The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

So what's new?

I've noticed the Liberals are now ahead in all major polls and Trudeau hasn't even started to campaign yet...i'd be shocked if they lost the election now.

Just shows just how incompetent Conservatives are.

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11 July 2019 at 07:31 PM

4046 Replies


by lozen k

Yeah he should campaign on the great economy and how great everyone is doing

that is not what i said.
i was correcting misinformation....

by franklymydearirais k

Sure, the economy is in great shape. We've got persistently high unemployment. Full time jobs are being replaced by part time jobs. There are hundreds, even thousands of applicants for every new entry level job. We've got some of the highest taxes in the OECD and a regulatory regime run amok, is it any wonder that companies are reluctant to invest here unless they are given billions of dollars in subsides? Meanwhile consumer savings has been nose diving since the 80s, which is another reason why

u cant have both way.
people complain about inflation when the economy was roaring.
obv u raise rates to slow it down.
now people complain because some people will lose job ....

the jobs that are failing is from many many zombies companies going under .
its sad for some employees but its a good thing as a whole.
fwiw lot of jobs are available, its because many people arent interest in them...
teachers, nurse, construction workers, etc...

There are certainly a lot of companies going under. 2023 saw a 40% increase in business bankruptcy filings - the largest jump in 36 years -, and things haven't slowed down any in 2024, with a whopping 800 bankruptcy filings in January 2024 alone. And that doesn't count the countless small businesses which have just closed up shop without even bothering to file for bankruptcy. And it's not just businesses which are feeling the pinch. 2023 also saw a 52% increase mortgage delinquencies. Whose bright idea was it to make a drama teacher prime minister? Even Toronto's iconic 'Bad Boy' furniture store is shutting down. Who can screw things up worse than Trudeau? Nooooooo body! Even the social democratic rag the Toronto Star is experiencing hard times and laying off workers.

Fighting inflation isn't that complicated. Just stop printing money. You can have low inflation and low unemployment. But when the government runs fifty+ billion dollars deficits, and finances it through the banking system (as opposed to borrowing real savings from consumers or other countries) this is going to be inflationary. And with massive minimum wage hikes across the country, as well as the influx of low skilled foreign students competing for all the entry level jobs, the only surprise is that unemployment isn't higher.

by franklymydearirais k

At one point they discovered a hummingbird nest in some trees they cut down, and apparently that meant they had to stop production at a cost of one hundred million dollars.

I thought this was so ridiculous I had to google it and god damnit its likely true.

The older I get and the more clear as crystal ball that capitalists literally have a gigantic ball and chain around their feet dragging useless lefty socialists into the future with them.

by franklymydearirais k

There are certainly a lot of companies going under. 2023 saw a 40% increase in business bankruptcy filings - the largest jump in 36 years -, and things haven't slowed down any in 2024, with a whopping 800 bankruptcy filings in January 2024 alone. And that doesn't count the countless small businesses which have just closed up shop without even bothering to file for bankruptcy. And it's not just businesses which are feeling the pinch. 2023 also saw a 52% increase mortgage delinquencies. Whose brig

So what are you saying .
You are all over the place .
U believe all of this is Trudeau fault ?
u seem a right vision guys and yet u seem to dismiss every faulty person actions and corporations of being bad…
For a business to fail it means it’s actually needs to be good not just wanting to have business ..

by Tien k

I thought this was so ridiculous I had to google it and god damnit its likely true.

The older I get and the more clear as crystal ball that capitalists literally have a gigantic ball and chain around their feet dragging useless lefty socialists into the future with them.

Yup and most are the elitist university crowd likely to be math professors 😀

by Montrealcorp k

So what are you saying .
You are all over the place .
U believe all of this is Trudeau fault ?
u seem a right vision guys and yet u seem to dismiss every faulty person actions and corporations of being bad…
For a business to fail it means it’s actually needs to be good not just wanting to have business ..

Not all but a good chunk of it

by lozen k

Not all but a good chunk of it

Canada is on trend with the rest of the world and the US is the best economy in the world still ….
Again……u cannot lower inflation without some hardship /small recession in the economy !

So what u want lozen ?
High inflation high economic growth or low inflation and low economic growth for couple years ?
You can’t have it both ways !

People want lower prices for houses or w.e but as long people have good job and country has higher gdp how in the hell can inflation or prices go down when everyone got money to bid on goods and houses ?

many here sounds like a big flat slob complaining being fat while eating junk food and doing no exercise at all …
U can’t hav wit both ways …..

Canada doing just fine in general vs the rest of the world and like Harper , trudeau got some bad years because of external factors .
Harper -> gfc
Trudeau ->covid

Could it be better , yes !
But claiming vast amount of problems are only trudeau causes is so nonsense .
just look at the chart I posted earlier .
Under harper gdp per capita went from 54k in 2011 to 42k end of 2015, do I ever read harper was bad for the economy ?
No PM has such power in the economy , especially in a globalize economy we still in .

I almost wish trudeau would low to see how polievre will suck and see what kinda bs conservative will find to explain it .
Probably like baham claiming well it’s the fault of previous PM 10
Years earlier ….

by Montrealcorp k

Canada is on trend with the rest of the world and the US is the best economy in the world still ….
Again……u cannot lower inflation without some hardship /small recession in the economy !

So what u want lozen ?
High inflation high economic growth or low inflation and low economic growth for couple years ?
You can’t have it both ways !

People want lower prices for houses or w.e but as long people have good job and country has higher gdp how in the hell can inflation or prices go down when everyone go

I pity any government that follows Trudeau . I do not know how anyone can fix in 4 years what Justin has done in 8

by lozen k

I pity any government that follows Trudeau . I do not know how anyone can fix in 4 years what Justin has done in 8

see u already give a pass to polievre lol...
ok so name me what canada suffer so much that polievre couldnt fix in 4 years !?
what exactly did trudeau do that u feel those problems couldnt fix.

The #1 thing that Trudeau did to screw over a large portion of the population is open the flood gates for immigrants during a high interest rate environmental.

Which means low rental construction supply due to high rates, and massive run up in rental prices all over the country due to high demand.

Some areas have 20-30% rental increases.

What PP should do but doesn't have the guts to do:

10-20% layoffs all across the board in federal positions.
Immediate tax cuts for businesses and rental / house construction.
Corporate tax cuts.
Whatever worthless lefty cause that Trudeau sent excess money to, cut if off completely. Size the budget down extensively.

Which essentially pivots capital being sent to unproductive waste, and sends the capital back to sectors that create value for the country.

Turn down immigration numbers.

by Montrealcorp k

So what are you saying .
You are all over the place .
U believe all of this is Trudeau fault ?
u seem a right vision guys and yet u seem to dismiss every faulty person actions and corporations of being bad…
For a business to fail it means it’s actually needs to be good not just wanting to have business ..

Trudeau is getting absolutely slaughtered in the polls, everywhere, all across the country.

How do you explain this?

by Tien k

Trudeau is getting absolutely slaughtered in the polls, everywhere, all across the country.

How do you explain this?

they just look whose in power and complain about him...
look in the US, half the population think the US in a recession...


by Tien k

The #1 thing that Trudeau did to screw over a large portion of the population is open the flood gates for immigrants during a high interest rate environmental.

Which means low rental construction supply due to high rates, and massive run up in rental prices all over the country due to high demand.

Some areas have 20-30% rental increases.

What PP should do but doesn't have the guts to do:

10-20% layoffs all across the board in federal positions.
Immediate tax cuts for businesses and rental / house

absolutely +1
been saying it for years now...

The tax cuts is not a good idea tho.
u want government to create even more debts plus inflation ?

but hey we are far away from having unsolvable problems in Canada like it is narrated by lozen.
We got some.

Immigrants are the symptom, not the problem. Or rather, if we had more of a free market economy, high levels of immigration wouldn't be a problem. But because we don't, high levels of immigration are serving as a catalyst for all the underlying issues in our economy. Like low levels of consumer savings, high taxes, massive government debt, huge deficit, persistent unemployment and inflation, excessive regulation etc. Plus the whole shell game of pretending they are students instead of economic migrants is just a sick joke, soaking these poor idiots for 20k to 40k a year for a college diploma that isn't worth the paper its written on. You should see what passes for a college education these days, they deliberately make the programs as light as possible so that the students have more available time to work at Subway.

The other thing is that there is just way too much welfarism in Canada. Now they are introducing another $200 a month for disabled people. Like the ODSP rolls aren't swollen enough already. There is a real moral hazard here, just look at all those people in Vancouver ****ed up on fentanyl standing around on the street. They all collect welfare, their checks all go to drugs. The government subsidizes the drug crisis and the junkie lifestyle. They're even giving out drugs for free because apparently, your next hit is the latest human right to be guaranteed by the state.

Yikes, the dude getting mad about 200 bucks for struggling disable people.

by lozen k

Yup and most are the elitist university crowd likely to be math professors 😀

If you new anything at all about what being in a math dept is like you’d know this isn’t the insult you think it is.

by uke_master k

If you new anything at all about what being in a math dept is like you’d know this isn’t the insult you think it is.

Sadly you may not recognize a joke from an insult 😀

by franklymydearirais k

There are certainly a lot of companies going under. 2023 saw a 40% increase in business bankruptcy filings - the largest jump in 36 years -, and things haven't slowed down any in 2024, with a whopping 800 bankruptcy filings in January 2024 alone. And that doesn't count the countless small businesses which have just closed up shop without even bothering to file for bankruptcy. And it's not just businesses which are feeling the pinch. 2023 also saw a 52% increase mortgage delinquencies. Whose brig

by Tien k

I thought this was so ridiculous I had to google it and god damnit its likely true.

There's something else I do when I see figures that seem very extreme - stop and think for a moment if the most logical explanation is the simple one usually being presented with the figures, or if it's possible there could be a little (or a lot) more to it. More often than not, it's the latter.

Business Bankruptcy filings in the United States increased by 40.4 percent to 20,316 during the 12-month period ending March 31, 2024

The number of bankruptcies will increase by 21% worldwide in 2023

Trudeau looks worse with every passing day, and I won't miss him as PM when his time comes next year. I'm also not here to suggest that he's blessed us with amazing economic policy, or that others couldn't have done better. But knee-jerk blaming him for every problem the country faces is rather silly.

The rule when you hear big RELATIVE changes happened is to look at the baseline, and the historical pattern of that dynamic.

If bankruptcies are kept artificially low by COVID relates ruled or disbursement... Then ofc one year later they jump.

An easy graph of bankruptcies per year since say 2001 would give us a lot more information than one year % change.

Otherwise this looks like the reverse of Biden campaign slogans claiming Biden created a gabazillion jobs when most of them were simply jobs that came back with reopening after lockdowns

by Luciom k

The rule when you hear big RELATIVE changes happened is to look at the baseline, and the historical pattern of that dynamic.

If bankruptcies are kept artificially low by COVID relates ruled or disbursement... Then ofc one year later they jump.

An easy graph of bankruptcies per year since say 2001 would give us a lot more information than one year % change.

Otherwise this looks like the reverse of Biden campaign slogans claiming Biden created a gabazillion jobs when most of them were simply jobs tha

I think many businesses just called it quits with Covid I know of 3-4 businesses that just closed they couldn't hang on any longer . What scares me as it does the banks are all these mortgages coming due in 2024-2026

by lozen k

I think many businesses just called it quits with Covid I know of 3-4 businesses that just closed they couldn't hang on any longer . What scares me as it does the banks are all these mortgages coming due in 2024-2026

it's not unique of Canada, many businesses decided to close with COVID but stayed open to get government money while it lasted then closed when there wasn't any more money to get for free

by Bobo Fett k

Trudeau looks worse with every passing day, and I won't miss him as PM when his time comes next year. I'm also not here to suggest that he's blessed us with amazing economic policy, or that others couldn't have done better. But knee-jerk blaming him for every problem the country faces is rather silly.


by Luciom k

The rule when you hear big RELATIVE changes happened is to look at the baseline, and the historical pattern of that dynamic.

If bankruptcies are kept artificially low by COVID relates ruled or disbursement... Then ofc one year later they jump.

An easy graph of bankruptcies per year since say 2001 would give us a lot more information than one year % change.

Otherwise this looks like the reverse of Biden campaign slogans claiming Biden created a gabazillion jobs when most of them were simply jobs tha

those bankruptcies today are highly attribute to near 0% interest for over a decade (2009) , allowing them to survive much longer then they should have pre covid.
stealing capital, employees and crippling GDP growth while they were not profitable for years.
covid is just the catalyst that "finally" starting to put an end to bad business.
its sad but the cost of those bad business was pretty costly.

Looking at the publicly listed companies in the world’s 20 largest economies, they found that the average number of zombies as a percentage of listed firms on stock markets grew from 1.5 per cent in 1990 to more than seven per cent in 2020 (see chart below). Only the 2008-09 financial crisis briefly interrupted the rise of zombie firms globally. In Canada, about three in 10 listed companies were walking dead in 2019—the most of any country on the list (more on that later).

people like lozen complain about trudeau fore everything yet they dont know themselves what they really want from the economy.....
