The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

So what's new?

I've noticed the Liberals are now ahead in all major polls and Trudeau hasn't even started to campaign yet...i'd be shocked if they lost the election now.

Just shows just how incompetent Conservatives are.

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11 July 2019 at 07:31 PM

4046 Replies


the vast majority of firms (99%) in Canada are private. True, public companies tend to be on the larger size, but they still represent only 10-20% of the economy on metrics like capital stock or total revenue. So while the Zombie situation among public firms is undeniably bad public firms tend to be overrepresented among the Zombie population. One study of the US economy found public companies were twice as likely to be zombies. I can't help but think that part of the problem is how quick Trudeau has been to offer subsidies and bailouts to big corporations. Would the banks really let Air Canada get into so much debt if they weren't confident that if it came down to it the federal government would bail them out again? Just like they were about to do in 2021?

I mean look at our inflation figures. How are working-class Canadians supposed to be able to afford food and rent? The average rent in this country is $2000. Sure, if you exclude food and shelter, like the media does, inflation doesn't sound too bad. Who needs food and shelter right? We can all just live in tent encampments, grow dreadlocks, and hold night time vigils supporting Hamas. And you better believe inflation is going back up again.

55% of Canadians think government spending is too high. 8% think it is too low. Does Trudeau care? Of course not. Why should plebian sentiment matter to a Laurentian elite like him?

by franklymydearirais k

the vast majority of firms (99%) in Canada are private. True, public companies tend to be on the larger size, but they still represent only 10-20% of the economy on metrics like capital stock or total revenue. So while the Zombie situation among public firms is undeniably bad public firms tend to be overrepresented among the Zombie population. One study of the US economy found public companies were twice as likely to be zombies. I can't help but think that part of the problem is how quick Trudea

The sad part he keeps spending and spending and running huge deficits. He has no plan to ever have a balanced budget even though budgets balance themselves

Let’s add in when your mortgage is coming due and your monthly payments are going up by a $1000 a month and you can barely afford food and gas and utilities you can tell the voter how great the GDP is in relation to and they don’t care

Let’s add in homelessness and food bank visits at all time highs

Great job Justin time for you to go to the train station

This is not the first time poilievre has refused to get the security clearance to read unredacted reports. But it is getting weird. It sounds like conservative MPs have been conspiring with foreign governments. Why on earth is he refusing to do what other party leaders have done and read the report and find out what it says so he can act accordingly?

None of the explanations pass the sniff test at this point.

by franklymydearirais k

the vast majority of firms (99%) in Canada are private. True, public companies tend to be on the larger size, but they still represent only 10-20% of the economy on metrics like capital stock or total revenue. So while the Zombie situation among public firms is undeniably bad public firms tend to be overrepresented among the Zombie population. One study of the US economy found public companies were twice as likely to be zombies. I can't help but think that part of the problem is how quick Trudea

Inflation and zombies corporations as not Trudeau fault .
Do not know what planet u live on but what country didn’t experience inflation and shelter/houses price going through the roof in the last 4 years ?

by uke_master k

This is not the first time poilievre has refused to get the security clearance to read unredacted reports. But it is getting weird. It sounds like conservative MPs have been conspiring with foreign governments. Why on earth is he refusing to do what other party leaders have done and read the report and find out what it says so he can act accordingly?

None of the explanations pass the sniff test at this point.

Because if he reads it he can’t talk about it than the issue goes away . Let’s be honest if it was conservatives on the list Justin would have leaked them awhile ago

by lozen k

Because if he reads it he can’t talk about it than the issue goes away . Let’s be honest if it was conservatives on the list Justin would have leaked them awhile ago

he can’t reveal the names - just as liberal MPs can’t - but that doesn’t mean he can’t talk about it. Stop lying. Both May and Singh as party leaders read it and gave their takes. Sounds like it wasn’t in either of their parties. More importantly, he can use the information to do things like improve the terrible nomination procedures in the Conservative Party. Singh explicitly confirmed they were conservative, stop trying to pretend otherwise.

Sticking his head in the sand and not learning the truth is……not good leadership.

by uke_master k

he can’t reveal the names - just as liberal MPs can’t - but that doesn’t mean he can’t talk about it. Stop lying. Both May and Singh as party leaders read it and gave their takes. Sounds like it wasn’t in either of their parties. More importantly, he can use the information to do things like improve the terrible nomination procedures in the Conservative Party. Singh explicitly confirmed they were conservative, stop trying to pretend otherwise.

Sticking his head in the sand and not learning the t

Please provide video.

You don't know how to use google? Buddy this was even in the REDACTED report.

The redacted NSICOP report said foreign actors from India and the People's Republic of China interfered in more than one race for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada.

The public report does not provide any further information about the nature of the alleged interference, or state which Conservative leadership races were allegedly targeted and when.

I completely agree with Singh here:

Singh said Poilievre doesn't want to read a report that contains "serious allegations touching his party."

"To me, that disqualifies him as a leader, and I do not buy his phoney excuses," he said.

by uke_master k

You don't know how to use google? Buddy this was even in the REDACTED report.

I completely agree with Singh here:

Ill let someone else explain it 😀

Broken YouTube Link

Broken YouTube Link

I know you get very excited whenever you see a poilievre ad, but you realize you don't have to post them here - right?

Try to do your own thinking. Please.

by uke_master k

I know you get very excited whenever you see a poilievre ad, but you realize you don't have to post them here - right?

Try to do your own thinking. Please.

I think it’s a great ad 😀 yes I don’t have to but I can

Maybe try it one of these days?

by uke_master k

I know you get very excited whenever you see a poilievre ad, but you realize you don't have to post them here - right?

Try to do your own thinking. Please.

No its ok they belong here as a proper counter to the lies the government is shilling. You don't guard these threads anymore.

It bothers me because crystia freeland is obvious on drugs and so don't have the same feeling of moral responsibility we need in a leader

by jbouton k

It bothers me because crystia freeland is obvious on drugs and so don't have the same feeling of moral responsibility we need in a leader

Another great ad

Ah more poilievre ads, fun, but also a nice sexist overlay where you make up a conspiracy theory about female leaders being on drugs

Oh goodie lozen glosses over the sexist conspiracy theory too, shocked!!

by uke_master k

Ah more poilievre ads, fun, but also a nice sexist overlay where you make up a conspiracy theory about female leaders being on drugs

by uke_master k

Oh goodie lozen glosses over the sexist conspiracy theory too, shocked!!

I never even noticed his comment that she is on drugs .

Sexist conspiracy were. She’s an idiot but I don’t care about her sex The whole parliament could be women as long as their competent

Yes I am fully aware you are not even going to notice when someone unleashes a disgusting conspiracy theory personal attack on…..checks notes…….female politicians.

by uke_master k

Yes I am fully aware you are not even going to notice when someone unleashes a disgusting conspiracy theory personal attack on…..checks notes…….female politicians.

Please tell me were the sexist overlay is ?

Sure. When you are a woman in politics, it is common that you experience a degree of outrageous rhetoric from angry white men on the internet that focus on your appearance or way you act like "climate barbie", "obviously on drugs", allusions they are sleeping with Trudeau (like you do with Joly) etc. This of course is just what you have to expect at this point. It is also one of those things where at any instance the angry white men on the internet yelling at the female politicians with outrageous conspiracies like being on drugs will stand up and say no no no no I'm not saying she is on drugs in a sexist way! But the pattern is clear.

by uke_master k

Sure. When you are a woman in politics, it is common that you experience a degree of outrageous rhetoric from angry white men on the internet that focus on your appearance or way you act like "climate barbie", "obviously on drugs", allusions they are sleeping with Trudeau (like you do with Joly) etc. This of course is just what you have to expect at this point. It is also one of those things where at any instance the angry white men on the internet yelling at the female politicians with outrage

Meloni (and Le Pen) gets the votes and praises of the angry white men though, so maybe it's being leftist that makes you a target , not being a woman? maybe being very leftist is something that provokes profound disgust in people?

Chrystia Freeland has to be the single most unlikeable figure in Canadian politics. Wtf is going on with Calgary's water supply? Did they blow all their money on the saddledome deal and can't afford new pipes any more? Or is this just the inevitable result of electing progressive mayors, they waste all the taxpayer money on woke projects like the Travelling Art sculpture so there is no money left for basic city infrastructure. How does a city founded on a river run out of water?

by Luciom k

Meloni (and Le Pen) gets the votes and praises of the angry white men though, so maybe it's being leftist that makes you a target , not being a woman? maybe being very leftist is something that provokes profound disgust in people?

Funny how you are silent when folks call Trump Orange man or fat pig. As for the Joli accusation Id bet my house on it as I have inside info on this from a high ranking ex politician still in the know

by franklymydearirais k

Chrystia Freeland has to be the single most unlikeable figure in Canadian politics. Wtf is going on with Calgary's water supply? Did they blow all their money on the saddledome deal and can't afford new pipes any more? Or is this just the inevitable result of electing progressive mayors, they waste all the taxpayer money on woke projects like the Travelling Art sculpture so there is no money left for basic city infrastructure. How does a city founded on a river run out of water?

This one always baffles me as I look at Edmonton with their woke mayors Don Iverson and now the Trudeau clone and they have turned Edmonton into a shxthole city and Calgary is heading that way
