omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166
Schlitz is your daddy and Dabz is your...step...daddy?
You realise these made up lines exist everywhere, right? Not just Europe.
Made up lines existed long before evil Europeans came along.
Those lines exist because tribalism is deeply ingrained in us.
Even you are tribal in nature, you’re just too dumb to notice.
There’s a yuuge gap between:
“We are tribal”
“Countries are real”
“**** everyone else let’s rape and pillage”.
rationalization is real.
Im sure your family are at peace knowing you’d do nothing to protect their interests.
It wouldn’t be proper to show favouritism.
killing the poors is doing wonders. keep grinding the lord's work
Are you arguing with me, or the voices in your head?
You’re a freak and a weird dude.
I've been called a lot worse by a lot better, bro.
A country isn't "real" tho. The people are real and the land is real. The buildings are real and the military and bullets are all real, sure. But a nation exists fully inside the brains of human beings
A wristwatch is real. The love of a family is just a series of chemical reactions inside a biological organ called a brain. High-end sneakers are real.

Sorry, was busy telling African countries their civil wars are silly, because they’re just meaningless lines on a map.
Ok, I’m off to an event to mark the 80th anniversary of D-day.
Can’t wait to tell them kings solution to global peace.
They’re going to feel so silly when they realise the war was so pointless and their ancestors died for nothing.
your not wrong your just an *******

We are so back