Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 20 Views 20
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33193 Replies


Alleged rape of 12-year-old Jewish girl sparks antisemitism outcry in France

Is the thread back to posting ragebait?

by metsandfinsfan k

Israel doesn't murder children and women and men

uhhh ..... wut

by metsandfinsfan k

Why do you think the UN chooses to ignore crimes of Iran, Qatar, Saudi, Lebanon, and Syria but investigates any thing israel does

Complete bullshit, but even if true, how exactly would this justify Israel's war crimes? Again, sixth graders usually understand how flimsy this kind of apologia is.

by metsandfinsfan k

A civilian committed a hate crime


its a pattern. there was the 6 year old boy murdered in Chicago and the 3 students in Vermont shot with one paralyzed for life. and its created by the dehumanization of Muslims and Palestinians by the Western media and its leaders.

however, if you want to talk about soldiers doing heinous things, just today we got the report on the close range murder of Hind and her family. and finally the mainstream media has caught up on the fact that Israeli soldiers are torturing men and children in the most disgusting ways imaginable which anyone who has followed Palestinian media has known since November.

Hi friends, remember you can take a break from one another if you feel like you need one. Let’s try to keep things on track and not pick on each other now that the band is back together. Thank you

by Bluegrassplayer k

Alleged rape of 12-year-old Jewish girl sparks antisemitism outcry in France

Is the thread back to posting ragebait?

I apologize for posting something that is upsetting. it wont happen again boss. please dont ban me.

by Crossnerd k

Hi friends, remember you can take a break from one another if you feel like you need one. Let’s try to keep things on track and not pick on each other now that the band is back together. Thank you

I apologize. it will not happen again. I am deeply sorry for feeling any sort of anger at kids being attacked bc their mom wore a Hijab.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Complete bullshit, but even if true, how exactly would this justify Israel's war crimes? Again, sixth graders usually understand how flimsy this kind of apologia is.

It's complete bullshit

70% of un crimes investigated are israel crimes

So if the rest is bullshit you think israel commits 70% of the crimes of the world?

You don't believe that. So stop calling the obvious bias against Israel bullshit

Speaking of patterns:

Antisemitic incidents have increased by 284% in France between 2022 and 2023, according to data from the French interior ministry. In 2023, antisemitic acts constituted 60% of all anti-religious acts, compared to 26% in 2022, French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin told the French Senate earlier this year.

The incident has sparked an intense political debate on what politicians have described as a spiraling antisemitism problem in France linked to Israel’s war in Gaza.

well antisemitism is defined as anything anti-Israeli or anti-Zionist. so I think people are brainwashed by images of mangled and starved children 24 hours a day and unfortunately blame Israel. maybe there should be a campaign to tell them that the images are ragebait and their feelings of angst over such images is actually antisemitism.

The word zionism is a racist term

The term means Israel's right to exist and not believing their right to exist is racist

thats what I have been saying!

yeah they count literally anything (e.g. saying "from the river to the sea") as an antisemitic act, so that kind of stuff is pretty worthless

anyway now do anti-muslim acts (e.g. killing thousands of palestinian civilians)

You're being sarcastic but it's actually true

by metsandfinsfan k

It's complete bullshit

70% of un crimes investigated are israel crimes

So if the rest is bullshit you think israel commits 70% of the crimes of the world?

You don't believe that. So stop calling the obvious bias against Israel bullshit

And this makes it okay for Israel to starve children?

people see images of the worst things they have ever seen in their life. and they read stories of the worst things imaginable. they dont realize that the dead kids and attacks on Muslims are just rage bait meant to get them upset and to hate Israel or Zionism which is ofc antisemitic.

they should blame Hamas.

hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people.

I don't see anything about anti-zionism or anti-Israel in the definition. I also don't recall anything about her being called a Zionist or Israeli in the article although she was called a "dirty Jew"

I don't think that most healthy people are searching for rage 24 hours a day, actually. That sounds like a very unhealthy thing to do.

I never claimed that having feelings of angst over Gaza is antisemitism. I claimed that the (poor) attempt at posting some ragebait and claiming it's a pattern without any real hard facts to support it is ragebait. It is.

If you would like to read some hard stats about growing violence towards a group then the CNN article about the Jewish girl who was gangraped has some.

If you would like to get angry at pics of what is happening in Gaza then feel free, but that's quite different from an apartment complex pool incident in Texas. It's dishonest to try to equate the two.

by Victor k

I apologize. it will not happen again. I am deeply sorry for feeling any sort of anger at kids being attacked bc their mom wore a Hijab.

I feel angry about it too. Ditto about the incident in France. Feel free to post about current events. I’m just trying to look out for you guys.

If you purposefully antagonize each other, I’ll have to ask for timeouts and I don’t like doing that. Don’t just post things to needle each other. Have actual commentary. That’s all I’m asking..

I feel that all my posts on this subject have been actual commentary.

You’re fine, BGP.

yes I apologized. no reason to belabor the point. I am not sure what else to say. I am no longer angry about that I feel that it is just an unfortunate incident that is not at all tied to anything whereas the cnn article is caused by Hamas.

by Crossnerd k

You’re fine, BGP.

I agree. he is correct. I see the error of my ways and I apologize for posting.

by Crossnerd k

I feel angry about it too. Ditto about the incident in France. Feel free to post about current events. I’m just trying to look out for you guys.

I think that most current events would fall under BGP's definition of ragebait. so I will do my best to avoid doing that. I will just defer to his wisdom as he seems to understand things better than the Palestinians on the ground who are just trying to bait us bleeding heart Westerners with their sob stories.

Israel pounds Gaza, killing dozens, as fighting rages

"The entire city of Rafah is an area of Israeli military operations," Ahmed Al-Sofi, the mayor of Rafah, said in a statement carried by Hamas media on Friday.
"The city is living through a humanitarian catastrophe and people are dying inside their tents because of Israeli bombardment."
Sofi said no medical facility was functioning in the city, and that remaining residents and displaced families lacked the minimum daily needs of food and water.
Palestinian and U.N. figures show that fewer than 100,000 people may have remained in the far western side of the city, which had been sheltering more than half of Gaza's 2.3 million people before the Israeli assault began in early May.

I'm sure obliterating these tent campers will end the threat and protect Israel from the evildoers
