of poker.

It's getting complicated for me to track everything so I will probably just try and get an exact accounting of the bankroll every 1-2 months or so, but right now it's at about 30k. I'm prioritizing online, playing mainly 200nl 6m and 9m games. The full ring games play 200bb deep and have a very large ante, so they are high variance and high reward. I'm aiming to reach a 50k bankroll before trying the 2/5 9 max games as well as bumhunting some 1k.
I am doing a fairly moderate investment strategy to help passively grow the roll -> 10% in risky investments (spent 3k on WSOP action), ~60% in blue chip or indexes, and the rest is liquid for payments, deposits, and live buy ins. I will try and update on this but I feel that adding in some riskier investments makes a lot of sense since even if I lose it I will still be easily bankrolled to play my bread and butter games.
Some fun hands from various stakes -

(I think this one is a fold - T is not a good card to have. I should call my AK before TT)

(I tanked a really long time on this one but it's probably printing if he's bluffing A highs this way)


Unfortunately running ~5k under ev recently. Took some unwise shots at 2/5 and 5/10 games and got dusted.
Around +7k since I started the blog so far, but feeling pretty burnt out. Going to try playing 200nl app games which means I will play less tables (4) and try to just enjoy playing poker without too much stress. I realized I am super emotional when I play, probably because of how competitive I am. I have been trying to meditate and **** and be more in touch with my emotions, not trying to drown them out but when I have a bad session just experiencing the negative emotion as opposed to trying to mask it.
Also have a huge quant finance interview coming up that I need to prepare for. Since starting this blog I've been able to quit weed and devote a lot more time to the things I really want to do, I feel like obsessing over poker has been holding me back a bit not only in life but also in poker so I want to take a more chill approach and be able to live with the variance.
I have been trying to meditate and **** and be more in touch with my emotions, not trying to drown them out but when I have a bad session just experiencing the negative emotion
I'm quite sure meditation is mainly about getting in touch with your sensations, which are physical, to divert yourself from your emotions, which are not physical.
Following, GL GL GL!
I'm quite sure meditation is mainly about getting in touch with your sensations, which are physical, to divert yourself from your emotions, which are not physical.
When I meditate it's kind of about noticing the emotions and thoughts and letting them be. I find when I finish a bad session I have many bad thoughts like lets go play higher stakes, play casino games, have to win your money back. So by meditating I realize they are just thoughts and I don't need to pay attention to them but I guess you are right you are kind of diverting your attention away from these thoughts.
tyty. probably won't update for a while tbh apart from soft skill stuff but I am feeling more and more ambitious about poker and hope that in a couple months I'll be able to improve and move up a lot. Getting ready for some 500 shots and hopefully it goes well and can start to think about 1k.
Thought I would post an update as some interesting things have happened recently and have been spending a lot more time in poker.
First off, I played 2 MTT sessions in the path month and binked a couple nice scores, which was great for the bankroll. After I shotted some 500nl app games and ran very well in them, so things were turning around.

I do feel that my ultimate goal has to be to play high stakes. I'm quite young for the poker world and very ambitious, so I feel anything but reaching high stakes would be a failure. I decided to set the short term goal of beating 1knl on GG as that is a stake/position I have coveted for a while. But the brutal reality is that I need to put in a ton of work just to get to that point, and I'm not where I thought I was skill-wise.
After a bit of thought on the matter I started working with Metal_ouda's/Captain robur's stable. They have a ton of experience on GG so I thought it was a perfect fit and after a few 1on1 coaching sessions and pouring through their video library, I felt I made the right choice. Not only are they very knowledgeable, the community of players has made me more ambitious and more ready to put in the work in studying as I see all the guys around me putting the work in. And the split is very very reasonable, better than I've seen really anywhere.
However, getting back on GG didn't start out great, and I went on a 25 bi downswing pretty quickly. I can't lie that this wasn't mentally tough, but I think I have actually come out of this as a much better poker player both in soft skills and technically. With rakeback I was able to grind out of the hole and show profit in the sample, and will be starting to shottake 500nl on GG soon.

Bankroll wise, we're looking good at around 41k for ~26k of profit since I started the blog. I was extremely lucky considering I normally hold a fair amount of crypto but literally sold it right before the crash bc I was going to transfer it into my investment account while my withdrawal on ACR processed. So I'm getting a crazy discount on crypto. Although maybe I should be like Buffet and stock up on bonds.
And forgot to mention some goals.
Mainly I want to play longer sessions, not more volume necessarily but be able to play 3-4 hour sessions more regularly when I have good tables. So have been doing some work on this and focusing on being a bit more present.
Also want to do an indepth study of 3 bet pots, as I think I am playing too nitty IP and OOP as the PFC, so get a better understanding of how the PFR should bluff and construct his range so I can make better decisions.
So have been doing some work on this and focusing on being a bit more present.
Can you be more specific, how do you work on this?
I struggle with this too. For me it's partly focus but also partly mental game thing (as in; when I'm up a bunch I feel tired quicker, or feel the urge to quit faster)
Can you be more specific, how do you work on this?
I struggle with this too. For me it's partly focus but also partly mental game thing (as in; when I'm up a bunch I feel tired quicker, or feel the urge to quit faster)
Yeah so two things I started doing is following a routine and setting intentions. So I always start my session around 7-7:30 which gets me into mental state for poker and then I set a goal for how long I play. This is because I am the most rational and clear headed before I start playing, whereas when I'm playing I make excuses or rationalizations for leaks. So if I know I worked hard today and am exhausted, I will be ok playing just 1.5 hours. But if I know I have enough energy to play 3 hours, I will set that goal and stick to it. Basically just setting goals you are 90% sure you will succeed as opposed to what I did just setting big long term goals and then getting demotivated when I can't play 4 hours a day every day.