Talk About Movies: Part 4

Talk About Movies: Part 4

Somehow threads merged, so here's part 4 of our ongoing movie discussion.

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19 October 2018 at 12:58 AM

3219 Replies


by John Cole k

I decided to watch The Straight Story again today. It means even more to me today than it did some twenty years ago. I guess the line in the film, the worst thing about getting older is remembering when you were young, strikes a chord with me that didn't then.

For those of you who haven't seen The Straight Story, it's about a 79 year old man, Alvin, who sets out on a riding mower to see his estranged brother, whom he hasn't seen in ten years. The journey on that riding mower is 200 miles from Iow

Great post.

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Remembering Gene Wilder, 2024

Great, moving documentary on the legendary actor/writer/director. Wilder was always one of my favorites. This is a wonderful remembrance and goes through his career with some great interviews with Mel Brooks, Carol Kane, and many's also narrated by Gene.

Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans, directed by F.W. Murnau, is an interesting film. Great camera work and lighting throughout. I was impressed that for a film made in 1927, it used a soundtrack synched to the film.

The story is a simple one. Married man meets woman from the city, and she persuades him to murder his wife. He changes his mind on a trip from their farm to the city. The man and wife hit the town and reconcile.

Watch the film for its technique, which is remarkable. I know it's a favorite film of many, but , for me anyway, the story is not as compelling as the filmmaking.

You can watch on YouTube and also watch with commentary by John Bailey, which is terrific.

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by rickroll k

recently watched guardians of the galaxy 3

usually don't like superhero films but always found the guardians films nice lighthearted fun

this was the best superhero film i've seen imo and really surprisingly emotional/sad - a huge departure from the earlier format but it works very well

I actually thought it was way too sad and harsh in parts. I don't watch silly comic book movies to see cute little animals enduring horrific experiments and then getting violently killed.

by Dominic k

Remembering Gene Wilder, 2024

Great, moving documentary on the legendary actor/writer/director. Wilder was always one of my favorites. This is a wonderful remembrance and goes through his career with some great interviews with Mel Brooks, Carol Kane, and many's also narrated by Gene.

How is it narrated by the dead subject?

I had to watch A Man and A Woman after finding out Anouk Aimee died. She was startling beautiful. The music is lovely. And the ending is so satisfying ...oh more than satisfying. You will need to find out for yourself.

The film also stars Jean-Louis Trintignant. So I put on my Jean-Louis Trintignant cologne to watch this film again.

The movie strikes something in me in so many ways. The woman sends a cable to the man and says I love you. The man who is driving 600 miles to reach says that he could never do that. They begin to make love, but the woman, haunted by the thought her dead husband, pulls back. She leaves for the train station, and the man says, once pals always pals.

I know all these feelings.

Aren't movies wonderful?

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Just rewatched Sicario. Fantastic movie. Why can't all thrillers be like that?

by chillrob k

How is it narrated by the dead subject?

Lol I had the same question

by biggerboat k

Just rewatched Sicario. Fantastic movie. Why can't all thrillers be like that?

It really is. Taylor Sheridan movies are miles ahead of his tv shows. And Emily Blunt should be in every movie.

Emily Blunt should be in my lap

by Dominic k

Emily Blunt should be in my lap

As much as he would hope to deny it, Dom thinks exactly as I do.


emily blunt is elite

by biggerboat k

Just rewatched Sicario. Fantastic movie. Why can't all thrillers be like that?

I love sicario (the bridge set piece was so awesome) love the cast and have watched it many times but I do have one major gripe.

so in the beginning we are introduced to blunt and she's made out to be a total badass who doesn't even get shook when gang member opens up on her with automatic weapon she just calmly drops to the ground and takes him out.

doesn't even flinch at her close call with death.

then we're told that she is not only a member of the elite FBI HRT but she leads the team (you have to be a seriously elite agent to lead a hostage rescue team).

but then once she links up with brolin and his tier 1 operators (CIA special activities division delta etc) she turns into a whimpering baby who's terrified of everything and just seems like some fresh out of the academy wet behind the ears rookie who doesn't have any clue how anything works.

it's just the dumbest **** ever and drives me crazy when writers are so lazy and just assume the audience is too stupid to realize how nonsensical their characters are being written.

all that said I still love the movie but everytime we watch it my wife has to yell at me to STFU and enjoy it cuz I always rant about the same thing every time.

there is just basically nothing realistic about the way blunts character acts from the time she meets brolin.

Why do you think Blunt's character needs to act realistic?

cuz it's ridiculous to introduce her as this super badass then turn her into a helpless scaredy cat who's completely useless and needs brolin and del toro to babysit her the whole movie.

but as long as you agree her character is completely unrealistic from the time she meets brolin I'm satisfied.

A super inexperienced badass who just led her team into a trap and got some of them killed.

Once you factor this in, her character makes a lot more sense.

rbk, you're forgetting that she's absolutely stunning

by Phat Mack k

As much as he would hope to deny it, Dom thinks exactly as I do.

I'm sure Dom will let you sit on his lap.

by Elrazor k

A super inexperienced badass who just led her team into a trap and got some of them killed.

Once you factor this in, her character makes a lot more sense.

you don't get to become an FBI HRT team leader if you're inexperienced and they clearly said that was her position.
this is the FBI equivalent of special forces.

this is from the FBI own site and this is just to join the team and she's supposedly the team leader:

FBI agents hoping to earn a spot on the Hostage Rescue Team—federal law enforcement’s lead counterterrorism tactical team—relinquish their names when they report for the grueling selection process held at Quantico, Virginia each year.

so she's the leader of the federal governments lead counterterrorism tactical team but when confronted with a tier 1 operator from another unit she becomes a whimpering crybaby who's totally out of her element and absolutely incapable of holding her own in even the most basic situations.

by rickroll k

rbk, you're forgetting that she's absolutely stunning

oh that is one thing I am most definitely NOT forgetting.
krasinkski is a very lucky man.

To set her character up, whatever transpires in the opening scene she has to be responsible. One way of doing that is giving her a position of responsibility/authority.

I mean, if you need to google the entry requirements for the FBI HRT team to ensure they are being 100% realistic in order that you may enjoy the film, I think you're missing the point of watching films.

In the opening scenes, they just need to set her up as competent but vulnerable. That's her whole character. The opening scene does this very well imo.

If you're going to nitpick about realism, how many female candidates make the grade for the FBI HRT? let alone reach team leader aged ~30.

Duck Soup. What can I say? Woody Allen likes it.

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by Elrazor k

To set her character up, whatever transpires in the opening scene she has to be responsible. One way of doing that is giving her a position of responsibility/authority.

I mean, if you need to google the entry requirements for the FBI HRT team to ensure they are being 100% realistic in order that you may enjoy the film, I think you're missing the point of watching films.

In the opening scenes, they just need to set her up as competent but vulnerable. That's her whole character. The opening scene d

no idea why you're making the assumption that I needed to google the requirements to know them I simply quoted it so other members of the thread who may not know that I happen to be extremely well studied in LEO and special operations don't have to just take my word for it.

probably better if you want to engage in a discussion with someone you don't know at all to not start out with a condescending attitude.

and your ending point is totally irrelevant I would never make that argument "oh there are no women assaulters in devgru this war movie is totally unrealistic".
if any movie wants to establish a certain person in a certain position you'd have to be really insufferable to bring in real world stats to say it's unrealistic.

it's not about how many women are actually leading HRT it's the fact that if you are operating within a reality where that's happening you just need to have her then act realistically for example it would be idiotic if she didn't know how to mirandize someone how to load a handgun or any other very simple action any rookie LEO learns at the academy.

just like in rounders we don't bitch about how many super hot women are running underground poker clubs and deciding how much credit to extend without having to check with any of her superiors we just accept that she's allowed and all we bitch about for being totally ridiculously unrealistic is when mikey doesn't bang her when she shows up at his apt offering casual sex.

but tyvm for explaining to me how movies provide exposition I'm very new to movies and like you say seem to be unfamiliar with how to enjoy watching them. I should probably stick to documentaries. all I ever do in this thread is talk about how bad every movie I watch is.

edit/ps: duck soup is fantastic I was obsessed with the marx brothers as a kid, but come on it's so unrealistic that someone so goofy would become the leader of a country how can you take that movie seriously???

by riverboatking k

cuz it's ridiculous to introduce her as this super badass then turn her into a helpless scaredy cat who's completely useless and needs brolin and del toro to babysit her the whole movie.

but as long as you agree her character is completely unrealistic from the time she meets brolin I'm satisfied.

I didn't have this take. I read it that her apprehension was because she was morally conflicted. She started out believing she was on the right side of things and derived her strength from that conviction. The change came when she wasn't entirely sure who the good guys were anymore, or that she was doing the right thing, which caused her hesitancy.

by biggerboat k

I didn't have this take. I read it that her apprehension was because she was morally conflicted. She started out believing she was on the right side of things and derived her strength from that conviction. The change came when she wasn't entirely sure who the good guys were anymore, or that she was doing the right thing, which caused her hesitancy.

I mean she was all gung ho to take down the ppl responsible for that horrendous scene she just experienced and then just immediately upon meeting del toro she's now completely conflicted about who the bad guys are?

by the time the bridge confrontation is going down there hasn't been anything whatsoever to make her start debating who the bad guys are.

she knew they were going down to snatch a cartel leader she was at the briefing ya for some reason she has her panties in a bunch about del toro being contracted by the CIA (lol sure cuz that's so hard to reconcile for an experienced counterterrorism agent) but the mission up to that point is exactly what she was briefed about but what at the first sign of cartel resistance she's conflicted about who the bad guys are?

lol come on that's ****ing absurd.

I mean putting aside the fact it's pretty laughable to think an FBI agent dealing with the cartels is gonna have those thoughts so immediately she hadn't even experienced anything and on the bridge scene on the way back she's basically having a panic attack.

dunno just felt really far fetched and don't think they would ever have a male character act like that.

also it's one thing to be morally conflicted before and after an operation but for an experienced operator when you're actually deployed on a mission you're not sitting there debating the ethics of your mission to the point where you have a panic attack when you need to draw your weapon you do what you need to do to survive and keep your teammates alive.
if you start moralizing in the middle of a combat situation you're either gonna be dead or discharged from the service immediately after the mission.

but it's not really a hill I need to die on its just my opinion and like I said from the beginning I still love the movie and have watched it a bunch of times and will undoubtedly watch it a bunch more times.

and like the other poster mentioned it's really crazy how much better sheridan is at writing movies than tv shows but he's hilariously bad at writing female characters.
